
What Happened To The Boy Today

Sometimes BTS feels so down about himself. He thinks his luck is like a trash bin. No one takes him seriously. Everyone misinterpreted his words, always! He knows sometimes he sounds stupid but whatever he says he never says it with bad intentions or never thought to hurt someone even if it is in his dream. He wished he had a filter in his mouth.

He remembered that in his junior school, the chemistry teacher was teaching and no one was listening to him well. The teacher cleared his throat but BTS went on "Why are you wasting your energy, sir? No one can solve the mystery of chemistry" and rolled on his famous windshield laughter. Though it was not only him who was laughing the whole class still the teacher made him stand up on one foot for the rest of the day. BTS just wanted to be like his idol ...who always lightened the mood. And yes like him, BTS is also allergic to seriousness.

Still, it was okay, but some days ago he made another blunder. One of their professors is addicted to Western culture, especially obsessed with London. The professor completed his studies there and always talked about that country in the middle of his class. So a few days ago he was talking about how beautiful the sunsets are near the Thames river, how the backyard of the villa of the great poet Shakespeare, there is no real house of Sherlock Holmes in baker street and all but BTS couldn't control himself more. He raised his hand, and asked "sir, I heard bikini is easily available there...is it true?"

"What?" The teacher didn't understand well.

"Bikini sir bikini ...girls are found to wear them on the beach" BTS explained joyfully.

The professor was taken aback by his question and called his parents. BTS still doesn't know why he asked such a question to him.

He sighed. The gallery is almost filled with an audience. The match will start soon. This match is very important for them. If they win this match, in the final they will be relaxed.

BTS went near their team. He already wore his Jersey. He knows their coach doesn't let him play in the first eleven. He is extra. His teammates mostly treat him like a joker, sometimes even calling him a joker. BTS always deals with them with his bread cheek smile. He noticed their coach is angry over Messi.

"No more words...go to the ground" Coach gritted his teeth.

Messi leaves without saying any words and looking back.

The match begins at its scheduled time. The boys of the Shillong High School wore blue coloured Jersey and the boys of Dawki Public school wore yellow coloured Jersey.

The first 10 minutes game was very slow. Both of the teams are playing very cautiously. BTS knows Messi will take over the match at about 20 minutes of the game. He is waiting for the right moment.

Ron caught the ball near the center circle exactly after twenty-two minutes. He Cuts off one and passed the ball to Suman of their school who overlapped on the right side. Suman one touch passed the ball forward to Latai. Latai cut short another one then lobbed the ball to Messi's feet. In front of him is a defender and then the goalkeeper. BTS stood up from the sideline. The goal is guaranteed. But Messi grabbed the ball and took a shot at the goal without making any attempt to cut the defender. Gooooo, BTS almost screamed. But to his surprise, he saw that the ball went over ten feet from the bar. What did Messi do? In such a comfortable situation a two-year-old boy will also score goals. BTS was upset. Then he thought maybe Messi had made a mistake and will score a goal soon. "Look Sir, Messi missed a goal that I can score with my close eyes." BTS said playfully to lighten the situation. But the coach was furious.

"Shut up,! You will close your eyes and score? You can't do anything with open eyes!. Messi will score, watch the game well." He snorted with anger. But where? Thirty minutes passed, forty minutes passed. Where is the goal? Messi is making the same mistakes over and over again. What happened to him today? Can't cut a single one! Constantly giving false passes. Receiving the ball in such a way that the opponent goes out with the ball. Where is the famous race of Messi? What happened to the boy today? Did you forget the basics of football? BTS muttered under breath. The referee blew the half-time whistle.