
Rotten Materials

'Worm eaten goblin bones- common

These bones have been eaten heavily by worms. This has caused the soil around them to be highly concentrated with calcium. These bones can also be used for making certain poisons against light and holy type beasts.'

The unique part of this common material was that it could be used for a poison. That poison was useful against light and holy type beasts which made it very useful. Many people had trouble against such beasts when a rare battle type was found with that specific affinity.

"Maybe I will try and save more bones if I can find them. I should learn a little about poison making. I don't know if I can make poisons since I don't have a beast that supports potion making." Clark mumbled to himself while removing the rest of the bone pieces from the soil. He eventually found that he couldn't get any more. That left him to cover the hole and feel out the energy for something else.