
Chapter 15: Mr. Petit...

"Mr. Petit, what's wrong?"

Gwenda ran to Olivier's room and looked around, but there was no one there.

Only the lights in the bathroom were on.

"Mr. Petit?"


There was no response.

Worried that he may have fallen due to his injury causing him potential mobility problems, Gwenda entered the bathroom without thinking. "Mr. Petit..."

Inside, Olivier had not expected her to open the door. He was naked, and his hair was still dripping. Her sudden appearance surprised him.

When Gwenda saw this, she froze for a couple of seconds before releasing a shriek and turning away.

Covering her eyes, Gwenda felt her entire being burn with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you fell. I didn't know you were still drying up... I'm sorry."

Seeing her panic through the misty air of the bathroom, Olivier relaxed. Smiling, he assured her in a soft voice. "Don't panic. I just accidentally knocked something over."

"I'm not panicking. I just..."