
Weight Of Healing

"Step aside, Clark, this is not your domain. You manage to cut in to this prisoner, I will stitch it all together." Maria had long been rolling up her sleeves. 

What she had noticed was that Clark had a knack and somehow had the knowledge to cut in to the prisoners. Able to cut the perfect place that he could go inside the body and remove the egg and vials without issue. 

It was a stunning display of what Maria could silently know as his visual prowess. But in reality, it was actually Clark's system using analysis. Not that she knew this. She only believed that he could see the best places to go to find and solve the problems. 

However, Where she was best, was healing. She had managed to find the methods of healing related to organs and the insides of beings. This study had been tougher because it was very hard to imagine what was under the skin. Yes, everyone knew about organs and muscles and bones. These were common knowledge.