
Powder Not Potion

The goal to find a potion shop was much easier than they could imagine. Mostly because there was such an organized layout to Terra city. Specifically that the potions and medicinal herbs were in their own secondary street away from the merchant area. It appeared that this was done because of the fumes that came from creating potions.

The architects of the city had gone to many different lengths to create special stone pipes, metal pipes, and even had a few beasts with wind affinity removing the smoke from the brewing of options. The same was done for the blacksmiths which were nearby since they needed the same ventilation.

Therefore, the group found themselves wanding down a street with a very appealing scent. The medicinal herbs were bright and fresh while some stalls let out a very deep and earthy ascent. This was in contrast to the almost damp smell around which came from being underground. Not that the smell was bad at all.