
Back On Foot

The atmosphere was very positive as the others came out from their rooms due to the commotion. Even though they had not had a lot of time to rest, this was a very big deal. Isa had just been able to help her partner grow and change forms through a very rare materials was exactly what Isa had wanted and what she had been working towards.

Clark was the one that seemed the most observant though. Everyone saw that he had changed mindset a little. His eyes drifted and focused on things less. It seemed to them that he was learning more from small glances than from the longer looks that he used to have.

Not that this was much to mention, they were all awake now because of the commotion, therefore, they had all decided to go through their materials. This had left Clark a little on the spot since the entire group relied on him a lot. Although, they all knew that they already had set plans. Ella had already handed over the journals for each individual beast with their growth plans.