
Spirit Taming

Have a problem where you die too young? Well, Clark had that issue, and lucky for him he was blessed. Clark was reborn right in to a fantasy world of his dreams. Loving parents, amazing future, spectacular partner. No beast? No problem, the system came to his rescue! Or was it too late? Beasts that roam the wilderness, dungeons that spawn from nature, and unique growth plans. All can be achieved if done right. Discover ancient paths and unknown futures. Just remember, not everyone will want to see Clark take power. Some will want what he has while others in power will constantly abuse the weak. This is the way of the world, of the city Clark lives in. Will he take his revenge? Or will he die trying? Don't forget to drop those power stones, leave comments, and eventually drop those golden tickets! This is my entry for Spirity and I can't wait to share it with friends!

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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787 Chs

System's Listening

"What do you see." Clark had been silent for a few moments before he asked this. Brad could only look around waiting for a beast to attack. But Jerold seemed like he had been totally unaware of anything but walking. His eyes were firmly fixed on the path ahead of him, or more specifically, the person ahead of him.

"So nothing, you both had noticed nothing…" When Maria echoed the annoyed look that Calrk wore, the two finally snapped out of things and began focusing.

"The ground isn't flat up ahead. Shouldn't lizards be heavy enough to flatten the ground?" Brad was the first to speak up. It was not a major breakthrough but it was better than nothing.