
Spirit Sisters

Wendy, a blue-haired DemiGoddess is partnered with a silver-haired nun in training named Hibiki. They go on an adventure to track down and exorcize demons to save the world, romance flourishes.

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33 Chs

Chapter 11: Ouji-san

The sun sets on the streets of Tokyo, Japan. Within one of the city's homes lies a pair of individuals cuddled up in the safety of their bed. Neither had wasted any time in getting comfortable within their own house. Discarded pieces of cloth lay on the bedroom floor as the two seemingly nude adults are pressed against each other. Stirring from their long overdue slumber, Wendy finds refuge in the man beside her. She goes up to hug him as he wraps his arms around her waist. They both begin to wake up as they find comfort in each other's body warmth. "Good morning~" Wendy coos, yawning from her slumber. Scyron now brushing the sleep from his eyes answers back. "Good morning~ Jeez I can't remember the last time I slept that well."

"You're telling me! This is the first good night's sleep I've had in six months!" They both start to get up as they do their old morning routine together, they haven't done this since they had first parted, and yet it all flowed naturally to the two of them. They both bathe, brush their teeth, prepare breakfast, brew some coffee, and then get dressed and ready for the day.

 Laying her head on Scyron's lap, the girl gets comfortable as she stares at the TV, enjoying her time with the young boy. The boy in question looks down at the blue-eyed girl as he drinks his fresh cup of coffee. "So that's what happened. Jeez, considering all you've gone through it kinda makes me feel like I was the one who had the easiest time recently." Wendy denies his claim, "Don't sell yourself short Ronny! We both went through a lot of crap! You had to fight a powerful demon that even your dad had trouble with, and he's a freaking thunder god! Who knew, I mean he always seemed a bit mysterious if I'm being honest. Not to mention you basically saved all of France from a potential full-scaled demon invasion."

Scyron ponders before he speaks up. "Looking back at it all now I was just lucky to make friends with the people I did. There's still so much more I don't know yet about this world. But if I'm being honest, I'm not troubled by any of it." The girl on his lap blinks before looking up at him. "Really? I mean we live in a different world now, aren't you just a bit discouraged?"

"Well, I am still nervous about the whole thing, don't get me wrong! But looking back, because of that incident, I was able to meet so many interesting people, Like Scar and Cloe, Sekhmet, and Bastet... Not to mention everyone else who came into my life as well. I'm truly grateful."

Wendy took notice of the people he mentioned, yet the way he muttered the name Bastet felt a bit odd to her. "Yeah I guess I see where you're coming from, I had only met the others for a moment but they seemed like nice people to me… Where are they?" Scyron answers, " After the battle in Paris, we were all tasked to go our separate ways for the time being. Cloe and Scar, who both inherited power from Anubis, got drafted over to Europe to fight against demons that would be more acceptable to death magic. Bast and Sekhmet are in Egypt. Those two were sealed inside their temple for 100s of years waiting for me to be reincarnated apparently, so when asked what they wanted to do they said something about wanting to bring all the cats and lions back to their cosmic pedestal since the animals have been too neglected for the time they've been asleep." 

"I see…"

Scyron immediately replies. "Well, what do you think we should do?" The girl jolts her head up from the boy's lap and looks at him with sparkly eyes.

"DATE!" The boy looks back unable to match her enthusiasm.

"A date?"

"Yes, a date! We haven't been on one in too long! You're taking me out to eat ramen and hitting the arcade all day!" The boy takes a moment to consume the girl's excitement before letting out a laugh he didn't know he was holding.

"Huh? What's so funny!?"

"Hehe, it's just we're demigods now, and yet all you can think of is going on a date. You haven't changed at all Wendy." After hearing this, the girl is left with a crimson blush spread across her face.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! I'll have you know I'm plenty mature in dealing with our celestial situation! I want a distraction from it all!" The girl in question puts on a putty face before striking a pose. "Besides, what better way to safeguard our city than to stroll around it all day!" She says trying to make the idea of a date sound more cool and noble. After recovering from his laughing session, the boy stands up in a very energetic manner.

"Alright whatever you say, shall we get going then my madam?" The girl grabs his arm as the pair prepare to leave the house. "Let's get going then, Ronny!"

The pair put on much more presentable outfits before they step outside the house, but before Wendy can take in the outside view, a gigantic blast of crimson fire explodes right in front of them. After a moment of uncertainty, they both emerge out of the smoke unscathed. Before getting a moment to check on the other's well-being, they see an image of a man creeping towards them up ahead, walking through the flames. This man has an extrinsic Hawaiian tattoo plastered on his left arm reaching onto his pec. Long spiky red hair flows behind his head, and muscles bigger than the eyes can fathom.

"Well well well! look who I found here! If it isn't a couple of lazy no good sun worshipers!" They both have questioning looks as they stare at the man in front of them with cocky grins. "I hoped what I heard wasn't true, but it seems like this generation's Ogdoad has gotten soft for my liking. ALL I SEE HERE IS TWO SORRY-LOOKING PISSANTS LOOKING LIKE THEY'D RATHER GO ON A DATE THAN SAVE THE WORLD! It's time someone kicked you both into shape!"

They start charging their divine energy together when Scyron yells back at the gratuitously strong man. "And who the hell are you supposed to be!" The man's grin, which didn't seem to be able to get any wider, suddenly did. " Me, my name is not important, but if you need something to refer to me as…" the man strikes a dominating fighting pose, looking as if he's ready to lunge at the two. "Call me… OUJI-SAN!"

The battle begins before either of the two has a moment to prepare. Scyron, who had only planned on having a relaxing date today, was not expecting to have to fight for his life. The man with flaming red hair lunges straight at him, ignoring Wendy Completely.

"Ronny!" Now on top of Scyron, he starts pounding on the poor boy furiously. A Left hook, then a right hook, over and over again until blood splatters the pavement. Wendy, angered by this, tries to take action but is taken aback for a moment. She has faced a good amount of demons up to this point, but none of them have ever given off such an aura before. This aura could only be described as one thing, the lust of battle. Scyron surges with flames underneath the Giant of a man and is shocked to see it does not affect him.

"If that's what you call fire magic, then I'm afraid you have a long way to go SHOUNEN!''Scyron then puts his arms forward, unleashing his Holy Arsenal, the Grand Talons. Within the crest of the bird-like arms he attained, a gold metal starts to spill out, stabbing the man through the arm, and sending him back. Scyron then gets up, his flames surging around him as he is met with a standstill with the red beast. "That wasn't too bad, you pierced me there Shounen." The man holding a carnivorous grin is seen pulling the gold alloy from his arm. Both fire entities proceed to lunge at each other with chaotic force. Scyron is seen to be on the defensive, his ability to create weapons, while rather unique, are only lesser copies of true holy arsenals. The Red-haired Man can break those swords and daggers with his fist alone.

"I see, so this is the extent of your gold creation magic. Not bad, not bad at all, however…" The Carnivorous man summons two twin black axes from thin air. "This is in fact what a true Holy Arsenal looks like!" He then lunges at Scyron and swings both of his Axes at him, causing Scyron to attempt to catch them with both his hands. Losing his footing, he creates two gold pillars from his forearms and uses them as a backup. The Red-haired man is charging his own firepower causing a downward force onto the young Brown-haired boy. It looks as if Scyron will be taken out of commission when the taller man is suddenly shot with an immense bolt of lightning.

The red-haired man leans back from the pain, dropping his weapons in the process. "Damn, you promised you wouldn't interrupt, I was just starting to have fun, Thor." The man in question walks up ahead with his wife following closely behind. "Please don't expect me to apologize for not letting you almost kill my son." Thor, the God of Thunder, and father to the young brown-haired boy walks over to his son in concern.

"Are you alright son? Forgive him, this maniac of a man truly only likes one thing, and that's to fight strong opponents." Scyron gets up from the ground, still recovering from the short battle, and responds earnestly. "Yeah, dad I'm fine, Who even is this guy anyway?" Thor looks back at the man who is cracking his back, then when notices he's being looked at gives back a happy-go-lucky smile.

"This is Maui, the Sun god of Somaon Mythology. He is also referred to as the Fire Dragon King. We are what you may call, old business partners." The man in question walks up to Thor, "Oh don't be so introverted! We're best friends, aren't we!? My brother from another Pantheon!" Maui then gives Thor a bear hug so hard from a novice's eyes that it seems like he may be seconds away from committing murder.

Thor's wife walks up to Wendy, who was left on the sidelines during this whole exchange. "Are you alright, dear let's get you up now." Wendy Takes her hand and smiles, "I'm okay, it's nice to meet you again madam, I haven't seen you since I and Ronny started High School." The adult woman laughs, "Ah yes, You two were so cute back then. As you may understand, my position at the U.O.C.B(Universal Organization of Celestial Beings) doesn't allow me much vacation time, so I am truly grateful for you taking care of our son!" The woman was named Mut, and she took great pride in her role as Leader of the U.O.C.B, Scyron's mother, and Thor's lovely wife! 

After the misunderstanding is cleared up they are all relocated to the pair's humble abode. Maui sits between Scyron and Wendy as they are all on their knees in the living room. Thor is sitting on a chair right in front of them as his wife is making dinner. "Thor sweety, is there anything you'd like specifically?! It's been so long since I've cooked anything. I'm so excited!~" Thor, still looking at the three on the floor, responds in monotony, "Please just make anything without burning it is all I ask."

The madam responds with a pouty face sticking her tongue out at her rude husband. Scyron is the first to speak up, "So dad, What's the plan going forward from here?" Maui, who has gotten really comfortable in their house, starts to stretch and yawn, putting his legs out. "The plan thus far is to have you and the other members of the Ogdoad be legitimized by the church, as well as gaining the faith of the people, so our top priority, for now, is to make sure you're all as powerful as can be. There has never been a "Phoenix'' god in history per se, so religious faith in it is already at an aspiring low. so it'll be a bit tricky to have you all mature as Gods."

"Is that why this beast of an ogre is here?" Wendy says looking disapprovingly at the giant man-child in their living room. "Precisely, I thought it'd be best to have Scyron train with someone very powerful. I'd do it myself but as you can see, I haven't exactly recovered from my recent injuries." Thor says referring to his casted arm. In an effort to aid his son in a battle with a demon, the warrior god Thor took a serious blow, leaving him in a weakened state. He has slowly been losing his powers over the decades already, however, there was a time when he was to be considered, The Strongest. "Maui is a long-term associate of mine and he specializes in fire magic, he is more than suitable in training the next generation, all that's left is for you to decide."

Scyron pokes his head up, "Decide? You mean we get a choice?" Thor sighs before answering, "Yes of course you get a choice, we're not your wardens. You two are free to pursue the paths you see fit, as long as it's a path you two can be proud of then it doesn't matter to me. You two may have been chosen by a higher power but even so, I won't pretend like it's alright that your youth was stripped from you two. I believe you two have a right to decide where your stories must head."

Scyron, taken back at his father's sincerest replies back with a smile. "Thanks, Dad, that means a lot. But honestly, this is a no-brainer for me. If this guy can help me get stronger, I'll gladly go with him!" The red-haired beast wraps an arm around Scyron beaming with Joy. " Now that's the right attitude to have! I underestimated you Shounen!" Thor smiles and looks over at the blue-haired girl. " And what about you Wendy, what do you want to pursue now?"

Wendy thinks for a minute, then an image of Set pops into her head. A feeling of regret and anguish quickly washes over her before she answers.

"You're aware of what the pope had called me for right? The Seven deadly sins have been awakened. If something isn't done about them, then a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt." Thor seems a bit tethered, "Yes I'm aware of them. Those Demons are very powerful, it took everything and the other Dragon Gods had to seal them. The problem is they couldn't just be destroyed by conventional means, the only way to subdue them would be to get to the root of their very sins and destroy them from within. That at the time was not possible back when my team engaged them, so sealing them was our only option."

Madam returns with a truckload of food as Maui and Scyron begin to feast. the fire gods speak a word of praise, "I forgot how good your cooking was Mom! You're the best" "Thanks for the grub!" Wendy looks indecisive before Thor continues. "I understand he spoke of the prophecy to you as well. For that reason, I can understand why you'd be put off from the assignment, but as a goddess, you now have a greater responsibility to the people, not the church. I may not know what you're going through, but I was once in a position of being afraid of not meeting my expectations as a god. But even so, I pulled through, and decided to create this haven with my wife to secure a future for all the gods that will outlive me." Scyron, after eating, looks over at Wendy and grabs her hand.

"I'm happy we were able to spend this time together, Wendy. Honestly, all I want is for you to stay by my side permanently. But even with that said, I can't be the one who drags you down. As long as I've known you, you've always been the type of girl to do the right thing. You always put others before ourselves and I've always admired you for that. So even though we live in a different world now, I don't see why we should change who we are." Gripping her hand tightly, Scyron finishes. "I think you should do what you believe you should do!" Wendy couldn't help but smile at his speech. Before either of them could say anything, the red giant grabbed Scyron by the back of the head.

"Alright cute moment aside, I'm taking this boy back with me A.S.A.P!" Wendy then grabs the boy from Maui's clutches. "Hold it right there mister, this boy isn't going anywhere until we go on our date!" The parents of the young boy watch this exchange unfold for a few minutes, as the two brightly colored individuals tug on the poor boy as if he were a toy they were both unwilling to share. "Ahh, young love! We can spare a bit of time for them to enjoy themselves can't we?" Thor looks over at his wife before complying. "Yes, I don't see why not, let them enjoy their youth for a bit longer." After saying this, Thor looks over at Wendy once more. "not to rush either of you, but did you come up with an answer to my prior question." Wendy turns back to Thor, holding a much more determined look than before. "Yes, I've decided."