
Spoiling My Hubby

Died after being betrayed by her so-called best friend and her childhood crush. Xiang Zhi, reborn with determination to revenge her family's demise. Love the person who always supported her and loved her in her darkest of times. 'Just you wait, I am going to pamper you hubby, till death do us apart! ' *** "What..?" "I said let's get married, go on the honeymoon, and have kids in the future!" Xiang Zhi said grinning. "Baaah! Y-you can't say something like this so sudden, Zhi!" Lian Huaiwei bashfully exclaimed. "But I am serious!" He stared at the girl in front of her for moments before saying "Then I am holding you up for your words, Xiang Zhi" "..." ***Cover is not mine, the story is*** Xiang_ Lol

Xiang_ · Urban
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7 Chs

3. Xiangs

In a large dining hall, three people were having breakfast.

"is little Zhi ready yet?" asked mother Xiang Zhihi, taking a sip of her orange juice.

" Young miss Xiang is getting ready. She will be here in a few moments" Said the Butler.

"She will be late again if this keeps up," Said the man in his late forties. He was none other than the head of the Xiang empire, Father Xiang Huai.

Xiang Huai had always been a strict and disciplined person. furthermore, a talented individual. In his life of 49 years, Father Xiang has held determination and hard work in high regard. After all, he built up the Xiang empire from the scratch. For others, it was astonishing to witness the rapid growth. At that time father Xiang faced many challenges, even life-threatening. So, he eventually bent in the manner, that even his aura radiating from him became icy and with authority.

"Honey, it's alright she's young, and not to mention you going and deciding for your child's future on her behalf. It was her birthday and we gave her a surprise that even if she wanted can't forget" said Mother Xiang smiling at her domineering husband.

Of course, when Mr. Xiang faced difficulty and even barely held himself, Mrs. Xiang came into his life.

It was love at first sight for both of them. Quite lucky they were. Mrs. Xiang's father was the Deputy General at that time, so he had a lot of authority in his hand.

When Mrs. Xiang's father got to find out about her lovely daughter was in love with a man who was struggling to even live, he found it ridiculous and told rejected the relationship of their love.

But, later, he got to his daughter's other aspects when she threatened to kill herself if he won't.

In the end, Mrs. Xiang's father accepted but with a condition that Mr. Xiang Huai has to be successful in his life and create a secure home so that he could wed her daughter to a dependable man.

In short, Mr. Xiang got another reason to thrive and now, they were here with their own lovely family with two lovely daughters.

"I know honey, but that boy is a gem. His father is a really good friend of mine. And it's not final, we decided to leave it to the children. I don't get what little Zhi saw in that, what was his name? Wang boy. His father is a complete opportunist. There were even rumors that he is into illegal businesses. " Said father Xiang seriously.

" The boy is indeed a talented individual, Dad. I also heard he cracked the NUC entrance exam at the end of his junior high last year. A kid with a bright future. And about the Wang industries, there are indeed some interesting discussions about them. it's just they lack evidence, but it's a matter of time. They are snobbish and cunning, some minor industries have raised their voices but before they could reach the court, they were pushed down. They are tricky with some backing behind the curtain" Said a lady who silently sipped her coffee with all the grace of a Goddess.

' ha... that's Huo for you. This daughter of mine.. is amazing. she has always been the smart type with fewer words but concise. She is indeed the daughter of his father with that high Iq of hers. And with the beauty of mine of course. She is smart, responsible, dependable like Huai, and a mature beauty like me. Oh my god, my daughters are the prettiest. if only I could say the same thing for my little daughter' mother Xiang sighed and looked at the family photo of the happy little family she loves.

'Zhi is still a child but I think she will grow with time, It is my duty as her mother and as a person who cares for her to guide her in her life. I will do my best to protect the innocence she has while making her prepared for the world she has to face in the future' She smiled and looked at their two alike duos.

" Okay, now that's enough both of you. I know it's about business and it is important and all but, this is home stop talking about it. Most importantly little Zhi will be eating with us after so long. I don't want the both of you to ruin the mood with your business talk. And honey, you will apologize to Zhi Zhi, and Huo.. you will start the talk. That's final I don't want to hear anything else" authoritatively said mother Xiang.

'It has only been 2 days, mom..' said Huo in her mind. She couldn't say it out loud, after all, it was her mom in command in the house.

'still, it is kinda incomplete to eat without Zhi. Surprisingly, she is going to eat with us only after two days. I remember one time it stretched to three whole weeks. Maybe because there is a difference of six years that she is a little... amateur?. I hope my little sister grows quickly. it's not healthy for her to stay little for her whole life.' thought a worried elder sister.

The servants who were present in the room were smiling, they were all used to it by now.

Not long after, the gate open and came a pretty teenager in her school uniform.

When the people noticed the figure they gasped at the sight.