
Remnant City

With a wave of their combined efforts, another burst of wind pushed the smoke around away. This time, the wind was closer so more smoke was pushed away. The group was more so in a dimly lit area of a town rather than an actual night environment. 

This was all due to the shadow swarm centipede. It's dark energy bonds caused the dark energy to flow in the air causing this effect. This lesser darkness was why they were able to tell that it was very weak. 

The skittering sounds on metal only increased, but there was not an immediate show of any other sections of the shadow swarm centipede. This didn't mean that the group was relaxing at all though. They could still sense the dangers all around them. 

"How many do you think died?" Jerold was looking at the parts of metallic golems and knew that there could be many that had lost tamers or there were potentially without tamers already. But the dwarven bodies they could see already proved a grave disaster.