
Better Potion Quality

While this was happening, Clark was able to begin understanding other facets of alchemy that he had been ignorant to. The degree in which the fumes could cause issues. However, while he was thinking, he overheard a comment that Ella made. 

"The fumes from this might be able to be condensed in to a new position. I wonder if it would be a gaseous poison or if it can be condensed fully in to a poison or acid…" her theories were written in small notes that Maria could explore later. 

Yet, when Clark began to think about this, he wondered if this was some magical infinite potion glitch in the fabric of time and space. If they managed to save all the fumes and remake them in to different potions, it could save them a lot of effort. However, they could then do the same to the potion materials saved from the previous potions. It could go on forever.