
Spring Snow Cupid

[Tag: Rebirth] "They took everything away from me, my face, my husband, my baby, my properties, and my name. And when I strike back, they dare not call my name." Follow Kim Aera as she mounts her own empire to get back all the things that once belonged to her with a little spice of time that became the most precious gift she will ever receive, but at the cost of something more precious. With her twin sister sharing the same face as her, how long can she hold up in a disguise? How long will it take for her to be filmed as a villain? How long will it take for her to get back her name? *** Hello, dear reader. I'm glad you finally added this book to your library. Gracias! In this book, there's a story of rebirth in it's early chapters which sets the mood as the major plot, and also getting familiar with the characters. At first, it might be a little slow paced, but the real drama is set to begin starting from chapter 20 till the future ending. I hope the universe make you stay with this book till its ending. Thank you for reading.

_Skye · Urban
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79 Chs

Deities Live Amongst Us

That night was gruesome.

Really gruesome.

For some reason, I was thrown out of the house with nothing. I was only clad in a thin white garment.

But heaven was on my side that night.

There was no rain.

And I wonder to myself,

Why am I a bad egg of the twins? Why am I being shown hate instead of love? I was not a threat to anyone, I didn't let my inheritance get into my head, but why am I being ousted in this manner?

Why was I even born?

I just recovered from a six month coma and I'm being banished? I can't even stay in my husband's house because he thinks I'm Areum.

How can he not notice this change?

He loves me.

He should know the Aera he is with is not me, but Areum.

I picked myself from the ground and I could hear the maids and workers lament soberly.

Maybe they do recognize me.

But who cares?

They are just peasants.

No one sees them.

Not even me.

Just because I have been thrown out of the house doesn't make it my end. I can't live the rest of my life as Areum. I have to get my precious back. I have to get my name back. I have to take my inheritance back.

But first,

I need to find a phone.

A pay phone maybe.

One used to be at the end of the street and going there was not an option. I continued walking on and on until I saw a convenience store. I walked in and the bell jingled.

"Welcome." The attendant greeted in her melodious voice.

'I'm not here to buy the things you sell.'

I steadily walked towards the counter and she was ringing up some rubber gloves and two carbonated water and at the same time throwing them in a plastic bag ready to deliver to the male customer by the counter.


That wasn't my business.

"Is there a pay phone around here?" I had asked her impatiently.

"Yes, at the end of the first lane, but you need some coins." She replied giving me a look of;

Miss, you look broke. Where's your purse?


I nervously looked around trying to find another means and I finally took notice of the customer who she had just wrapped an order for.

"Excuse me–"

"Yes?" He replied immediately as if he had been expecting me to call him.

"C-can I use your phone really quickly? I need to make an urgent phone call."

He casted a sideways look at me for the first time and after reading the desperation on my face, he didn't hesitate before he pulled out his phone.


I flashed him a smile.

A fake smile.

And grabbed his phone.


"I need to unlock it first." He giggled and softly collected his phone to input his password.

It was a little embarrassing.


"Thanks." I said to him again with a small smile.

It was genuine.

At least.

I dialed my uncle first. He loved me too the same way my grandparents loved me. Maybe even more.


…and he picked after the third ring.

"I'm sorry, Aera. Your father has made it clear we shouldn't help you. I'm really sorry my darling. I really wish I could stand in the way for you."

Were the words he said.

My hands slipped off my ear.

But I made sure I was conscious enough not to break the phone.

"Is everything okay?" His soft voice cut through my little world of pain.

I looked at him.

And noticed him for the first time.

A man.

A little like my age.

Kind eyes.


"One more person, please." I begged as my mind trailed off to my friends. They were big shots as well.

They could help.

"Take your time." The man replied and a smile bloomed on his face.




"Na Yeon! It's me, Aera."

"Aera? We just talked on the phone an–" She paused. "Ah- is this Areum? Aera said you would call for help and I'm sorry I can't betray my friend for anything. I can't help you with whatever is going on."




They all said the same thing. Areum had gotten to them first.

I was late.

The world is against me.

I am utterly alone in the world.

I could feel myself faint and the ground was what I was about to crumble into, but a warm arm caught me before I hit the floor hard and I came to my senses for a bit.

Maybe I'm not alone.

"Are you okay?"

Everyone has turned against me, my world has been stolen in one single night. I have been given a new name, a name that doesn't belong to me.


Since I am still alive,

This new name will serve some purpose.


I have to get what's rightfully mine.

But for now, I have to get my shit up.

I have to find a life for myself.

I have to be strong enough to bring all these people down.

To reach them, I will have to live as






The gorgeous sound of her black heels resonated across the room calling everyone's attention to her at once as she made her way through the shallow entrance.

She walked into the funeral hall and bowed her head slightly to the picture frame of Alfie as soon as she got to the flower room. Her outfit was magnificently crafted in an all black material and her face was stoic.

"What are you doing here?" A male voice inquired from behind. "What are you doing here, Jessica?" He continued.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm paying my last respect, Hudson."

"Last respect? You could have done better when she was alive."

"What good would come out from befriending your enemy? She took you from me, remember." Jessica continued seemingly not bothered about where she was.


"Cut!" The director screamed out loud and the props got leveled a bit.

My manager rushed towards me with a cardigan and tucked it around me. While my makeup artist quickly did a little touch up.

"Areum are you okay?" He asked urgently and I gave him a small nod. He then turned to the director and said, "Why? Is something wrong with her acting?"

"No, no. It's not that. Park Jung Ho's agency just called in and he will make a cameo appearance in this scene. Is that not great?!" The director marveled with great zeal.

The crew members made some noise of joy at the director's announcement.


Being an actor is no joke.

"We will wrap up shooting for tonight and set the date again according to Jung Ho's schedule."

Just great.

Driving out of the shooting area, my manager, Hwang, turned a little from the wheel to speak to me.

"Do you want me to go to the hotel?"

"No, not there." I replied, scrolling through Hi-gram. "Let's go to a seafood restaurant. I suddenly want some seafood."


"Fried clams… Seafood." I retorted.

"They serve those at your hotel."



After my seafood got delivered to my room, and I had consumed them, I suddenly felt the need to take a bath.

My personal cleaner was still doing her shift and I couldn't help but smile anytime I saw her. It's been a year since she has been working for me and I make sure I pay her a lot.

I mean fat pay.

She never told me her name.

So I call her 'Aunt'.

"Aunt, you can clock off work now." I said to her with a smile.

She returned my smile and lurched forward to hold my hands. I readily let her hold them and she caressed them a little.

It felt nice.

It was like a mother's touch.

"How was your day today, Mi Cha?"

Mi Cha?


She calls me Mi Cha and it means gorgeous.

"Why do you never call me by my name?" I inquired, twitching my toes.

"That's not your name." She replied, fondling my cheek a little.

My name.

I opened my palm and she had carefully placed two rings in it.

"What is this?"

"A gift."

Without looking or questioning further, I wore both rings on the same finger.

My index finger.

"I want to wash up, Aunt. I might go to bed afterwards. See you tomorrow." I smiled walking away from her immediately.

This fishy smell has to come off me.

I need to wash up.

Before walking away entirely, the news endline caught my attention briefly.

·–Medical doctor commits suicide at Hangang river–·

·–His body…–·

"A person as bright as him could die too?" I murmured to myself.

It was him.

The same man who had helped me that night a year ago.

The one who had let me borrow his phone.

I shook my head as I watched his picture displayed on the screen.

Still full of smiles.


I shook my head.

I was a little sad.

I would never wish him dead.

But, he died in the end.

While the water seeped into my scalp, I couldn't help but let my mind trail off to the news. I could vividly remember how warm and comforting his arms were when he had caught me.

How his eyes gave me a glimmer of hope. How he had asked if I was okay.

But my train of thoughts got interrupted as someone opened the door of the bathroom.

"Aunt, is that you?" I had called, but no one replied.

I turned the shower off and tried to grab a towel real quick, but before I could make a catch, a man had stepped in.

He wore a black hooded jacket and black trousers. His shoes were black and he had a black mask on as well.

I screamed.

But no one came.

And then, he swung his hand towards me and a sharp sensation went down my stomach.

He had stabbed me.


Lots of blood.

And then he did it again.

Bashed my head against the wall.

And then he stabbed me again.



And… my world got filled with
