
To The Center

Clark tried to focus on the fact that there was a new energy moving between him and Crim, however, he noticed that Crim was still somewhat slow. He had just woken up from a major change. He needed food. Therefore, Clark brought out some of the dried meat and beast parts for him to absorb. 

While Crim ate, Clark looked at the system. He could only spend so much time thinking about the unique changes. If he spent too long, he might lose his mind to what he had the potential of now. Especially with the fact that the shifting storms meditation technique already mentioned that storms happened in space. What could a celestial slime dragon do? Grow in to? 

But the system was there to distract him and help focus him. He had already seen the rewards appear within the eden's end taming space. His beasts were using them to do what they needed. Especially Shy who had just wrapped the last few shadow crystals in her shadow threads to consume them.