

George frowned as he held his chin in deep thought, he was a bit skeptical on some things and after the battle he could finally settle down to think deeply.

For one, the amount of corrupted fae in the area. That was a major problem he'd noticed during the fight, as George who had passed through here with the others before had not seen so many corrupted fae gathered in a single force against one enemy.

Corrupted Fae were usually acting against each other due to them hailing from different branches of the fae race - a common example is the corrupted elves and goblins, who are usually enemies, acting together.

Another thing was their strength. Although George and Al'Hazrel were able to completely devastate the enemies, the power being subdued with sheer might wasn't ignored. Facing off against ordinary mortals or even average warriors, the creatures was a powerful and devasting force.

One final thing was their coordination—!

"Are we leaving now? I'm feeling a bit uneasy now." Al'Hazrel voiced out as she looked from side to side, looking a bit tense with her muscles tightened. The light in her eyes dimmed softly.

—Although the actions of the elves were justified with their innate intelligence, creatures like the goblins and imps acting coordinated was strange.

They'd need tough and strict training which the corrupted elves would be unable to do unless some more intelligent version of the elves had done it. If that was so, then he would have to put it down as so as possible. What if it wasn't that?

"Hey! You! Uh, erm, mortal master! We have to leave now! Something is wrong, the feeling is getting even stronger the more we wait here."

What if, it was the work of something way more powerful? Something, a little more dangerous than the usual elves, imps, goblins, or faery? What was it?

George fell into deep thought, racking his brain on what kind of fae would be strong enough to do this and how powerful would it be? After a while he froze.

"So, that's it? Hehe, interesting."


[New Quest Recieved!]

[Against Fae - Destroy The Dryad Royal Heading In Your Direction, Eliminate All Enemies As Bonus]

[Reward - 100, 000 XP >> Secret Cultivation Art >> Forbidden Fruit (1)]

[Punishment - A Horde Of Fae Will Attack The Dark Continent Before You, Laying Waste To Many To Vent For The Death Of Their Scouts]

"Yes, I knew it. Something is definitely wrong here, and it seems that Eli-Jar is making his moves to make me work for him at all costs. Hehe, that old bastard."

Wait what are you thinking? How an army of fae attacking the dark continent would affect the MC? Or why is the MC even giving a damn about the dark continent?

"If anything happens to her, Eli-Jar I'll make sure I skin you alive! Even if it means me cultivating for a billion years!" George frowned in anger as he glanced in a certain direction, swore under his breath and calmed the storm in his heart. Standing here cursing won't do anyone any good, it would only waste time.

"Al'Hazrel get up, we're leaving. And drop that mortal master nonsense, and just call me Prince George."

Al'Hazrel stood up and nodded without thinking, she was a bit startled at her enthusiastic obedience to George, but buried that thought after a while.

"Okay, Prince George." Al'Hazrel bowed respectfully and she retracted her wings and reverted to her more human form with her hair still ruffled and clothes still ragged. Although she didn't very much understand why, she knew that it was right for a junior to bow to a senior.

"Although Violet is a bit strong, her life would be endangered against this incoming army of fae." With a brow raised, George collapsed into deep thoughts.


"My queen, what do you make of the situation?"

"It's a bit tragic I lost all my puppets to that monster, and with this realization comes wisdom. We'll be in need of reinforcements, and the change in formation."

"That's all?"

"Yes, and call in the dragon. The Dark Continent must fall to the Far Flag, and the Castle Of Chaos torn down completely to build our Citadel Of Death."

"Okay, milady."

An army of armoured elves, all with glowing red eyes and long pointed fangs, shrouded the earth, marching forward on the trembling ground with their actions in perfect sync - their shoulders squared.

A few tanks marched with the crowd, their build two times that of a normal corrupted elven knight. Heavy weapons were held in their hands, weapons just as tall as a normal human male and as heavy as a ton of iron.

Flying above them were an army of demonic angels, holding spears and donning diamond armours with fearsome looking weapons being held in their hands.

All of them, Fae and Demonic Angels, were moving forward in the direction of the Dark Continent, and that was precisely towards George and Al'Hazrel.

"Change formation now, warriors draw back to take charge, ranged in-between vanguards and defenders take high ground."


Knowing what was headed in their direction, George had collapsed into deep thoughts. Being in a relatively dry environment, he had less tools to use against the incoming enemy and he would be unable to reach the Dark Continent in due time with his current ability.

"This would be a bit difficult unless…"

George's brows jumped. He had not any living being to use to do his bidding, but he did have a number of useful skills and abilities to use to his satisfaction. All he needed was something to siphon chaos from…

But, what?

George glanced at Al'Hazrel and shook his head in dejection. He needed something wildly chaotic for maximum benefits, something massive like sewing discord between large forces.

"Prince George, what are you thinking about? Is there something wrong?" Al'Hazrel, still unable to shake off that feeling of a foreboding crisis. Her brows creased and lips curved down into a deep frown.

"Al'Hazrel just keep moving. There's nothing wrong." George lowered his head, hiding his smirk as a cold glint flashed past his eyes. His voice was soft and cold as he repeated, "Nothing wrong at all."