
Splitting Up

"You all heard him correctly, right? They changed the rules for the student tournaments this year! Like, I know they can do that since they are hosting but what is the north thinking? Having so many students for each year?"

"They have to be thinking that it will draw a lot more people. A longer tournament." Clark was very surprised that Isa had not realized the business implications right away.

"I know that, but the tournaments come at a major cost. The rewards are going to outweigh any benefits that come with having more business." This was also true.

"Isa makes a good point. I believe there has to be another reason. What is in the north that might require more students? What could they possibly reward that they wouldn't be at a loss for when it comes to the winners?" Since this was a big change and their group was the first to hear of it, Maria began to theorize right away.