
Better Suited

'Earth drilling rat egg- common

The earth drilling rat is similar to any rat. It enjoys eating grains and any food it can find left behind by other beasts or humans. Instead of the normal teeth a rat has, the earth drilling rat forms a tough beak of stone to be able to drill in to the earth. It also uses this to attack other rats.

It lacks the ability to grow and is only ever known to become a larger earth drilling rat, fondly called a drilling rat king. But that is not at all an evolution or powerful change in the beast whatsoever.

The earth drilling rats are the favorite food for…'

The first egg that Clark gave a look to was a disappointment. It was a pest species. However, the next five eggs were all the same. This gambling on random eggs was something that would easily bankrupt a small merchant. It would cost a decent amount of silver to have someone evaluate a beast egg with a guarantee that they knew what beast was within.