

A man is killed and sent back in time. Upon reaching the past he discovers he is a spirit like entity and that he isn’t actually inhabiting his body, but watching over his past self.

dwenberg13 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I died.


Stab. Gasp. Choke. Blood.


Walking. Pavement. Headlights. Flying. Tree. Stab.


Screeching. Not concerned. Keep walking. Surprise. Blinding. Flying. Stab.


I stare vacantly at the truck parked on the road in-front of my tree. The door has opened and shut, the clicking of heels tapping until they reach the brush.


Why did she do this? I burn her face into my memory as I start fading away into the void.


I blink, moving my eyes to look at the new person entering the scene, exiting the passenger door of the pickup.


I hate him. This is all his fault. I know he was the one who caused her to fall from her innocence. He who caused her betrayal. They both laugh at the sight before them. She comes up to my hanging body, a foot off the ground and whispers "You deserve worse".

My wrath spikes, my anger giving way to madness, vowing to never forget or forgive this act of treason. My vision finally fades to a silent and empty void and I am pushed into an empty void.

I dont know how much time passed, years maybe centuries of being alone.


Suddenly the void pulses. Colors burst everywhere as my awareness speeds up, all of the void seeming to move fast but as if i was going nowhere and everywhere at once. With a rush I pop into existence, opening my eyes.

Im alive! I think to myself. I am in my bed in my dormitory room at my college. I was one of the lucky few who got a room to myself. I quickly get out of bed, scrambling over to my calendar gasping after I realize what the date is. It was 4 years into the past, the start of my freshman year of college! Maybe I just had a bad dream?


Startled I turn around hearing my phone go off and stop in shock. On my bed is my sleeping body. I quickly establish it was not a dream after my body turns over in bed and shuts off the alarm. He gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to do the mornings rituals. As he brushes his teeth I observe him intensely. Its obvious he cant see me, so I gather as much info as I can. After careful observation, I come to the realization that the me in front of me is the me of the past from freshman year. Testing what I can do, I try to touch him and pass right through his body. Okay, so maybe no possession? I'll have to test that again later. I can pass through objects though, and people I soon learned as I followed him off to class.

No one could see this handsome twin as I walked with him. We made it to his first class no problem and I kept an eye on him as we sat through the lecture. Back when I was alive, i remember enjoying going to class. But I picked up some bad habits. I started playing video games into the night, sleeping through my classes and drinking on the weekends. Over time, all of this resulted in academic probation until I failed out of college my 3rd semester. I dont want that to happen to the living me, but I dont know how I can help him. I cant touch anything and I cant talk to anyone. Plus, no one can see me. What am I supposed to do? I decided to continue following him. Who knows, eventually something should happen right? Otherwise what is the point of my current existence?

We eventually made it to the final class of the day. Global issues. The class that I knew would put both me and the living me to sleep. I always hated this class. I failed it three times in a row after all. The teacher is crazy about monkeys and it got very boring listening to her before. As I was about to step through the doorway with living me, I suddenly felt a supernatural sensation, as if someone was staring at me intently. Shooting my gaze around the bustling hallway I spied a girl with a pretty face and cold expression. Upon seeing me turn towards her, she pretended as if she hadnt seen me and entered the classroom directly opposite living me's class. Curiosity getting the best of me, I abandoned my sentinel of myself and followed her through the threshold, passing through many students on my way to the open door.