
Ass kicking.


I went inside and dressed in blue, normally I don't even know what to wear, I was thinking I should wear a jumpsuit, but in case, I put on a blue top and black trousers with black sneakers, I took my keys and drove to the bowling house but before getting there, I stopped by the mall and buy some drinks, we will need those.

I walked around the mall taking all I wanted, after laying for them, I walked back to my car but there was something, I noticed I was been followed throughout my transactions, I got to my car to see some hefty men, the thug I saw yesternight withe security I injured also, they smiled when they saw ms and I looked back to see the injured doll.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked looking at the six of them, then a scar freak came forward and laughed, I think he's their leader.

"Look at this bitch, do you know who the fuck I am?" He yelled and I laughed.

"I don't give a fuck about any of you, just let me go or face the consequences, you can ask the fatty fool, he'll tell you," I said winking to the big fool who held his prick.

"And who the hell are you talking to bitch" One of them yelled as he wanted to slap me, I caught his hand and turned it, it sounded like it broke as I gave him a kick to the back of his head.

The rest were surprised by my action, they all attacked with those harmful objects, one of them flung the knife towards me, I dodged it in no time rolling off him as I faced the slim freak who wanted to hit me with an I don bar, I held his hand and turned it backward using that as a skill, I did a big boss and rolled him before kicking his stomach, the fat freak there's punches but I dodged form avoiding the punches to touch me then I saw an opening, his dick was wide open and free, I gave him a hurtful kick as he scores them in pain, I rolled and gave him a finishing kick making him out cold. The remaining five saw what happened and attacked at once, I dodged their attacks at first but later got it including the moment when the leader gave me a double kick at my chest but I was fast to block it, I felt painted on and in my hand, I looked at them and saw the satisfying smile on their face.

"Give up now bitch and give us all you have now" I glared at him and gave him a fuck you sign, he laughed and ordered his men to me, they were still running when an iron hit the slim guy's head, the impact made him fall stopping the others from action, I looked at the guy who helped me and was shocked if it's about been cute, he's just like an angel, I start at him for a while and smiled widely, his manly figure is 20times better than Aiden, and his face, gosh.

"Isn't that lord Filo, what is he doing here?" I could hear murmurs but I didn't care.

"You guys are seamless, it's a girl you all wanna defeat hub?" He said as they laughed apart from some, maybe those who knew him.

" yes, I am dealing with a bitch and you fucking interfere, do you wanna die bitch."The leader said as he told in front of my savior, he looked around and swiftly thunderous kick landed on his face which made him fall, I gasped seeing his massive strength and his voice sounds cold and dangerous.

The rest saw what happened to this post as they decided to get revenge, they all attacked him but the savior just stood his ground, the first came and direct two punches on his face but he dodged it moving his head left and right as he punched the freak on tbs chest, I saw some sneak freak who came to his back when he was fighting the rest, I ran with speed and gave him a kick on the face, he fell trying to get up and I landed him another knocking him out.

Before I turned to see the guy, he had beaten the rest to a pulp, he had a cut on his hand, probably because of the knife those freaks were holding, the boss saw he was at disadvantage, he tried running but was too slow to make a step as I landed a kick on his tummy, he groaned and the guy held his shirt.

"You see her face, anytime you see her just turn or run okay?" He gelled and the guy nodded as he collected another punch, I faced my savior who took his suit, I went to him and smiled.

"Thank you a lot,'' I said and he smiled a bit before turning it to neutral.

" your hand?" I pointed to the cut, he looked at her and smirked.

"It's nothing, bye." He walked away. I was even trying to take him on a ride until he entered a Ferrari. I was shocked but couldn't be intimidated. I went to my car and drove to the bowling house. I saw Aiden who had waited tirelessly.

"Sorry babe, I got cornered by some thugs, thanks to someone who helped me." I pouted as he hugged me, I smiled resting my head on his cheats but this made me remember the guy who saved me, damn he's a dude built and well shaped.

"Sam!!!" He tapped me as I jolted away from my thoughts.

"Sorry b. Let's play." We walked to the bowling ring as we started playing, we picked a ball and he throws, the ball hit all six balls, I smiled and took my ball also, I threw me as it hit all six, we played a couple of times and I handed him a drink which he Drank including me, we had fun and went home afterward.