
Two Docs

"Doc J? Can you tell us about the research theory you have created that you will be speaking about today?" Ella managed to grab Doc and Doc J's attention before they walked away completely. She wanted to prepare.

"Of course. There are many insect type beasts. They are very common as a food source for other bests. However, documents were found in a run down village that outlined the growth of a patterned caterpillar in to a cocoon, then further in to some form of butterfly beast. Normally they evolve in to moths and have weak combat ability."

"There were some unique situations they became butterflies. However, the reason this research made my sister and I put our heads together was also unique. The process described feeding certain materials to create a certain butterfly that could rival the bird type beasts that would normally feed on them. So much so that they are listed as a higher tier predator."