
Injured Moles

Allowing Crim to hold back, Clark heard the single ambush that Crim needed to take down the steel clawed mole that he would return to pick up later. It was a simple task for Crim. He had the advantage since the mole was not able to feel Crim while he was using his wings to fly a little. All that was needed were a few moments of flight to ensure that Crim was basically invisible. That was a major downside to relying on the vibrations of the earth for sight.

"I was wondering, aren't mole beasts usually reliant on scent? I heard that from another tamer that passed through my street once." Jerold had asked this question just in general. He felt that it was more important to learn as much as he could about the beasts he might face in the long run. There was also the fact that he needed to catch up and knowledge would help him in that endeavor.