
Breaking Their Opinions

While the matriarch was unsure if she should trust this to Clark, she had nothing to say to him to fully rebuke what he was asking. He even had the energy radiating off of him that proved he had confidence. 

"You are this trusting of your own skills and your healer's skills? That you can perform this medical and healing technique? My elves are plenty skilled to do this." The matriarch didn't fully believe this though. It showed in the slightest of twitches on her eyes. 

Clark's sharp eyes caught this, just enough that he could understand a few things. However, his mind rested on the stereotypes of the elves. 

They were a nature loving race. They relied on nature and their deep connection to it. Therefore, they had long developed more advanced medicinal alchemy. They also studied the bodies of various species of beasts and races. This had allowed them to take a very large step in to the world of healing.