
Lock's Whereabouts

Matthew Lock.

Hmm, interesting name. Almost sounds similar to Rocke. Hopefully, he's not as crazy as Demetrius Rocke, because that man was the devil in my life.

The devil I'm telling you.

And I didn't even kill him. His own son did. That's how bad he was, but let's not talk about him. We have a more important matter to discuss. The MSTO is planning something, and the TSA is the leader.

And this virus was going to be a weapon, a suitable weapon. But who are they even going to infect? The United States or us?

If they infect us, well, that would slow us down by a lot in stopping them, and they'd be able to take over the US. But if they were to infect the country instead, well, they would only have to face us.

Unless it's both.

Then they would really have their hands on things.

All these thoughts continued to race through my head as me and Greg were heading out of the school. "Alright, you know the plan?" Greg asked me.