

'Quest: Proving your mettle

The host has completed the quest earning the admiration of the city's top genius. It has been seen that you can learn the Mane family battle arts and then adapt them in to your own form. You have proven that you have the potential that was seen to exist within you prior to this day. The user had been rewarded.

The next hour that the user meditates, they will have enhanced effects to strengthen their bond with the spirit beast with them.

The user has been gifted a minor system update. This will require the system to have one hour of downtime while the lord of creation unlocks the system's feature.'

Clark found that he was no longer able to sense the full feeling of having the system. When he looked at Devi, he still received the information about him but he could not attempt a gotcha. Not that he had any tickets for it anyways.

"Devi, while we clean up, let's meditate and take advantage of this hour. We can get comfortable with the technique and increased strength we can share with each other." Devi let out a soft laugh in agreement. His body landed on top of Clark's head while in the warm water of the bath.

Meditating using the phantom meditation technique was enlightening. The energy was not just between Clark and Devi. it was between the cores of their being. Not only did it push for Clark to adapt and grow physically, but also spiritually. It would help him resist the attacks of the mind along with real life battles. Overall, the hour in the bath proved to be the best way for Clark to strengthen his foundations. He only had a night before Clara took him to Nova academy.

A soft ding caused Clark to notice that his meditation had slowed down. It had been an hour before he ever knew it. "Come on Devi, let's get dressed." The pair left the bath and returned to the soft bed where they had woken up a week ago. Clark could feel that his body was different already after fully adapting to having a spirit beast of his own. However small he was, he had muscles with great power for someone at his age.

'The system has been updated. The new feature unlocked is as followers; system intelligence enhanced. Operation successfully activated.'

"Intelligence enhanced? That's the feature?" Clark had a feeling he had seen this before.

'Correct. The host has gained access to the guidance function. The host will now be able to directly converse with the system when necessary. Congratulations on completing your second quest. Please read about the next quest generated.'

"Ha! That's perfect. I can get stronger faster with a little guidance. Another step closer." Clark felt very alive at this moment. The lord of creation, whoever that was, had given a great gift. Clark could use this to get stronger faster and take revenge against the Mourne family.

'Quest: Recommendation is not enough

The user has been blessed by a letter of recommendation. However, this is not all that is required to enter the Nova academy. It is the best place for any spirit tamer to go and must be held in high regard. Show the professors of the Nova academy that you deserve to be there more than anyone else.

Basic class acceptance reward- two gotcha tickets

Advanced class acceptance reward- two gotcha tickets, three cracked soul stones, one healing water

Elite class acceptance- five gotcha tickets, five cracked soul stones, five healing water, one hour of enhanced meditation

??? acceptance- ??????, ????, ?????,????, ????'

Clark was too fired up after seeing that the rewards could be so good. To get accepted in to the best class; the elite class, would give him great resources to become stronger after harsh training. It might also give him something good from the gotcha that he could use easily. He wanted a weapon that matched his new style of fighting.

"Hmm, what are these question marks? System, are you keeping this hidden?"

'The user is unable to view this reward and requirement due to lack of system access. The user may discover this and the system will update if necessary.'

"Well, so be it. Devi. Let's sleep early. I want to be ready to crush the Nova academy entrance exams. Understand? we will be the top performance there so you will be invisible the entire time until needed." Devi's eyes flashed gold in the darkening of the room. The pair would be ready.

"Get up! Even the maid can't wake you up. What do you think this is? A fancy inn?" Cark felt his body flat before crashing down. Clara had come to wake him up after the maid had told her he wasn't awake yet.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Clark stood in a hurry. He was in a fighting stance as soon as he managed to recover from the tumble to the ground.

"At least you remember how to stand in a stance. Let's go. I have a carriage taking us to the academy. Or would you prefer to walk?" The question didn't sound as simple as it appeared.

"If we walk, will we need to stop somewhere? If we use the carriage, will I miss something important?" Clark's questions could have been numerous, however, Clara seemed to see what she needed from him.

"Then we will walk. If you showed up in a carriage with my family crest on it, you would be a very big target for every prominent family or greedy kid. Follow me." Clara left Clark behind.

Once Clark rushed to put on proper clothing, he found Clara outside. They were moving through the streets before he could even respond. He had slept better than any night yet the previous night. There were still the nightmares of flames burning his parents, but now a glimmer of hope arrived in them. The image of a massive spirit tearing apart the souls of enemies actually made Clark rest easier. Something not many people would find comforting.

"Can you tell me abou-"

"No. You will experience it the same way as everyone should. Unexpectant of what is to come. There are massive penalties if you know the contents of the test beforehand. Even the best talent found would fail or be dropped to basic classes forever." This was a way for the academy to control those who entered and judge them fairly.

More so, it would stop any prominent family from forcing their way in. Many of the tamed beasts of the staff members were able to monitor the truths asked to the potential students upon entry. "That's the front gate. I leave you there."

The gate was simple. It was large and connected to a wall leading up the small mountain where Nova academy lived. The gate was crowded by many of the people dropping potential students off. Since Clark had not arrived in a carriage. Clara and he were not seen as together. It was perfect because everyone looked upon those getting out of carriages or being seen off by bodyguards.

"I see why you wanted me to walk." Clark paused slightly. "I appreciate what you have done for me. I will show you what I can become. Please wait for me. I will stand beside you soon." Clark walked forward without waiting for Clara to respond. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"I will be waiting for you, kid. You're the last piece of the puzzle we need to take those bastards down." Clara drifted in to the crowd toward a group of well dressed professors.

Sounds of potential students murmuring and gossiping filled Clark's ears. He felt Devi invisible latch on to his shoulder to remain near. No one bothered to look at Clark. His eyes scanning the tamed beasts as much as possible. None could see Devi so Clark knew he had an advantage. That was until he spotted a strange floating spirit beast with an unassuming young girl.

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