

The next two months, Lars immersed herself in work. She had several gallery openings to prepare for and prep for the beginning of tax season. She prided herself on thoroughness. She had several repeat clients that insisted first class treatment. That coupled with getting the canvases ready for back-to-back shows, she was too busy to let a failed love intervene.

"Jeremy, the installation should hang from this side. Move the arms up a little."

"How about this?"

"Yes, perfect. Now Felix anchor that point. It has to fold into the other."

She had two days to finish the installation before the opening. After her father's funeral, things picked up quickly. She never had to gallery openings within weeks of the other. It was unexpected but she welcomed the fast pace. It gave her time to not think too much. Every night saw her working to perfect each piece before she collapsed into oblivion. Sometimes she found herself curled up on the floor. Too tired to make the five-minute climb to her home.

"Okay, let's turn everything on." This installation she called "Love's light". She took traditional and non-traditional romance objects and highlighted certain aspects of them. The light installation caused shadows of hearts and flowers to bounce off objects. The goal was to create a scene of romance for its viewers.

Too bad she couldn't participate fully. The gallery had advertised the opening as the most romantic location for the upcoming Valentine's day celebration. There would be the typical opening fare in addition to champagne and VIP seating. Something different and unexpected.

"Okay it works. Just a few tweaks on that wall over there and we're finished." Lars turned around to the sound of clapping. One foot on the ladder as she finished making the adjustments.

"Oh Ben. What are you doing here?" Her eyes took in his mahogany skin, glistening bald head and lean body as he strode towards her with appreciation. Once upon a time, he would have been her ideal. Actually, two years ago he was. They had ended things between them but were still friends. She just couldn't see herself with anyone but Damien. Well, you're going to have to, she told herself forcefully. He left without saying a word to you.

Lars forced herself to focus on Ben. Hard to do considering the thoughts of Damien flitting through he mind.

"Hey, lady." Ben reached out and plucked her up, spinning her around. "I love your new installation. Congratulations!"

She squealed at little at the sudden spin. He was always a ray of sunshine. Very few times had she seen him despondent. Which was part of the reason why their relationship didn't work. He never got worked up about anything. Sometimes a girl needs a man to fight for her. Just sometimes.

"Thanks sweetie." She gave a quick peck on the cheek. "When did you get back in town? I left you several messages."

"Yeah, sorry about that," he said glancing around. " I've been trying to close a deal. You know how hectic that is."

She knew better than to press him. That was the most she would get about his work. She grabbed his hand.

"Come, let me show you around," pulling him into the other rooms. "Technically you're not supposed to be in here, but I'll make the exception. Just make sure you show up. If you buy something that would be great too."

They spent the next thirty minutes exploring and catching up. Their friendship cemented on the mutual love of art and respect.

"Let me take you to lunch to celebrate the opening," he said, extending his hand towards the installation.

"No, I have to get back to work. Plus, I have a few more phone calls to make for the installation across town."

He looked at his watch. Obviously mentally checking his availability.

"Well, that leaves me free until 3 pm and starving. Any place in the area you can recommend to a desperate man eating alone." He made sad faces at her. She could only laugh.

"Alright fine. I have been meaning to try out this new place on Fifth Street."

"Cool let me pull the car around while you grab your things. Meet me out front."

Time went by quickly as it normally does whenever they were together.

"Lars, I am sorry I wasn't there for you at your father's funeral. I know it had to be hard."

"Yeah, it still catches me unawares. Sometimes, it doesn't even seem like he's gone."

"I understand. When my Mom passed, I found myself trying to call her. Those times were the hardest."

Lars looked away. The day was beautiful. A cloudless cerulean sky with a slight breeze flavored by salt from the ocean. Sharp contrast to the sadness weighing on her. She hid it well but times like these brought her back to her youth.

Noticing her mood souring, Ben switched things up quickly.

"Hey, I just remembered. One of my clients gave me tickets to the new show opening up downtown. Would you like to go? Dutch of course."

For the next hour, their conversation stayed light. Lars didn't realize just how much she needed that distraction. There was no chance of she and Ben walking down that relationship path anymore. Because of that, she was free to just be. Free to not think how much her life had changed. Free not to think about how her love…

The rest of her day she spent organizing the preliminary requirements of second show. Logistical mess that somehow took longer to unwind than any of her installations. She truly didn't mind. She was blessed beyond measure as her dad always said. Without him pushing her to follow her passion, she would still be in her dead-end job. Looking back now, she could not understand why she became an accountant in the first place. The constant mindless task that never changed. Her artistic nature always quaffed at the edges. She knew that part of it was the required need for steady income. But it definitely did not fit her true nature. That's probably why she always had some project going. Something to balance the dreariness of numbers.

Errands and calls were finished by 7 pm. Home never felt less inviting. No one home but herself. The quiet made her want to get an animal. But considering she never knew when she would be home nor for how long she would be away made it seem like cruelty to get one. Since her father's passing, she had taken to talking to him. Luckily, he did not answer. She had just put the microwaved dinner in when her phone rang.

"Yep, what's up Monty?"

"Hey sis! I need a favor. I have a business meeting in your area coming up. I can stay at a hotel but I figured you may want company. Do you mind?"

Lars sighed. Because she lived in the city, more often that not, she hosted many out of town family and friends. Most times she didn't mind. She loved playing hostess. Yet it felt like it was too soon. She looked around the open floorplan. Her foyer opened up into a spacious living room decorated in muted orange, red and brown. She loved rustic look of the mid-West. Her L'shaped couch had multiple throws and cushions. Many a night, she chose the couch instead of her bed. When her art career picked up, she had purchased the sprawling rancher with a mother-in-law suite on a whim. The four bedrooms allowed her to focus on multiple projects. She converted the mother-in-law suite outdoors into her fulltime studio. Sometimes the large space felt empty. Those were the times she welcomed overnight guests. Even her daughter normally came with multiple people in tow. Knowing that there was sufficient space to accommodate a large party.

"Lars?" The questioning voice brought her back.

"Oh of course. I probably won't be much company. When are you coming?"

She could hear the sigh of relief from her brother. She wondered why.

"…and how long are you staying? You said this was for work, right?

"Yeah, it's for work. Do I need a reason to want to see my big sis, he asked mischievously

"I don't know. Maybe I need to call and check with your wife. Is everything okay there?

"Yep everything is good. We're holding it together." Lars could hear people talking in the background. "Look, I gotta go. I wanted to make sure it was okay with you before I finalized my plans. It's for one week at the end of the month. I'll be attending a conference." She could hear him answering someone in the back.

"Okay sis. Thanks. I'll call you later with information. I gotta go." He hung up before she could respond. Typical Lamont. She looked at the phone in hand. Part of her wanting to call him back to tell him no.

That night as she laid in bed, her thoughts turned back to Damien. She couldn't help it. She also knew that once again she would dream of him.

"Larsy…I understand why you lied to me. Life's too short. There are so many things I wanted to tell…"


"Larsy, love is love…

"Daddy! What do you mean?"

"Love doesn't change. Remember I love you… Life's too short…Love!

Lars awoke with tears on her face. After a good cry, she felt a sense of peace. Her Dad came. He always told her that she had a gift. Now he proved it. Although she still felt the ache of not being able to talk to him. She knew now that he wasn't far away.

Her phone read 3:35 am. Still plenty of time before her alarm. She still set it to avoid lazing around all day. Three hours before life started up again. This time as she lay her head on her pillow, she said a short prayer of thanks. Maybe now she can move on.

Exactly three weeks saw her brother pulling up to her door.

"Hey sis!" as he picked her up and twirled her around. His lanky frame barely holding her aloft. He received the height of 6'0 from their father. His hazel eyes twinkled with mischief as they took her in.

"So what guy do I have to kill this time?"

The same greeting every time. An obviously delusional thought if he believed she would dare tell him anything. Especially since no one warmed up to Damien all those years ago. Seemingly the idea of her dating anyone caused her entire family to lose their minds.

"How long are you staying again," she said closing the door behind him. She turned around just in time to see him shake his head.

"Don't give me that. You don't know how not to be messy. I would never introduce you to anyone I'm remotely interest in. You're famous for starting mess."

"Who me? My job is to protect you "little sis"."

"Not little sis to you. I may be shorter than you but I was still born first."

The night went by smoothly. She had cooked anticipating his not wanting to go out. This was not the first time he came to stay. But this was the first time since their father passed.

"How are the kids and Mack?"

"They are good," Lamont nodded and seemed to drift away. "Have you seen Dad yet?"

"Seen him," asked Lars. "Do we have another Dad I don't know about?"

"Ha ha. I mean has he come to visit you yet? He did for me and the girls."

Lars felt a chill down her spine. Did the dream count as a visit?

"I dreamt of him, if that's what you mean."

Lamont smiled softly.

"It helped me miss him less. At least for now."

Silence settled between them as they both sunk into their thoughts.

"Well, said Lars, let me get you settled in. I put you in the front room. Help yourself to whatever you need in the morning. I plan on sleeping late."

"Thanks sis. Goodnight"

"Night Monty."

The next week saw Lars in and out of her studio. Partly preparation for the shows and because she wanted to lose herself in mindless tasks. Trying everything not to think of Damien. She felt in her heart that things between them would work out. That connection wasn't lost. It seemed as strong as ever. Yet he left without saying a word. She had to remind herself he did not belong to her.

For now.

Three o'clock again. Like clockwork. Lars glanced over again. She was wide awake. No use trying to fall back to sleep. Getting up before dawn was becoming a habit. Luckily she kept her own hours. But this was becoming a habit. As she slipped her feet into her sandals, the smell hit her. The smell of purple orchids hit her senses. Lars shook her head. The smell was unmistakable. The same smell of orchids her father had outside his home.

"Dad?" she wondered out loud. Part of her hoping for some sort of manifestation. The smell strengthened. She realized what had awoken her. A dream. Her dad was talking to her.

"Dad, I know you are here. I miss you so much."

Just as suddenly as it came, the smell vanished. Lars almost felt it was her imagination. She stood up and walked to the bathroom. There on the sink was a purple orchid. Lars stumbled backward away from the door. That flower was not there earlier. Grabbing a baseball bat next to her bed, she hurried to turn on every light in the house. There had to be an intruder. Any other possibility would be too surreal. But no one jumped out. She went back into the bathroom. The orchid was still on the sink where she saw it initially. Maybe she brought in the house earlier. Dazed, she picked it up and went to her room. All thoughts of staying up gone. She welcomed the sleep that came. The oblivion that prevented her from stray thoughts of being visited by her father.


"Can I ask you something?"


"Have you ever been visited by someone who died?"


"You know. Visited by a ghost or something…I don't know how else to explain it."

"You mean, haunted. Seriously?"

Lars knew she sounded crazy. She would if the shoe were on the other foot. Honestly, she would push to get them committed. But for the last few weeks, she kept finding little trinkets that reminded her of her dad. Maybe it was part of the healing process. She had never experienced it before. The death of a pet never affected her like this.

"Yes. Haunted. Chains rattling. White sheet wearing. Ghosts." She chuckled to make the question see less crazy. Too late really. Ben was looking at her with concern.

"It's just a question Ben. No need to over-analyze it."

"No can't say that I have. Why do you ask?"

"Hmm. Just curious." Lars quickly changed the subject. "Thanks for inviting me out to lunch. I needed that break. So tell me about what project brought you into town."

Ben allowed her to divert him. He had not seen Lars since after her father passed. Something kept telling him to call her but work intervened. Now he realized that he let his friend down. Her normal bohemian wardrobe now bordered on homeless chic.

"Tell me about you. How did the shows go? Any new ones? What have you been working on?"

"Whoa. So many questions. Both shows went well. I have commissions and sales to cover my expenses for a little."

Ben watched her. The way she mindlessly balled up the paper napkin. The bags under her eyes that makeup did little to hide. The hair normally flawless now frayed at the edges. Even the way she seemed lost. Always having to be reminded of last portion of their conversation. She had repeated the same story to him three times now. This was not Lars. Only a pale semblance of the original.

He let her ramble for a minute.

"Lars, it's such a beautiful day. Let's take a walk."

"Ah, okay…" The bafflement apparent in her tone.

Ben settled the tab. He knew something was not right. Normally she would press him to go Dutch. This time she didn't even notice it.

He held her hand and directed her down the street. They walked in silence. Each caught up in their own thoughts.

"Let's go in here for a minute."

Lars looked up slowly. The building they entered devoid of any obvious markings. She stopped.

"What is this place?"

"You'll see."

They entered a shadowy narrow foyer. Sleet walls drew the eyes up to a dimmed crystal chandelier casting shadows on the wall. Waist high African statues guarded the entry way in mahoghany. The foyer opened up into a large atrium. Whoever lived there obviously loved African art. More statues and masks dotted the room.

Lars was so busy studying the art work that she did not notice the petite woman headed towards them.

"Ben. Love. So good to see you." Her voice filled the space so completely. Yet she did not shout. Its tones warm and inviting. Ben reached down to peck her cheek. A cool greeting reserved for a teacher or mentor.

The lady grabbed Ben by the shoulders, holding him still. The look she gave him piercing.

"Ah, you've been working. No one yet…Still holding out for the special one I see." Seemingly satisfied with what she saw there, she turned her attention to Lars.

"My apologies dear. Ben be so kind as to introduce your friend.

"Lars. Aunt Doris. Aunt Doris, Lars."

Ben's Aunt swept Lars into an enveloping hug that sought to squeeze every portion of life from her. Normally she wasn't a touchy feely type of person. But the hug felt comfortable. Like a weighted blanket wrapped around her on a cold winters night.

"Come with me dear,"said Aunt Doris as she guided Lars to the back of the home.

"Ben, be so kind as to fix our drink. We'll be in the We'll be in the parlor."

Lars looked back as she was directed into a secluded section at the back. Her breath caught as she took in the decorations. Like the entrance and atrium, this area was decorated in African art. From statuettes to paintings. More intriguing was the use of natural woods and muted greens throughout. Overall effect

"Ms. Doris, you have a beautiful home."

"Call me Aunt Doris, sweetie. Everyone does."

Speckled light filtered in through sheer curtains. The air circulated by the ceiling fan caused the light to flicker. Lars had to blink to clear her head. There was a smell of patchouli and jasmine. That would explain the haze.

"Please have a seat. Now dear, how are you truly?"

Aunt Doris had Lars revealing everything from her father's passing to problems within her family within the hour. After depositing their drinks, Ben left and never returned.

"..so now I'm kind of lost. If that makes any sense."

"Yes dear. We all get lost at times. The key is to stop and reevaluate. I used to always tell my kids, the first thing to do when your lost is stop moving. Get your bearings."

Lars glanced at her drink. She watched the ice melting and the circle of water spreading on her napkin.

"Stop and reevaluate? How?"

"Well, what were your goals before all this? Are they still your goals now? " Aunt Doris caught Lars' hand in hers. Their hands were a contrast of youth and age. Aunt Doris' covered in spots, slim fingers and polished nails. Lars felt the strength in them. That strength that kept her tethered to this side of sanity.

"You were expecting grief to be quick? You expected to not feel anything after his body went in the ground?"

"Pretty much. I didn't know it stopped everything. I didn't know I would be drained. I didn't know…"

She couldn't finish. The tears came finally.

"Cry child. Let it out. You have to grieve."

Aunt Doris handed Lars a tissue. She dried her eyes sniffing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dump stuff on you," she said looking at her phone. "Wow, it's late!"

"No need to worry sweetie." Aunt Doris looked around. Lars got the impression she was uncomfortable. She attempted to get up but the couch pulled her back down.

"Did you want me to get you anything Aunt Doris. You don't look okay?"

Aunt Doris shook her head. Her neck seemed to swivel. The look of discomfort impossible to hide.

Lars waited. The air became uncomfortably cool. Her breath became shallow. The condensation in air. Aunt Doris closed her eyes.

"Larsy. My little Larsy." The voice that came from Aunt Doris stopped Lars. She didn't know what was happening. The voice she heard was not right.

"Aunt Doris?"

"Larsy? It's me."

"Aunt Doris, what's going on?!" Panic edging her voice. Larsy? Only two people called her that. How did she know that name?

As she looked, a dark shadow covered Aunt Doris' face. Her face didn't seem to be hers anymore. Then it grinned. Whatever it was, Lars wasn't about to stay to find out. In her rush to escape, she knocked over the table and chair behind. The sound of breaking dishes drowned any response from whatever thing had Aunt Doris in its clutches. She hightailed it to the door. In her mind, this was some weird freaky shit you saw in the movies. And she was damn sure not going to be the one black person killed.

Wait until I see Ben. I'm gonna rip him a new one, fumed Lars.

It took her several days to wrap her mind about the visit. On one hand Aunt Doris helped her work through some her grief. On the other, there was that pretended visitation. She watched numerous ghost hunter shows to recognize it. But that shit gave her the heebie-jeebies. And Ben still had not returned her calls.

She threw herself into her work. Things fell into a rhythm. Work home meetings. It all became a blur. Until she got a call from her sister-in-law.

"Hey Lars. Long time no see. You hiding out again?"

"Nah, I'm busy as usual. What's up?" She was putting the finishing touches on a commission. Although she hated them, it kept the lights on.

"Ah nothing much. Can't I call to hear my sisters voice every now and then?"

"Now I know something's up. What did my brother do this time? Lars knew that had to be the only reason for the call. When she heard the catch in her voice, she knew she was right.

"Do I have to give you an invitation? Spill it."

"Well…you remember the funeral? I mean of course you do. Dad died…" She was rambling. Never a good thing.

"Mack…if you don't want to tell me what's going on, why did you call", sighed Lars. The daylight was quickly fading. She had plenty of work waiting and she needed the natural light to finish.

"Okay, here goes. Damien gave his contact number to Lamont for you. Your brother is an over-protective asshole and kept it from you." She gasped audibly. "But you didn't hear it from me. In fact, I found it and just sent you a text with that info. Alright, talk to you later. "

Mack hung up before Lars' righteous indignation built up and exploded.

I knew it. That mother…Her fists clenched and unclenched. He had that number even when he came here . Had it, looked into her eyes and said nothing! Wait until…She breathed out in exasperation. Whatever , its not likely anything would happen between them anyway. The idea of calling him now seemed wrong. He already expressed his interest. Do I really want to be with someone that is so easily tempted?

What the hell! Nothing like living in the present. If nothing else, she can put old feelings to rest.


Butterfly kisses rained down the inside of her leg paying particular attention to the back of her knee. She arched her back. In that moment, he whipped off her underwear. He turned his attention to her other leg all the while placing himself in position.This is what she wanted. She needed this… He bit the inside of her leg and disappeared .

The room spun as she startled awake. Outside her window, the moon climbed its way across the sky. It was still dark and her room chilly despite having turned on the central heat. She blew out a breath in exasperation.

"What the hell…?!!" It was cold enough to see her breath.Fully awake now, she stumbled over to her chair to throw on her robe. Her mind made up to having find out why the heat wasn't working. Sleeping in the cold did not impress her.

The hair on her neck and arms prickled as she went into the hallway.. No way that it's this cold. Maybe the thermostat's broken. She knew she turned on the heat…

Out the corner of her eye she saw something move.

"Hello? Is someone here?" Lars said it out loud before catching herself. Knowing that if someone answered her fight or flight would take over.

"I have a gun so you better show yourself." She edged towards the staircase and saw nothing. She chuckled to herself. Imagining things again. A quick check of the house and thermostat adjusted, she headed back to bed. Sleep took a long tine to come. When it did, it came filled with dreams.

A few days later she finally ran into Ben.

"What the holy fuck dude! Why didn't you clue me in! Damn near bust my ass running out of there. " she said, punching him in the arm for emphasis. Sick and tired of trying to get him to return her call, she had stalked him to the coffee shop on the corner near his company.

"Heyyy," Ben quickly glanced around. He pulled her quickly to the side. "Lars , what are you doing here?"

"You wont return my calls so…" gesturing to the coffee shop. She was pissed truth be told. Here was the confirmation that he set her up. "But seriously, why the hell did you leave me there? She gave me the creeps. Some questionable shit happened there."

He had the nerve to look shamed. "Well, I knew you needed to talk to someone. I figured a medium would work."

"A medium!!! You took me to a…" her voice dropped suddenly. " fucking medium?!! What kind of person do you take me for Ben?" The words couldn't seem to come fast enough. "I thought she was a god damn counselor. Oh man I'm going to hell."

"Lars, calm down. I was only trying to help. I mean, did it?"

"No! I mean hell no! How was that supposed to work? Some weird crackpot channeling or supposedly channeling my dad?"

"Wait she channeled somebody?" His voice rose an octave in his excitement. "Aw man that's so freaking cool."

She swatted his hand as it bounced exuberantly on the table.

"Stop it! You don't get to be excited over this."

They continued to talk about the visit. The consensus reached was that she would not go back for another visit. Ben wanted her to go back with him so can see it first hand. Yeah that was not about to happen.

It took her a minute to get up the nerve to call. She stared at the number countless hours without pressing dial. How could she justify calling someone she wanted more than anything? How could she insert herself into someone's marriage?

Those days she felt uneasy and it manifested in her dreams at night. She often woke startled, swearing someone was in the house with her. She even had cameras and a security system just to feel more at ease. But she couldn't get up the nerve to call him.

One night, after a disastrous attempt at a new installation piece, she collapsed in front of the fireplace. Outside snowflakes floated lazily by her giant window. The reflection of the firelight made the snow sparkle. Entrancing. She must have fallen asleep. The fire had died down and the house was starting to become nippy. Too tired to get up and stoke it, she pulled the throw closer to her. Maybe it was the chill that pulled her out of the first sound sleep in ages. Sandman dusted her lids heavily as she drifted back to sleep only to be shaken awaken. Something moved her.

She couldn't believe it. She knew what she felt, a hand on her foot. But she was alone. Nothing prepared her for what she saw in front of her. There standing before her bed was a specter. A large black shadow hovering inches away from her feet. Unable to rationalize what she saw, Lars attempted to move her hand. Realizing she couldn't, the scream that began building inside her finally released. A deep guttural scream that started from the bottom of her diaphragm and worked its way out of her mouth. She stopped mid scream as the specter swooped towards her. It floated briefly above her face. Blackness, abyss deep stared back at her. As it opened what she knew was its mouth, she fainted. The terror too much for her to absorb.

In the morning, events unfolded without much preamble. Her day began sans drama. Nothing remained of her fright the night before. The memory of it a fading dream. As she picked up her cellphone she knew. The dreams were getting worse because of her anxiety. She either called him now or forget about it altogether. Nothing like the present right?

"Hi, Damien?" Lars anticipated his answer so much so that she preempted his answer with her own.

"No, this is his aunt. He left his phone this morning. Can I help you?" She sounded pleasant yet tired.

Flustered, Lars almost hug up the phone.

"Hello? You still there?"

"Yes, uhm, I wanted to apologize to him and thank him as well. This is Lars. An old friend. We kind of grew up together. " She knew she was babbling. She did that when she became nervous. Even the little giggle that went with it. "I wanted to touch base with him but didn't have his contact info until now. He came to my father's funeral?" She couldn't seem to stop herself. So much information. No reason to give it.

"Oh yes. I remember now. This was late last year right?"

"Yes," she felt relieved. No need to make something up. "I've never met you. Do you mind if I ask your name?"

"My apologies. I'm Denia. Here I am answering his phone without introducing myself." There was a brief pause. "Do you want me to get him to call you back? He's working only half day today."

"Yes, can you please? I don't want to be a bother."

Lars hung up after leaving her number. The interaction played repeatedly in her head throughout the day.

By night fall she was a hot mess. Every little sound made her jump. Was it her imagination? The sound of silverware clattering in the kitchen sink brought her back to reality. Racing down stairs a black shadow peaked out from the kitchen door. It froze her in her tracks.Never before had such a blatant aspect of fear hit her senses.She thought back to all those times when she knew something was off.The scream froze in her throat.

She counted to three. There was no way to could explain this. Her mind wavered.should she move forward? fight or flight? She edged slowly forward.expecting to see something. What made her so brave? All she knew was that it was time to face what was really going on in her house. she peeked around the corner and found nothing.but she still felt that overwhelming feeling that shows being watched.it was at that moment her doorbell rang. She gave one last look around before she headed to the door.

"hey girl what's going on?" it was Ben. It seems since their last meeting he paid more attention to her than ever before; probably a guilt. Either way, she's seen more of him in the last two months than at any other time in their relationship. "You look like you've seen a ghost"

"Yeah definitely seen something. " Mumbling as she said pulling him into the house.

"Look something's going on. Things moving around, noise in the middle of the night…I don't know whether to run scared or ask questions out loud or do a séance."

"What the hell are you talking about??!! You're being haunted?!!" When she nodded her head in shame Ben grabbed her and shook her.

" We've been over this. We need to go back or call the medium."

"Only crazy people do that!"

"No! People who are being haunted do that!" Ben threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

"Why can't you not see it? This has everything to do with your dad's funeral. Maybe he's trying to tell you something. Maybe he's trying to tell you what the lottery numbers are, I don't know." . She chuckled. Ben could always make her laugh.

"I want to go," she sighed. "I mean I …I guess I should. But I don't think what's haunting my house is my dad. Ben I saw black shadow. My dad wouldn't wanna scare me."

His look of concern shook her to the core.

"Do you want me to spend the night with you? I can sleep on the couch." He pulled her close into a hug.

"Lars you're shivering. Let me help you."

He led her upstairs to her bedroom. Kissing the top of her lip gently .His hand caressed the base of her spine pulling her closer. The kiss transitioned to a nibble on her bottom lip. The feeling was starting to build between her legs. He made his way down the side of her neck planting kisses. He pulled her shirt aside exposing the top of her breast. Her breath quickened. While kissing her breast he grabbed the other tugging, pinching and squeezing, his warm breath causing her to shiver. Teeth quickly replaced lips. She moaned his name instinctively. Before she knew it her shirt no longer covered her body. it lay forgotten on the floor. His hand traveled lower to her waist. His urgency met her own. Her hand reached under his shirt stroking his back. She loved the smell of him. A combination of sun and ocean breeze. His skin felt smooth and warm like steel on a warm day. His strength obvious against her touch.Breaking contact, he pulled off his shirt in one smooth movement then resumed his exploration. She breathed in his cologne, She wanted to remember everything about this moment. The switch from cold to warm made her shiver. He backed her up to the bed where she fell backwards, her breasts exposed. He stood back and watched her, while he ran his hand over his cock. She couldn't help but notice the strained material covering the area. Then he reached down to pull her pants off with one swoop.Kisses rained down her chest, then stomach. He even took time with that area where her legs met at her hip. No longer aware of her actions, she begged him to taste her. She needed it. He pushed her legs open slightly as he planted a kiss on her mound. .She held her breath in anticipation. She grabbed hold of the sheets with both hands as he kissed around her clit. He was taking his time. His tongue delicately stroked the opening of her lips.Her stomach clenched tighter. .And then he did it again.The tap tapping of his tongue caused her toe to curl. The stroking made her knees bend. The pressure built until she could remain silent no more. Each moan and head toss coincided with the flick of his tongue but that was only a precursor.He grabbed and held onto her ass as he buried his nose and mouth into her mound, refusing to let her go. She tried to climb backwards. The overpowering feeling almost too much to handle. But she could not break free. Each lick, each titillation drove her closer to madness.

The phone ringing on the nightstand woke her. Her day took off from there. With time, details of the dream faded. But the longing remained.

"Lars, you don't look so good. You're not coming down with anything are you?"Her assistant looked towards with concern. Lars was exhausted. On her third cup of coffee, she still felt drained. Her body felt like she had run a marathon but nothing she had done before warranted it.

"Yeah, I'm not doing so well. I think I'll call it quits early today. Can you close up shop for me please?" She didn't wait for confirmation. Her bed a siren call she couldn't ignore.