
Training and Care


"Use all your power, Sonica! Don't hold back!" shouted Shadow.

"Are you sure it's safe?!" I shouted back while trying to control a huge wave of fire, lighting and wind.

"Yes! Unleash your powers!!" Shadow shouted again.

I grunted and pushed my hands ahead as a bright red and yellow flame was coming from my hands. The flame was made by the combination of fire, lightning and wind. It was getting larger and larger by each second. I felt like I was going to loose control, "I can't do this anymore..!"

"Yes, you can! Just stay calm!" Shadow clenched his fists while watching me.

"I-It's too much!!" I tried to control the flame, but my body was getting weaker and weaker.

"Shadow.. I think she should stop.." Sonic whispered in concern.

"No. Keep going, Sonica!" Shadow said with a stern look om his face.

"I c-can't..." I stopped my powers, the flame disappeared and I fell on my knees while panting. I felt so weak..

"Sonica!" Sonic ran to me and kneeled down beside me, "Are you okay?!"

"She is fine! I told you to keep going, Sonica! Why did you stop?!" Shadow shouted while walking towards us.

I looked down while panting, "It was too much..."

"We have been training since a week and you still haven't been able to control your powers!" Shadow crossed his arms over his chest, "How can you be so useless?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes but I quickly wiped my eyes. "I was trying.."

"You have to try harder!!" Shadow raised his voice.

I looked down.

"She will, faker! You are being too harsh on her!!" Sonic clenched his fists while looking at Shadow, "And how dare you call her useless?!"

"Did you forget the day you called her worthless?!" Shadow shouted back.

The memory suddenly flashed in my mind.

"I never asked her to help me! I never used to run away from the battle field!! And now, Shadow must be thinking that I am a coward who hides behind a worthless girl!!"

That's what he said that day...

I looked down while hugging my knees.

"I didn't know the truth at that time! And I even apologized!" Sonic growled.

Shadow growled back, "No, you didn't! You blamed her for everything!"

"Enough.." I sniffled and and ran out of there.

"Sonica, wait!" Sonic ran after me, "Sonica!!"

I took out the chaos emerald that Shadow had gifted me on my birthday...

"Sonica, wait!!" Sonic was about to reach me but I teleported away from there and teleported to a lake which is in a hidden place of Bygone Island.

"How did I get so weak?! Crying over such a small thing?!" I kicked a stone while wiping my eyes. "But it's Shadow's fault! I was trying my best.." I looked down at my reflection in the lake water.

How could he say that..

I sighed and sat at the edge of the lake.

The water was cold and steady. It somehow made me calm..

"How are you feeling?" asked none other than Key.

I looked down at the water again, "Why would Shadow say such things.."

"He's just worried about you. He wants you to master your powers as soon as possible." Key said while juggling with some pebbles.

I sighed.

"You can rest for now. You've trained alot the past few days." He said. "I will be back as soon as you think of me.."

"Wait.." I turned to look at him but he was already..gone..

I sighed and looked at the water again. Maybe's he's right... A small smile formed on my lips and I dived into the water.

It was freezing cold.


"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT" I shouted while pushing Shadow against a tree.

Shadow growled and gave me a punch on my stomach, "NO! IT'S NOT!"

I curled up into a ball and attacked him. He also did the same. We both crashed and fell on the ground.

"Why would you blame me?!" He shouted angrily.

"Because you are her brother! And when you said such things, it hurt her feelings!" I clenched my fists and looked down, "It hurts more when your loved one...says such things.. but you won't understand.." I looked at him again, "Because you don't love anyone! You never did!"

His face turned emotionless.

I turned away from him, "Because of you, she ran away.."

"I have to find her.." He looked down while taking out his chaos emerald.

"Why are you so selfish?! You should say 'We'." I said while placing my hand on top of the chaos emerald. "We have to find her.."

He nodded.

"But how will we find her?" I asked with concern in my eyes.

"Teleportation." He grabbed my neckerchief, then the chaos emerald glowed green as we teleported to a lake...

He let go of my neckerchief and looked around, "She is here somewhere.."

I looked around as well and spotted a blue little thing at the other side of the lake. "I think that's her!" I pointed at the other side of the lake and started to run on the water.

But suddenly the water started to form a whirlpool and I quickly backed off.

"What's happening.." Shadow asked with slightly wide eyes.

"There's Sonica!!" I shouted while pointing at the center of the whirlpool. Without thinking anything else, I quickly dived into the water.

But wait!! I don't know how to swim!! Oh no no no no!!

I tried to swim back up but the whirlpool pulled me in and I reached Sonica.. She was also unconscious..but then I started to lose my breath and passed out too..


This moron jumped into the water knowing that he can't swim!

I had to jump in after him, swam along the route of the whirlpool and in the end, found Sonica and Sonic. Before I could lose my breath, I quickly grabbed their arms and I swam back up while pulling them out of the water.

Then I quickly lied them down on the grass while panting. After Sonica was out of the water the whirlpool stopped instantly.

"Sonica.. Sonic.. Open your eyes.. Come on.." I shook them a little, still panting.

After a few seconds, Sonic woke up with a gasp, "Am I dead?!"

"No, moron!" I growled at him and gently took Sonica in my arms, "Sonica.. please open your eyes.." I checked her pulse.

Thank god, her heart was still beating but it was at a very slow pace... "We have to do something before it's too late. Her body is cold as ice.." I rubbed her arms a little, "Sonica, please.."

"Maybe she needs CPR-"

Just then Sonica got conscious and threw up some water. Then she coughed while curling up in my arms.

Finally, she was conscious.

"Sonica.." I stroked her quills softly.

She closed her eyes again while coughing, her body was shivering as she curled up in my arms. "..I am s-sorry.."

"Ssh.." I rubbed her back and arms while trying to warm her up, "Sonica.. how did this happen.."

"First let her get well, faker! Are you nuts?!" Sonic quickly stood up, "Use your emerald! Take us home!" He shouted while picking Sonica in his arms.

I nodded and quickly teleported us Sonica's house. Sonic quickly lied her down on the couch and wrapped a towel around her before holding her in his arms.

She whimpered and curled up in his arms, her eyes were still closed.

"It's okay, Sonica.." He rubbed her back and said, "Shadow, bring another towel please.."

I nodded and brought him a towel.

She had clinged to him tightly as she was shivering and whimpering.


She had clinged to me tightly as she was shivering and whipering.

I couldn't help but hold her tightly in my arms. "It's okay, Sonica.." I kept her in my arms while drying her quills with a towel.

She finally opened her eyes and looked up at me. "S-Sonic.." She whimpered and curled up in my arms again.

"What's wrong, Sonica.." I asked while rubbing her back, concern in my eyes.

"I feel weak.." she whimpered while shivering a little.

I rubbed her back and glared at Shadow, "It's okay, Sonica.. First change your wet clothes, please.."

She nodded a little and slowly sat up.

"There there..." I patted her back softly and helped her to get up. But as soon as she placed her feet on the floor, she trembled and fell on her knees.

"Sonica.." I kneeled down beside her and sighed in concern while wrapping my arms around her.

Just then the lighting bolt on her forehead started getting black.

"Sonica.. what's happening.." I gently placed my hand on her forehead and now her fur also started to get blacker, but Shadow quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Sonica, "Stay away!!"

"Why?!" I shouted angrily, still worried about Sonica.

And in a split second, Sonica was all covered in darkness, dark aura and dark energy.

"Sonica!" I tried running to her but Shadow grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Let me go, faker! She needs help!" I shouted while trying to push his hand away from my neckerchief.

"Shut up, moron! And stay quiet!" He pushed me back and walked towards Sonica who was shaking and trembling, surrounded by a dark aura.

"S-Sonic.." She whimpered while curling up tighter.

I clenched my fists, unable to do anything. I wanted to smack myself for being so useless..

Then Shadow took out a chaos emerald and placed it over Sonica's lighting bolt (on her forehead). And all the dark aura got absorbed inside the emerald and Sonica's fur was also back to normal but the chaos emerald turned completely black.

"Sonica.." He held the black emerald on his hand and gently petted her head with his other hand, "Open your eyes, little chaos.."

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him, "Shadow.."

I let out a soft sigh of relief and walked towards her. She looked really fine now.

"I am sorry for being so harsh on you.." he sighed, still petting her head.

She looked down slightly, "It's fine now.." Then she looked at me and smiled, "Sonic.."

"Sonica.." I sat down beside her and gently pulled her into my lap while wrapping my arms around her. Her clothes had now dried and our furs had also dried. "How are you, Sonica.." I asked while kissing the top of her head.

She looked at me and said, "I am good."

"Well.. Sonica.. how did that happen.. that whirlpool thing and black aura.." Shadow asked while sitting down across us.

She looked at him with a confused look, "whirlpool? Black aura? I have no idea what you are talking about."

I and Shadow frowned. "The lake, remember?"

"Ah, yes. The lake. I went there because Shadow scolded me..." She sighed a little.

"And then what happened? How was that whirlpool created? And that black aura?" I asked.

She looked at me then at Shadow again, "I don't know... All I remember is that I was sitting at the edge of the lake and then suddenly, a black aura surrounded me. And when I opened my eyes, I found myself in Sonic's arms."

"But how did you forget it?!" Shadow shouted while clenching his fists.

She flinched and curled up in my arms again.

She seemed...scared...?

"Sonica.. " he sighed, "I am sorry, Sonica.." he gently petted her head.

She looked at him and then looked at me, "Sonic..."

"Yes?" I asked in a soft voice while stroking her quills gently. She was still on my lap.

"I am hungry..." She mumbled and looked down.

"What do you wanna eat, my sugar plum?" I asked again while holding her head closer to my chest.

"Pudding.." She looked at me, "Can I have some?"

"Why don't you try some chillidogs?" I kissed her nose softly.

She scrunched her nose and said, "No, I want pudding."

I and Shadow chuckled. "I will get you some pudding." said Shadow with a chuckle.

Just then, I got a call from Amy.

"Sonic! Sonica! Shadow! Are you guys okay?!" She shouted (through the communicator).

Sonica flinched at the loud voice and her ears flattened.

"Can you please talk a bit quietly?" I whispered.

Sonica looked at me with her innocent blue eyes.

"Sonic.. We are just worried about you three.. Did you hear the news about some shadowy hands." Amy said in a quieter voice.

I and Shadow frowned. "Shadowy hands?"

"Yeah. They appeared all of a sudden and disappeared a few moments ago.. They were big dark shadowy arms which we couldn't touch but they could touch us." said Amy.

"I wanted pudding.." Sonica mumbled against my chest.

I chuckled and stroked her quills softly.

"Why are you chuckling, Sonic?! The matter is serious!!" Amy raised her voice and Sonica flinched again.

"I told you be more quiet. And we will talk about this later. Call everyone at Meh Burger now. We will be there soon."

"Alright, Sonic. Be alert.." Amy sighed and cut the call.

I sighed and looked at Sonica, "Let's go to Meh Burger, shall we?"

"Pudding.." She mumbled quietly.

We (I and Shadow) chucked.

"I will get you some pudding on the way." He gently patted her head, "Let's go now, shall we?"

She nodded while looking at us with a soft smile.

Then, I gently took her hand and started walking outside. She looked around while holding my hand tightly, "Pudding..."

"Yes.. pudding..." I said with a soft smile while walking beside her...

But I had a feeling that after that incident, Sonica has become more like an innocent child...