
Chapter 29


“You’re twitchy and quiet and kind of avoiding me,” Jude said, and frowned. “I said I was sorry about yesterday.”

“It’s not about yesterday…”

“Then what’d I do?”

“You didn’t do anything,” Anton said earnestly. “It’s—” Tell him. “It’s just—” Tell him.

Jude’s frown twisted a little in a way that Anton couldn’t put his finger on. “Are you having second thoughts about going out with me?”

“What? No!” Sort of. “No, I—I just…”

Jude’s mouth tightened, and Anton just blurted it out.

“You might not want to date me after.”

“After what?”

“After—we need to talk.”

“After…we talk?”

“Yeah,” Anton said miserably, and folded his arms over his chest, hunching his shoulders. He felt vaguely sick. “I need to tell you something, and when I do, you probably won’t want to date me anymore anyway.”