

"Are you sure that he won't see us?" Maria, Ella, and Isa were hiding behind one of the merchant stalls watching Clark.

"I know he won't. He has to have some secrets for finding weird and perfect materials. I don't know why he bought those rocks just now but he was definitely interested in the bigger one." Isa was trying to decide what Clark did to figure out materials. Maria had come up with a genius plan to follow him.

"I think we are going to learn more about Clark's methods by doing this than anything else. Asking him to teach us would only lead to confusing lessons. If he decided to teach us." Ella had figured that Clark would not go out of the way to show them what he was doing. Mostly because he seemed to keep his methods a secret.

"Wait, he is at that fish vendor. Why would he be there?" Maria had grabbed Ell and Isa's hands to stop them from moving to the next hiding spot they saw.