
Growing Bananas

Following the banana trees was not an odd ask. Clark already explained that there were multiple beasts that they could unt for a variety of materials and things that Isa could sell. That alone was enough to win Isa's vote. 

What Ella was caught up on, was the reason that these banana trees had grown in this way. "They are all growing in a straight line. Banana trees grow from exceptionally small seeds and in farms are rarely growing in straight lines because the seeds don't all take the same to the soil. Here they are completely straight. As if they grew from guided roots." 

This was something that many spider plants or other similar species of plants grew. Ella had seen them in gardens since they were easily trained to grow as people desired. That was also the beauty of them. The directions that they grew were naturally beautiful since it was a force of nature that made perfect lines and shapes just like human designs.