
Chapter 1 : De Las Islas Filipinas

In an island called Filipinas found in what was once known as the pacific ocean, lies a small village made up of a group of humans that managed to survive the calamity and was able to easily fend off the creatures trying to attack them due to the remoteness of the place.

The village is actually just a mixture of survivors from different places that just grouped together to continue surviving. Most of the people on the island only have advanced spiritual apprentice in cultivation, except for Brent a milatsry who has beginner masters cultivation.

A young man named Juan became part of this group after the boat he was riding capsized near the island. Juan was a part of a well known merchant family that sells just about anything, Juan inherited the merchantile skills of the family.

"Juan, do you have any Five-Leaved Chaste Tree leaves for sale?" Asked Nanami, a Japanese flight attendant.

"Sorry Nanami I'm all out, I'll look for more later, why don't you just come back tomorrow." Said Juan to Nanami.

Juan usualy only stays for five hours a day to sell his wares, he closes at five in the afternoon. After selling his wares, Juan goes to the back of the island, that place is undisturbed by human civilization which made plants and animals to flourish.

Juan went home to his little house, a hut-like structure made of stones and dried leaves. He prepared for his dinner, and rested for a bit. After an hour he got ready to go to the mountains.

Juan went to the back of the village and began to travel towards the back of the island. The surrounding was so peaceful during the trek, he saw a few mouse deers and lots of birds. He was able to pick up a few rare herbs like Roselles, leaves from Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, and Noni.

He wanted to get some Holy Basil which were pretty rare so he had to continue searching. About ten miles away from the village, Juan encounters Santelmos or what others might confuse with will-o-wisps. Good thing is that those creatures are very docile and would not actively try to hurt others. He skirted around the area of santelmos, diverting from his predetermined course.

He continued his journey, climbed two mountains and finally arrive to the area wherein holy basils grew. He had to wait for a while as it was not yet midnight where the holy basils would bloom.

Midnight came and Juan started picking the herbs, he was confused though as some leaves have reddish coloration which is not usually seen in holy basil. He just continued to pick the leaves in a hurry to return home and have some rest.

He placed all the leaves in his small sack, dividing the leaves according to their color. After sorting everything he was ready to go home. He used the trail he always uses to return home, making haste as he fears that something bad might appear.

Nothing bad happened in his journey the way home, the santelmos where gone, and no other creatures showed up.