
Spirit : The Sage of the Iris

Kazuki, who has always lived alone with his master, will have to face multiple tragedies that will turn his life upside down in this world filled with magic, martial arts, corruption and lies. During his adventure he will have a series of encounters and separations, guiding him until he discovers who he really is.

DrDrackoAlasdair · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Like a Son

Master Yi looks at Kazuki with a soft smile. That's the reaction of the kid that made him smile.

"Yes, Father's day. I know I'm not really your father, but I thought we could have some fun together. You worked out and went through some rough times. I just want you to relax, you're still young and you don't have to be under pressure all the time. Sometimes a little break isn't a bad thing. And if there is any danger, I'll be ready to protect you."

The young boy turns his eyes away from his master. He looks a bit dreary. The smile on Master Yi's face slowly fades away. Kazuki swings his legs back and forth. He looks at their movements. Then, without looking at the old man, Kazuki starts talking in a low voice with a ton which makes his statement almost feels like an accusation.

"You don't talk much about my father"

Master Yi looks at Kazuki with some kind of mix between sadness and shame. He knows he should tell him more about his parents, but he also knows that there are things he is too young to know. 

"- He was a great man.

- You already told me that…

- What do you want to know ?

- Who he was.." 

The old man takes a moment to think. He puts his hand on his goatee and looks up to the sky. The man he tries to remember is now far away, but in the master's heart he is still there. And like some magical chant, those two words woke up something inside of him.

"Your father…"

He slowly smiles. As he tries to find a way to describe Kazuki's father, memories flash before his eyes. And it's like time around them has slowly slowed down to a point where it totally stops. For the Master and the Student, everything around them is muffled and blurry. There is only the old man, Kazuki and the memories of… Gisei. 

"Your father.. he was a great man. I told you that already. He was very kind towards others. At least, since I know him. When we met, we changed each other's lives. It was on a road, way further on the lands than where we currently are. I was on my way to another temple in order to keep working on my Art. And then, on the side of the road, I saw him. He looked exhausted. He called for help. I stopped my horse. I had a cart, so I helped him and took him on it. When he asked where I was heading to, I told him that I'm learning the Art. He wanted to learn it too but didn't know where to start. So, I teached him everything I knew. He learned fast, very fast. As fast as his Art was linked to the wind. Together, we grew. He became more than my best friend, he became my brother."

Master Yi takes a little break, having a hard time finding the words as he remembers how they used to be. All the moments they spent together. Their joys. Their sorrows. So many years spent with a friend. It's now gone. Things have changed, and so remembering their younger self becomes harder as it flies further away from him. Still he admires the man he used to be next to. After a deep breath, he continues.

"We got stronger. He was one of the fastest men I ever saw. It was difficult to keep up with him. And one day, your father made a decision that made another turn in our lives. He took a disciple. It was a young boy on the street. I asked him why he did so. He asked me why I did save him that day. I could have left him on the ground and kept going. It was his way to repay the debt he owned me. So, I took a student too. We helped people and teached them our way of the Art. Each of us made a clan. Of course, you don't know what a clan is. It's a gathering of people using Art under a chief to help each other and live in a community. It's much easier for us. But between clans, war is something unavoidable. We all want profit and to live like we want, but others are on the way. And sometimes, people are selfish. They prefer to fight instead of finding a common ground. It's how your father died. He tried to defend his clan. But he sadly failed. They were outnumbered and his disciples weren't strong enough. He was left alone, but yet he wasn't enough."

This time, the old man had difficulties holding tears. The memories of that night are still fresh in his head despites the years which have passed. The words of his old friend ring in his head.. "I wasn't enough..". To him, he was enough. Strong and fast enough to bring Kazuki to him and lure the threat away from them. Those words and the pain that torned Gisei apart that day are the things that hurt him today, like an old scar, and torments his mind whenever he thinks of his old friend. 

"He wasn't enough… He.. Despites his speed, he was too slow to save your mother.. but you.. he saved you… both of them gave their lives to save you, because they wanted you to grow old. So, I made myself a promise. The promise to take care of you like they would have done. So I made everything to make you happy."

He tries to smile and turns to the Kazuki. But it's not a true smile. It's a smile to hide something. It's a smile to hide the pain. It's a smile to hide the sorrow. It's a smile to hide the shame. It's a smile to hide his weakness.

"I think you are old enough to understand but also young enough to not really care about it as long as everything is alright. But what I think doesn't matter when it comes to your curiosity or your rights to know about your parents. I told you what you should know for now. I took you there, to this celebration, because to me you are like a son."

The young boy considers the words of his master. And, the sorrow that took over the old man's head is chased away by the smile of the kid in front of him. Despite everything he said, despite the facts that he could have hated him for letting his father die, Kazuki smiles. Such an innocent and joyful smile can't do anything but warm up the heart of the old master. It reminds him of Kazuki's parents. The confidence of his Father and the kindness of his Mother. He sees both of them in him. 

"As long as you keep your promise, I'll be fine ! I'm sure it's what my father would have wanted ! And I don't really care if you are my real father or not ! You take care of me and you are kind ! Even if sometimes you are rude.. but maybe that's how my father would have done !"

Tian-Han's smile grows on his face as Kazuki talks. However, there were still things that Kazuki needed to know.

"- What was his name ?

- It's something you can't know yet.

- Why ?

- It keeps secrets that you are too young to be told.

- Oh.. And what about your clan ? What happened to it ? They didn't die.

- I disbanded my clan. I told them to travel the world to truly finish their training, that they needed to find themselves alone.

- But is it true ?

- It can. I never totally lie when I do so, unless it's necessary.

- Have you ever lied to me ?

- No. Never."

They finished eating their meal in silence but with a smile on their face. Once it's done, both of them roam through the place to take part in activities made for Father's day. They take part in games which are played by teams of two or where they can play against each other, showing their skills together and to one another. The day passes by and they end up watching the night festival. Music is played and the most beautiful show is offered to them. The dark sky is illuminated by tons of fireworks, forming shapes and following patterns like people could follow a dance. They explode in rhythm with the music. 

Master Yi takes Kazuki with his hands and puts him on his shoulder. Despite his old age and his tiny body, he is still strong enough for the young boy. He holds him by the legs so he won't fall behind. Kazuki contemplates the show in the night sky, awestruck, which lights reflect in his eyes. 

And that's how this day ends, think the old man. Both of them are happy and their bond is stronger than ever. They return to the temple late, exhausted but satisfied by this day.