
Split Personality Disorder | Taehyung ff

This story is about a prisoner Kim Taehyung suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder and Min YN a doctor who came across him during her duty..

YumiKim_Fics · Book&Literature
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I was still sitting on the ground totally shocked of all the events happened just now. I looked at my wrist which was now red due to his tight hold it was paining a lot but i could care less because right now i am so shocked, confused, terrified.....my feelings are mixed.

Why did he behave like that first friendly and shy then aggressive, rude and scary. Is he a bipolar ? Or is he mental ? Suddenly i remembered something and gasped as realisation hit me Wait don't tell me he have some kind of mental disorder I read about it somewhere and Irene also told me something related to this but aish why can't I remember the name... without wasting any second i quickly stood up sat on the chair took my laptop and searched more for it.

Author - 'I gave a detailed explanation about Multiple personality disorder here, if you are interested you can read as it will help you to understand the storyline more accurately'.

I searched for the symptoms related to this disorder as instructed by my friend Irene earlier assuming the reason of this guy's bipolar behaviour might be the same disorder, one of her patient was suffering from and she talked about that with me.

YN - Multiple Personality Disorder !?

I gasped in shocked reading all the articles related to this.

A disorder characterised by the presence of two or more distinct personality states who are said to be the alters. Dissociative identity disorder, previously called multiple personality or split personality disorder, is usually a reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories. Each may have a unique name, personal history and characteristics.

Although not everyone experiences DID (Disassociate Identity Disorder) the same way, for some the "alters" or different identities have their own age, sex, or race. Each has their own postures, gestures, and distinct way of talking. Sometimes the alters are imaginary people; sometimes they are animals. As each personality reveals itself and controls the individuals' behavior and thoughts, it's called "switching." Switching can take seconds to minutes to days. Some seek treatment with hypnosis where the person's different "alters" or identities may be very responsive to the therapist's requests.

Some DID alters communicate with each, other keep to themselves. Alters also communicate with the host. They generally communicate with each other internally by sharing thoughts with each other (they are all part of same brain). There is no cure for DID. Most people will manage the disorder for the rest of their lives. People can do any required treatment they want but it can't be cured permanently.

As i read the articles about it I was shocked I am not sure if he is really suffering from this or not but his behaviour said the otherwise but stil I can't judge too quickly guess I need to find out more about him, I am pretty sure my this stupid curiosity will surely kill me one day.


What If he is really facing problems !?

Should I help him but wait isn't he a criminal why would I help him then but i am doctor as well it's my duty to treat and help my patients what a lame dialogue to help a criminal YN grow up But still i wonder what crime he would have done ?

I thought for a while then suddenly i remember something, the officer Yes the officer who came with him i can ask him about that....i quickly took the telephone and dialed the no. that staff give me in case i need something he received the call And i ask the whereabouts of the Officer who came here a while ago, he told me that he's Off.Minhyuk and he is free now i asked him to send Off.Minhyuk to my office.

*Time skip*

*After 15 mins*

*Author POV*

Off.Minhyuk knocked on the door and entered the cabin after hearing a 'come in' as a reply. YN greeted him with her infamous polite smile, Minhyuk greeted her back and she gestured him to sit on the chair. Little did Minhyuk know why he was called here.

YN - Hello Officer I am Dr. Min YN.

She said forwarding her hand for a handshake.

Minhyuk - You might already know me but still so hey I am Off. Lee Minhyuk a junior officer here.

She nodded.

YN - I wanna ask you something, i think you might have already guessed why i called you here ?

Minhyuk - Yeah it is about Taehyung right ?

YN - Taehyung ? He's name is taehyung ?

She asked astonished with the new information. He nodded.

YN - But h-he said he's nam-

Minhyuk cut her off.

Minhyuk - He might have told you a different name right ?

YN - Yes, at first he said he is Berry when he gain his consciousness then suddenly he became aggressive and said he is not Berry but Vante.

Minhyuk widened his eyes.

Minhyuk - Are you okay did he hurt you ?

YN - Yeah i am alright but can you please tell me why is he here i mean what kind of crime he has committed ? Besides is he suffering from some mental disorder or something like that ?

Minhyuk looked at her shocked.

Minhyuk - You already know about him ?

YN - Yes Officer Afterall i am a doctor if you don't forget now tell me because I can clearly see you know enough about him.

Minhyuk - Uh I didn't mean like that doctor it's just Aish forget it. But before i tell you anything YOU tell me why do you want to know about him ?

Minhyuk said emphasizing the word YOU in between and why not he saw how much Taehyung suffered in this prison or more like living hell getting beaten everyday during interrogation not getting food or even a single drop of water for more than 2-3 days ,sleepless nights and horrible nightmares because of his traumatizing past. He know about him and his alters. Berry told him everything except for his past as he is not allowed to open up about his past to anyone. Because it's only Taehyung's choice if he wants others to know about his past or not and he never came out in front Minhyuk. It was hard for him to make the rest other trust in him

YN - Look Officer as a doctor it's my duty to help my patients. I genuinely want to help him. And honestly my gut feelings is saying Taehyung is innocent even though I just met him today and don't know much about him but still because I think a person who is already traumatized it's kinda weird that he would commit a crime yeah it myabe possible i am not jumping into conclusions but just stating my thoughts.....i mean he is already suffering in his life then how would he do something which create more trouble for him either someone has provoked him to do something like that or he is being framed in false accu-

Minhyuk - Yeah your gut feeling is absolutely right he is being framed in false accusations he is innocent.

She widened her eyes while Minhyuk continued,

Minhyuk - I don't know anything related to his past but i do know that why he is here i listened Off.Leo and Off.Mark talking about his case they were saying Taehyung has been framed by his uncle for killing his parents, sister and secretary but in reality he didn't killed anyone. Off.Leo and Off.Mark work for his uncle and they were aware of disorder that is why while interrogation they always provoke him so that his aggressive personality that is Vante will come out and in anger he will definitely try to kill someone they will record this and used it prove against the court that he is a killer and a psychopath even though that little proof don't prove that he killed his family but still it would be more hard to prove his innocence, till now they tried to provoke him many times but he never killed someone because before he do me and the other officers always stop him from losing his control.

He explained her everything in detail.

She was speechless she never knew that behind his beautiful smile he was suffering this much at first she felt extreme anger when Vante talked with her like that, that is one of the reason she not at all wanted to help him. But Berry's sweet smile and their sudden change behaviour made her more curious about them and now she thinks that his anger is justified he was suffering this much so it was normal for him to act like that to think that everyone around him is his enemy. She kinda felt bad for judging him so quickly.

YN - I will make sure to get him out of this hell.

She said determined.