
Variable Growth

"Clark?" Ella eventually got up when the carriage was stopping for everyone to eat. She knew that her friends had been making themselves busy for the time being and that they were beginning to get in to a denser forest. She wanted to make sure she asked Clark for his opinion before they all had to be on watch for danger.

The denser forest that was said to be the equivalent to a frozen jungle made everyone on edge. It wasn't that they were worried about beasts but more so the fact that this would be new terrain. Ella wasn't going to be next to her brother so that she would be able to walk along the carriage as well. Making sure the trail was safe was all that mattered. Especially to the carriage driver who needed to ensure that he used all his skills to keep the carriage rolling.

"What's going on? Is everything alright?" Clark saw that Ella was a little off but knew that it was due to worry over her brother's safety.