
Spiritual fish Cultivator

What will you do if you got riencanated in a world you only read in novels?

ZeroPERCENTremains · Eastern
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9 Chs

The fish

CHapter Two

It Feels Like Im On A Jelly Bag .But I Like It Is So Warm. But It Seems Like Im On A AnotheR Persons Womb.


WoW I Got ReBorn. Hahaha

I Hope My Life This Time Will Be Long .

Hope My ParentS Are Kind.

The Sorounding Turns Black.

I Think Its Night. Do I Need To Sleep? Maybe?

Ok Lets Sleep.(thingking)

And Again I ENter To DreamLand Where ThE Big Fish Finally Show Its Face. It Has A Shinny Scales And A Face Like A Dràgon But Its A Fish

Its Jade Green Color AtrAck My Eyes Making Me SpeechLess

I Help You To Be Reborn So You Need To Help Me To Be Reborn In This World, Said The FIsh

I Dont Say A Thing

Oh Maybe You Dont Like My Form I Will Transform To My Human Form JUst Wait.

His Face Form And The Scales Are Gone The Anthlers TuRn Into A Long Hair And The FacE Is Like An Angel With A Jade Green Eyes. And A Body Thats Like A Cola Bottle ?? Wait Shes Naked Ohhh

My God!!!!

I Suddenly Turn Around.And Removes My Shirt

Wear This , i Said

Not Necessary I Can Make My Own Clothes, She Said

Are You Done Cahnging Can I TuRn Around Now,

Ok I Change. She Said

A Beautiful Maiden Was In Front Of Me God Help!!

(In Thought)

Whats Your Name, I Asked

When I Was Alive They Call Me The Divine Dagonfish. The FIrst Divine Animal In This WorLd You Will Be Born With. But I Die After Learning The Space DivIne Rift Technique. And GoT Teleprted To Your Old World. You Can Call Me Anything You Want. SaiD The Fish

So I Will Be Reborned In Your World. To Remember My World Can I Call You My Old Nickname. I Asked

Of Course Its Up To You.

Ok It Official Your Name Will Be Tata

Ok And You How Can I Call You , tata Asked

After I Got Born I Will Tell You Ok

Ok , i Save You So You Need To Revive Me .

Ok Ok , You Already Said It Twice,

But Can You Explain What Is This World And What Is This Surging Energy In My Body.

As Of The World This Is Called Gario

This World Is Made Of Energy We Called Qi

Every Living Organism Has Qi .

When The Time I Was Alive All Organism Live In Peace Until The Man Was Born Even We Animals Has Stonger Qi In Our Body Humans Has Made Many Technique . As A Divine Being I Made A Human Form And Join There Society And Learn Many Technique .and Started To Make My Own TechNeque

But As Time Pass The Humanity Spread And Started Hunting Living Organism With Qi , For There Own Uses Like Pills And Even Like To Control The Soul To Became There Soul Beast For Fighting.

Wow So I Got ReBorn To A Wuxia World Hahaahahah

Ok I Will Help You I One Condition You Need To Help Me Became The STrongest Human In This World.

What I Already Help You To Be Reborn . But Ok

If You Will Be Born You Need To Work Hard And

You Need To Became ATleast Soul ControleR Level.

What I Need To WorkHard So Its Hard To Became A Soul ConTroler Level?

Its Up To You But The Stages Are

MorTal Stage ( Bone Level, Tissue Level, Body Construction Level)

Earth Stage (soul Controler, Soul Emission, Soul Fussion)

Heaven Stage (king Level, Emperor LevEl, Divine Level)

Immortal Stage.

Thats It , you Think You Can Be The Strongest Dream On!!!

But If You RevIve Me Theres A Chance. Be A SoulControler Level And We Can Talk Again.

I Am Back In The Red Sorunding