
Some Explanation please

"Clark! What did you just do!? That was a literal ice dragon! THE ice dragon that could literally bring the entire city down to nothing in just a look or a flick of a claw!" Isa was already losing it. She had no idea what had just happened before her. It made no logical sense. It didn't matter how much education she had for strange and high tension negotiations as a merchant. This was beyond what she could handle.

"Incredibly…illogical." Ella was the same. She had no means to put what she had just seen in to words. All she knew was that the data she would have would take a long time to put in to proper words.

"Maybe we should just leave. We can go to a desert or bury ourselves in a mountain that has lava around it. Much safer." Reese raised a point that Jerold and Brad immediately agreed with.