
Spring's Caprice A Tale of Love and Fame

The journey from being the top idol to a devoted husband over the years.

River_Reynolds · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

The conference room was shrouded in an uneasy silence, primarily due to Carter Blake, who appeared blissfully unaware of his effect. With a casual stride, he approached the window, grabbed a swivel chair, and slumped into it, legs sprawled. The leather groaned and swiveled under his weight, but Carter seemed lost in thought, his gaze wandering lazily over the skyline.

Into this quiet, Ethan Parker, the Vice President of Starlight Dynamics Media and a well-known figure in the industry, led Kevin Strong, Carter's manager, into the room. Dylan Hayes, the head of the talent department, couldn't hide his surprise. "Mr. Parker, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Ethan, always the affable middle-ager known for his hearty laughter, clapped Kevin on the back. "With Mr. Blake and Mr. Strong gracing us with their presence, I had to come. Mr. Strong, meet our talent division's director, Dylan Hayes. Dylan, you're no stranger to Mr. Strong, Carter Blake's manager and a respected veteran in our field."

"It's an honor. Mr. Strong's reputation is unmatched. Who in the media industry hasn't heard of him?"

The room soon filled with the kind of pleasantries that could send anyone drifting off to sleep. Meanwhile, Vivian Hart was already making her way toward Carter Blake, eager to engage, leaving Sophie Reed the sole observer in the spacious room.

Sophie toyed with a sandalwood box in her hands, an item that seemed extravagantly expensive compared to her simple bracelet. Eventually, she tucked it away and settled back into her chair, slipping into her preferred state of daydreaming. While Dylan was puzzled by the Vice President's personal visit, Sophie suspected it had something to do with a secret involving Carter.

It was clear that Starlight Dynamics Media was desperate to sign Carter, especially amidst rumors of his potential departure from his current agency. A successful acquisition would undoubtedly delight Vivian Hart, who had been eyeing Carter, the industry's most coveted gem, for quite some time.

As Sophie's indifferent gaze swept past a visibly flustered Vivian Hart, she suddenly found herself caught in the cool, detached stare of Carter Blake himself. Initially lounging in his chair, his high-neck sweater pulled up to obscure most of his face, only his sharp nose and the flutter of his dark lashes were visible, giving him the appearance of being asleep. But now, his eyes fixed on Sophie, inadvertently turning Vivian Hart's irritation squarely onto her.

Sophie couldn't help but wonder, "What's going on with these people?"

Vivian Hart's frustration was palpable, her smile forced as she turned back to the room. "Mr. Blake, have you had the pleasure of meeting Sophie Reed?"

"Hmm," was Carter Blake's subdued response, his voice slightly muffled by the high collar of his sweater. With a nonchalant gesture, he lowered the fabric, revealing a hint of a smirk. "Our paths have crossed," he drawled, suggesting a history with a single phrase.

Sophie Reed, catching every word, remained stoic, her face giving nothing away.

Vivian, struggling to keep a composed facade, pressed on. "Interestingly, Mr. Hayes just mentioned that Sophie claimed you two were strangers, that your paths had never crossed."

Carter's attention shifted subtly towards Sophie, his tone laced with intrigue. "Is that so? We've never met?"

With a touch of irony, Sophie retorted, "Perhaps you could remind me of our meeting, Mr. Blake?"

The undercurrent of her words wasn't lost on him, prompting a quizzical lift of his eyebrows.

Before the conversation could spiral, Kevin Strong hurriedly interjected, aiming to diffuse the brewing tension. "I must apologize, Miss Reed. Mr. Blake's vast array of acquaintances has left him somewhat... facially challenged. It's possible he mistook you for someone else. Please, take no offense."

"Offense? None at all," Sophie assured, graciously accepting the out while Kevin discreetly mopped his brow, relieved yet cautious.

However, catching Carter's frosty look, Kevin communicated silently, his eyes wide with panic: She's in on your secret, and she's asking for nothing in return! Act like she's a stranger—deny any acquaintance, at all costs!

Carter merely scoffed, turning away, a clear sign to drop the subject, leaving Kevin momentarily relieved yet increasingly wary of Sophie, who had effortlessly resumed her inconspicuous presence in the room.

Resolving to keep a closer eye on those aware of Carter's clandestine dealings, Kevin segued smoothly into the business at hand. He warmly accepted Dylan Hayes's proposal to discuss their upcoming project, maintaining his composure throughout.

Sophie, running on little sleep and roused early by Miranda, fought to keep her eyes open in the dimly lit conference room. The surrounding dialogue faded into a soporific hum, barely registering in her weary mind.

Just as she stifled another yawn, Dylan acknowledged her, breaking the monotony. "In addition to Vivian's starring role, we're looking to cast Sophie in a part that showcases her distinct character."

The room went quiet, all attention now on Dylan.

Kevin, ever the skeptic on behalf of Carter, sought clarification. "What precisely do you mean by 'showcases her distinct character'?"

Vivian's impatience bubbled over before Dylan could respond. With a cold tone, she interjected, "Since signing with Starlight Dynamics Media, Sophie has been my body double—a fact she seems to have omitted."

"Body double?" Kevin's face clouded over, his displeasure evident.

Dylan's gaze swept across Vivian with irritation, his thoughts a tangled web. He had speculated about a potential connection between Sophie and Carter, but it appeared both were oblivious to Sophie's true role. Was he mistaken in his assumptions?

The room lapsed into a tense silence, each person lost in thought. Sophie, awakening from her lethargy, met their gazes with a neutral expression, stating simply, "Yes, a body double, and I handle extra roles as necessary. Just give me a call."

Internally, she added a caveat, "For one more year."

A year from now, Sophie Reed mused, she would not bother giving anyone a second glance—not even if that someone was Carter Blake, the silver-haired celebrity at the pinnacle of fame. The idea of slipping back into an ordinary, serene existence filled her with a gentle peace.

Thus, she stood up, her demeanor as indifferent as ever, and announced, "Mr. Hayes, it appears Mr. Blake and I do not know each other. Since I have no further business here, I'll be on my way."

Her nonchalant, detached air briefly stunned Kevin and the others.

Dylan Hayes, oscillating between amusement and disbelief, simply replied, "Alright then."

Sophie retrieved a folded baseball cap from her pocket, fitting it over her head as she rose. A lock of her auburn hair elegantly framed her face, softening her departure.

Carter Blake, who had been lost in contemplation by the window at the room's end, finally turned to watch her leave. The lift of his dark eyes under the disarray of his silver hair betrayed a rare hint of emotion on his usually stoic face.

Vivian Hart, still missing the point, voiced her complaint to Dylan, "Mr. Hayes, I was not informed about Sophie Reed's involvement."

Dylan shot her a silencing look. "Must every company decision be approved by you?"

"But Sophie Reed is my designated stunt double," Vivian retorted, clearly displeased. "Regardless, even if she takes on a role, she still has to be my double. I refuse to do those risky stunts myself."

With the room's attention on them, Dylan maintained his composure. "The company will find you another stunt double."

"But I'm accustomed to her. No one else has a silhouette that matches mine on camera. It has to be Sophie Reed!"

Before Dylan could respond, the room was jolted by a loud noise. The armrest of an empty chair had collided with the table edge and recoiled.

Carter, having stood up, casually ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm leaving," he declared, leaving Kevin bewildered.

"What? We're leaving already?" Kevin was taken aback.

"I never confirmed our collaboration. I need to think it over," Carter stated, pulling up his hoodie and half-concealing his face as he made his way out.

"Wait!" Kevin scrambled to follow, hastily exchanging business cards with Dylan and apologizing as he dashed after Carter.

Inside the elevator, Kevin expressed his confusion, "You made the trip here; I assumed you were interested in the script. If you're undecided, why bother coming?"

Carter coolly replied, "Just killing time."

With a sigh, Kevin shifted the conversation. "Having Sophie in the industry is one thing, but her being Vivian Hart's stunt double complicates things."

"What's there to handle?" Carter inquired.

"Given she's privy to your intent to break your contract," Kevin murmured, "I thought it was imperative we ensure her silence, especially with Starlight— You saw Mr. Parker's eagerness to bring you into the fold."

Carter, brushing off Kevin's worries, asked, "And how do you propose we ensure her silence?"

"I'm not sure yet. Offer her a payout, or let her set her terms? We can't afford to wait any longer."

"Let's settle it today then."

"Today? How exactly?"

Kevin thought he detected a soft chuckle from Carter, almost disbelieving his own ears, until Carter spoke once more.

"Let's silence her for good."

Sophie had barely stepped outside the Starlight Dynamics Media building when a black van abruptly blocked her path. She stopped, her face expressionless beneath her cap.

As the car door opened, Kevin greeted her with a predatory grin. "Miss Reed, considering you've omitted certain details about yourself, and future collaboration might pose challenges, it seems we need to have a further discussion..."

Carter, exuding impatience, stretched his legs from the back seat, summarizing bluntly from behind Kevin.

"Get in. Time to silence you."

Sophie found herself at a loss for words.

Sophie Reed was indifferent to headlines like "Silver-Haired Celebrity Mobbed by Fans on the Sidewalk," but she'd draw the line at her own photo being plastered below such a caption. So, without any prompt from the rattled Kevin, she had already made her way into the car.

Once the door closed, Kevin was momentarily at a loss for words. It wasn't until they had passed a traffic light that he found his voice, asking incredulously, "You just hopped in?"

Sophie arched an eyebrow. "Wasn't I invited?"

Kevin, still reeling, clarified, "The invitation was to 'get in and be silenced.'"

"Oh," Sophie responded simply.

"Aren't you afraid of what 'being silenced' implies?" Kevin couldn't hide his astonishment.

Sophie's gaze briefly met his. Compared to someone of Sebastian Shaw's stature, Kevin didn't exactly intimidate.

Feeling scrutinized, Kevin shuddered, "Can I ask what your look implies?"

Carter Blake, reclining in the back seat with his eyes shut, let out a low chuckle, "She means she could easily handle two like you in under a minute."

Kevin didn't know how to process that. The thought of Sophie, so delicate in appearance, being that dangerous seemed far-fetched. Yet, erring on the side of caution was a mantra for Kevin, prompting him to tentatively inquire, "Is that your intention, Miss Reed?"

"No," she replied, her voice steady. "I don't engage in physical confrontations."

"Well, that's a relief. Ladies should indeed be protected," Kevin managed a nervous chuckle. Meanwhile, Carter, the recollection of Sophie's imposing figure in the hotel lounge mirror—a juxtaposition of elegance and threat—played in his mind.

As Sophie turned towards him, her expression was inscrutable, much like their first encounter, yet this time, any trace of aggression was veiled behind a mask of calm.

Offering him the sandalwood box, she began, "This is yours."

Carter raised an eyebrow, making no move to take it.

"It's a twenty-dollar item; it doesn't merit such an extravagant box," Sophie sighed, attempting to hand it back.

Carter cracked a smile. "That 'item' is worth a million."

Sophie recoiled, the reality of the situation dawning on her. A million-dollar debt, though not of her choosing, made the box seem trivial.

Withdrawing her hand, she assured him, "I haven't breathed a word of what I overheard. It's possible the Vice President of Starlight Dynamics Media is aware, but it has nothing to do with me."

Kevin, attempting to lighten the mood, suggested, "Maybe we can delve deeper into this after disembarking—"

His attempt was cut short by Carter's phone vibrating. After a brief exchange, Carter frowned, "Honey?"

Sophie's heart skipped. Honey? Such an intimate nickname surely implied a significant other. Was she now entangled in yet another of Carter Blake's secrets?

The impulse to escape the car and end her involvement surged within her.

Shortly after, Carter directed, "We need to detour to the hospital. 'Honey' began vomiting this afternoon."

Kevin immediately instructed the driver to reroute. Glancing back at Sophie, he hesitated, "And Miss Reed?"

"Prioritize your girlfriend," Sophie awkwardly proposed. "You can leave me anywhere along the way. I won't mention any of this."

The silence that followed made Sophie almost believe her own reassurances.

"Girlfriend?" Kevin echoed, puzzled.

As Carter faced them, a slight thaw in his usually cold demeanor, he corrected, "He's a man."

Sophie's anxiety momentarily eased. Revealing such a detail, Carter likely had no intention of harming her.

"I'll keep silent," she half-joked, suggesting she could withstand any form of coercion without betrayal.

Carter looked at her, confused.

Twenty minutes later, Sophie alighted from the car, alive, to find they had arrived at:

Crescent Bay Animal Clinic.

Passing her, Carter, hood over his head, casually said, "Should torture arise, feel free to confess. 'Honey' and his owner won't blame you."

Speechless, Sophie watched as Carter disappeared into the clinic.