
Split Apart

*Currently being edited/rewritten and published on Wattpad* Welcome to a world broken apart by humans with abilities, making them something more. In this world, meta humans are pushed out from most of society and viewed as villains. Serenity never expected this for herself. She never wanted to be left on her own in a world that hated people like her. All she has is herself, her wolf companion, and a string of clues leading her to the man behind the brutal murder of her family. But what will she do when faced with not only the man who killed them, but a organization based on the chaos he creates? Kelsie is the adopted daughter of one of the worst men in the world. She was trained from birth to be a ruthless killer that never thinks twice about what she is ordered to do. When one of the jobs she helps her father with leaves a girl parentless, she never expected it would come to haunt her. Should she keep being the perfect weapon or change her world?

AngelXDemon · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

22: Kelsie

I laugh as Serenity pulls me up. After several tries, she manages to take me down without me holding back at all or using my powers. Now it's time for me to turn it up a notch and see how she can hold up against my powers.

We take our stances one more time. I pull a small amount of light into my hand to form a sort of brass knuckles. Once I solidify it they really do look like brass. Biding my time, I let Serenity make the first move. I duck under her arm and aim my hand at her leg. My fist connects and she flinches away from me.

Quickly letting the light scatter I make my move. A few quick jabs in pressure points and she is down on one knee, her right arm hanging limp at her side. Serenity pulls herself back up. I move to the side, avoiding her attack, and motion to one of the metas standing off to the side and she throws me a rope. Using some light to make it stronger I whip it around her ankles and throw the end I'm holding over one of the beams.

Grabbing the end I hoist her up in the air. She hangs upside down in the air and her face starts to turn red. I leave Serenity there for a moment and then slowly lower her down. Once her feet touch the ground, I throw the rope back to the side and our fight resumes.

Serenity tries using her powers but every time any of her shadows get near me they disintegrate and she lets out a small hiss of pain.

Once a few more dissolve, I notice a new line of marks up her right arm. Paying attention to them I keep up the fight. Another shadow comes my way and as soon as I disintegrate it, one more mark appears.

Quickly I let her defeat me so that the fight ends. This is something that needs to be handled back at the Underground. Serenity is strong and even though she has a weakness that can be easily exploited she is still valuable to us.

"What do you say we head back to my place?" I ask as we grab some water.

"Why not. I don't have anything better to do for now."

We walk out of the gym and get in my car. Making my way downtown I see confusion start to cross Serenity's face.

"I'm sorry Serenity," I whisper. Raising my arm I press my hand against the carotid artery on the left side of her throat.

A faint whisper of "why" crosses Serenity's lips before she passes out. Making a quick u-turn, I pay no attention to the traffic laws and just focus on getting to base.

That trick only works for so long and I want her to be in the brightest room we have before she wakes up. Pulling into the garage, I call for the agents in there to help me carry her. We rush Serenity down to the small prison area we have and set her on the bed. Flicking the lightswitch, the room fills up with light from all angles. I usher everyone out and lock the door before making my way to the observation room.

"Umm, ma'am. If I may, who is she?" One of the men who helped carry me asks nervously.

"That is the daughter of Takeshi. The traitor from five years ago." A tear forms at the corner of my eye but I wipe it away before anyone can see it.

"Well in that case, I'm glad we finally caught her." He turns away and walks out, leaving me all alone.

Practically running to Dr. Emerson's office I slam the door open before closing it just as fast.

"I need your help with a prisoner," I blurt out.

They turn and look at me. "What do you want me to do?"

"Keep her under. I want full sedation until the time is right. Under no circumstances should she wake up."

"Yes, ma'am." They grab everything they need for an IV and their medical bag before leaving the office. I leave a second later but head to my room.

Changing out of my gym clothes, I pick up my phone and open a contact. "Will he forgive me?" I ask myself. I eventually press a button and it starts to ring. 'Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up.'

Sitting on top of the hood of my Tesla I see a lone figure walking towards me in the dark garage. I let a beam of light shine on them and he raises his hand to shield his eye.

A face I haven't seen looks back at me.

"And here I thought you were just trying to humiliate me," he says.

"Did you get what I needed from her pockets?"

"Of course I did," he scoffs. "Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Considering what happened the last time we saw each other, it's just a guess." All the words coming from his mouth are laced with poison. "I mean, you did say you never wanted to see me again but here we are." He motions to the empty garage. "You really are as pathetic as I thought."

A dagger forms in my hand without even giving it a shot. Only problem is it is NOT my normal dagger. It's the one Dagger uses. One that has only been seen on a single photograph taken from hundreds of yards away.

"It all makes sense. You've been too busy playing hero to care about me." He jabs his finger straight into my chest. "You're nothing more than a pawn who's just starting to see you have a bigger purpose."

"Marin Alexander Hopper. If you don't get that hand away from me you'll walk out of here without it." I press the dagger into his wrist and blood begins to well up.

Marin pulls it away with a gasp. "Just tell me what you want with these keys," he pulls them out of his pocket, "and I'll be out of your hair."

"Get in the car."


"You heard me. Get in the car," I order him.

"Why would I? For all I know you could be taking me to the middle of nowhere to kill me," Marin spits.

"Get. In. The. Car."

"Fine." He warily slides in and eyes me the entire time.

Once we get to Smith's I ask for the keys to Serenity's car.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Drive the Tesla back to base. I'll meet you there." The words come out rushed and as soon as he hands me the keys I rush off to Serenity's car.

The drive back to base is exactly what I need to clear my head. I end up stopping at a Starbucks just outside of town and grab a Nitro Cold Brew with three shots of espresso added in.. While I'm there, I receive a text from Marin.

'Can we talk?'

'Sure. Meet in the room.' I shoot back.

All he does is send a thumbs up. Not even having the nerve to say something else. At least he didn't try to apologize or say he's leaving forever. I would just hunt him down and kill him on the spot. He doesn't even deserve to be tortured like everyone else I've ever killed.

Once I get my coffee and get back in the car, a sob escapes my mouth. I finally let everything that's happened today catch up to me. Betraying Serenity is the last thing I wanted to do but it had to be done. A Starbucks parking lot is definitely not somewhere I ever thought I would fall apart but here I am.

I carefully open the door to Richard's office, coffee in hand. After my breakdown, I made sure that nothing was out of place. One sign of weakness and I could be branded as a liability or a traitor.

"Well look who finally came to see me." He doesn't look up from his computer screen. "I heard you brought in a new recruit for us."

"Only if she cooperates. Otherwise she'll get buried by the people she calls her parents." Each word I say is carefully thought of. A slip up is not something I can risk at a time like this. Bringing Serenity in might get him off my back and show that I am loyal but it might not. The smallest mistake could lead to twenty four seven surveillance which would mean no more being Dagger.

"If that is what needs to happen, then so be it. Are you going to handle her or shall I?"

"Leave it to me Father." I take a sip of my coffee while considering my next words. "Introducing you as a key player might not be the best idea at the moment. She saw you all those years ago so seeing her now, and with me, might cause her to lose the small amount of trust she has in me."

"If you believe that is the best course of action then that is what he shall do."

I nearly choke on my coffee and place my cup on one of the many bookshelves in his office.

"You actually agree with me?" I ask in shock.

"Why wouldn't I? You are next in line to lead after me. That day could come sooner than you think. Listening to your ideas for the Underground and how to proceed is something very valuable to me." He sounds bored while saying this yet there is a tone of respect. "I expect the Demon Lady to be able to lead as well as I do."

"I-I'm shocked. Thank you Father." I deeply bow, then grab my coffee and exit.

I don't even remember making it to my room. The shock from what Richard told me is still fresh on my mind.

"He thinks what I plan on doing with Serenity is a good idea," I mumble. "He thinks what I plan on doing with Serenity is a good idea."

"So I take it you talked to your father. Glad to see who holds more priority in your life."

"So sorry to tell you this sweetheart, but unfortunately my loyalties are here." I reach over and sarcastically pat his cheek. "I could've come for you whenever I wanted. Everywhere you've been has been traced and stored. Nice to know you can only stay with the Underground."

"How would you know that?" He hisses.

"It's called a tracker. You've had it on you since you first showed your face in the Underground. I thought about taking it out, but based on the way you've acted lately that is clearly not an option."

Marin turns away from me and plops down in one of the chairs. "I knew I shouldn't have followed you. The minute we met I had a bad feeling about you. At first, I thought it was just nothing but then it continued for a few days. Maybe I should have just left you alone. That is obviously the only way you understand who is really there for you."

"Do you want me to lock you up beside my sister? Because I can do that VERY easily." To prove my point I use a few light ropes to tie him up.

Marin just lets out a laugh. "Oh look. You didn't get what you want so you just threaten me. How sweet," he mocks.

Tightening my fist, the ropes squeeze Marin even harder. "One more peep out of you and you won't see the rest of the day.

"Peep." The little shit has the guts to smile. One of my ropes wraps around his throat and within a few seconds he is passed out.

Using the ropes to pull him out of the chair, I quickly tie him to the table in the small kitchen area. Satisfied with my handiwork, I take a quick shower and go to sleep for the night.

A few days after bringing Serenity in, I give the order to Dr. Emerson to wake her up. Marin stands beside me in the observation room. He finally learned his lesson and earned a few new scars in the process.

We're still on shaky ground, but something is better than nothing. Dr. Emerson looks up at us and nods. Just then I notice a small movement from Serenity. They quickly leave the cell, locking the door behind them.

"She'll wake up, but it will take awhile," they inform me as they enter the room.

"As long as nothing happens to her, I will wait as long as necessary."

"As you wish."

Staring down at my sister, I look every part the Demon Heir I am meant to be. Now, it is just a matter of time before Serenity joins me.