
Appreciation Gift

The four made it back to Clark's room where they all sat down to have a more serious talk. It seemed that the initial energy they had died down and had begun to realize what had happened in its entirety.

"You seem pretty happy." Clark just gave Maria a quick glance as he said this.

"How could I not be happy? This is the most amazing twist of fate there is. I didn't think that another family would ever want to adopt me in to them. Ever since I was thrown away…But that is fine. I will be much better."

"It's mostly because I was able to show that you had your own kind of genius. The Green family is very harsh. When I was growing up I was brought to try new things every day until I began my research on why I was being brought to new places. It was an interesting surprise to the attendants in charge of me." Ella had not spoken about growing up in the Green family much.