
Take An Adventure?

"Well, I have been working a little hard." Clark wasn't sure what he wanted to ask first. There was too much he could ask Clara about what she and her family was doing. What the plan was. How he should act now.

"I've heard a lot of things. I should start sending some people over to use your business. I guess what I should be asking is, do you want to stay at Nova academy for now or leave and do other things?" This was very sudden, Clara had not beaten around the bush at all. She had just pushed right to the topic that she had clearly been told to ask about.

"I will stay at Nova academy. I am still very far from being able to fight with a top notch tamer with more experience. Look at Professor Wright, she has multiple beasts and has never even caught a sweat while traveling with us. She even sends her beasts alone much further away than I could ever be comfortable with."