
SpiritCatcher 2: The Merciless Order

Shiva Samba made the decision to mix up thousands of worlds and that caused a mess for the one person watching over them, but luckily she had the foresight to create people that would make sure to keep problems at a minimum, but... They kind of are the problem.

Densekugi · Others
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3 Chs

The Calm

Nameless Child's POV.

Running into the forest, I found Brani, "Where are the other two?" I asked her and noticed she was shaking, "Are you okay?" I asked, thinking that took priority, "W-We heard something further in! I-I got scared and stayed back, but Leafe and Folige decided to run in anyway!" She explained, her voice trembling a bit.

I nodded at that as I picked her up and moved her in the direction of the village, "You go home." I ordered as I started running to the forest again, "Those two can't be for real this stubborn..." I tell myself before I run into Folige, "I stand corrected, one of them is." I think to myself as I get close to the small one, "Where's your brother?" I asked, "He was captured by something!" He exclaimed, "Ah dammit... Go home!" I ordered, already done with this crap.

Now that I ran into two, I just had to find the last, "Of course he got captured, it can never be easy..." I mutter in annoyance as I reach a dark rock tunnel, "Too dark..." I think outloud as I look to a path on the side and saw a guy sitting there with a lantern beside him.

Dashing over, I grab the lanter, startling the guy, "Need this, bring back later." I butcher together to save time and go back to the tunnel, "Ah kids..." I hear the guy mumble as he eats some of his soup.

In the tunnel, there are several branches that threw me off a little, but in the end I managed to get to the middle of the forest, where I turned the lantern off, "Only one way from here!" I tell myself as I start going to the place, only to find it guarded by a monster, "Damnit!" I lament as I prepare to fight it.

As it noticed me, the monster took a swing with it's club, which I narrowly dodged, but it gave me the opportunity to grab it's arm and throw it to the ground, at which moment I jumped on it's chest and began punching it's face until it was caved into the ground.

After I'm done, I turn to the tunnel leading to the area where most likely Leafe is being held, but it's locked, "Must have hidden the key somewhere close..." I rationalize, searching the monster for anything until I find a piece of paper with a rough sketch of the area on it, a certain part circled out.

Heading to the approximate location, I found a cave and went in, finding a small campsite with monsters sleeping and one of them holding a key, "Lucky." I say to myself as I sneakily approach and snap the monster's necks and take the key.

Now key in hand, I went back to the gate and opened it, allowing me to get to the path that lead to the entrance of the supposed forest temple, "There it is." I mutter as I walk towards the temple.

When in sight, I see that Leafeis being held in a cage, along with the bear-owl cub, "Seriously Leafe?" I call out, catching the attention of the two in the cage and of two monsters guarding them, "Come on! You had the stealth advantage!" Leafe reprimended me, to which I glared at him as I grabbed the monster's heads and slammed them together, knocking them out, before tossing them off a nearby cliff.

At the spectacle, Leafe was clearly speechless, until I grabbed th bars of the cage and snapped them open, "There we go, now let's talk about why what you did is a bad idea, okay?" I said sternly as I glared at him.

Back at the Village.

"So what did you learn?" I asked the three, "Never mess with Beastlings cause they might get you into trouble..." Leafe replied, to which I nodded contentedly.

"What do you think you were doing!?" I hear, prompting me to turn around and see a tall girl, with cyan hair and eyes coming to us, none other than the mayor's daughter (Bleat), "Leafe! I told you to stay away from her!" She scolded the child, "But Bleat! She's not bad!" Leafe tried defending me, "No, Leafe, just go back home." I told him as I stared at Bleat.

We glared at eachother for a while, "You can't just take them out into the forest! You see what happens!" She scolded me, "What!? You think that everything they do is my fault!?" I questioned angrily, "Why do you hate me so much anyway!?" I demanded, "You literally showed up one day and said you have no name! How is that not suspicious!?" Bleat pointed out angrily.

Hearing that reason made me groan in anger and I ran away back towards the forest.

Bleat's POV.

"Bleat! What have you done!?" I hear my father's voice behind me, "F-father I-" I tried talking, but Father interrupted, "I don't wanna hear it! You go apologize right now! And if you don't you're grounded!" He threatened.