
Spirit points are indomitable

Is an ancient sacred treasure capable of breaking through five realms continuously! Lin mu: no it’s a bag of chips. Is that the ancient Nether Phoenix king of astral beasts! Lin mu: it is merely a sparrow. Is that indomitable sword retribution! Lin mu: that is only a stick. Follow Lin mu’s journey whilst adding sprit points along the way.

Drew_Morrow · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Skin system

After scouring the river bank for 1 hour, Lin mu found 26 sticks, 8 rocks, and 5 leaves

He found out that rocks had two

points in durability and two points in attack along with the fact that leaves had one point in durability and zero in attack. he now had 89 points he wanted to use them to breakthrough his stick to A rank but decided against it

With his newfound divine gift, he wanted to accomplish a few things mainly find the person who framed him for stealing the Astral crystal

Yes, he was framed. As the weakest in his sect having not even broken through to the first realm no one would believe anything he said. One needed the power to live a comfortable life, but now using his divine gift he could reach the top.

First, he needed to get spirit points as he looked at his clothes and an idea came to mind he suddenly thought this better be worth it and he brought up his panel.


Absorb spirit points?






Rank: G


Attack 0

Durability 14


Absorbing five articles of clothing leaving him in only his underwear and shirt if One saw him like this it would really be too embarrassing he now had 159 points and after looking for more sticks he eventually got his points to 200

Assuming 200 points was enough to level up he decided to put all of his points into the stick.


Imbue with spirit points?

Attack +





Rank: S+


Attack 151

Durability 151


Lin mu was surprised it seemed like the stick was tier two he quickly ran to the nearest tree to test it I see struck out there was a slight whistling sound the second the tree was hit there was a crunch sound and a 30 cm radius the bark flew away with a large indent was left on the tree he sadly had no way to test its durability but he only assumes that it must be as monstrous as it's attack.

The stick had distracted him and made him forget to check if he had leveled up.


Spirit point panel level:3

Functions available 3

Spirit point imbue

Spirit point absorption

Spirit skin system

Current spirit points:0

Bonus rewards: for getting an item to tier two

1000 points

For getting an item to S rank

100 points


Lin mu was startled he had just made eleven hundred points but he wanted to see what the spirit skin system was.

He picked up his trusty stick


Change with spirit skin?





He already knew the function of this panel and quickly imagined what he would want his stick to look like every small change took up spirit points

He ended up putting 100 points into each aspect

The stick changed into a malevolent-looking sword. from just staring at it you could sense its extreme power. the hilt of the sword poked out and had cracks running through it almost as if it had been shattered by legendary weapons in combat inside of the cracks was what looked like flowing lava there was an eye in the sword's center of weight which just so happened to be in the middle of the hilt The grip looks jagged and dangerous but was strangely comfortable.

This weapon would likely not strike as much fear to his enemies if they knew it was only a stick although it may look cooler Lin mu knew it was only a cosmetic change he then put another 100 points into fear.



Rank: S+


Attack 151

Durability 151

Fear 200

Charm 100

Awe 100


Looking at the stats of the stick he was satisfied

Having spent double the points it took for him to get to the level so he was sure that he had leveled up he couldn't wait to see what his next ability would be.


Spirit point panel level:4

Functions available 4

Spirit point imbue

Spirit point absorption

Spirit skin system

Spirit effect

Spirit points: 800


Lin mu picked up his trusty stick ready to test the new skill


Add effect

Spear like precision+

Unmoving willow tree+

Ordinary stick+


Lin mu was intrigued he could already tell the improvement's the effects would add it seemed that spear like precision would let him throw his stick better, unmoving willow tree would make him twice as strong defense wise while standing still, and ordinary stick would hide his presence

Spear like precision was already off the table. seeing as Lin mu could not bear to throw his stick it was like throwing away a life buoy surely he would drown. onto the next ability unmoving Willow if he was facing a stronger opponent not moving would likely make it easier for them to kill him, even if he only took half the damage he was sure the powerhouses of the world could still easily kill him in one hit, finally ordinary stick it seemed that this effect had no downsides.

Having made up his mind he tried to purchase ordinary stick feeling his points fade away he looked at his spirit point panel and 50 points were used to purchase it he then looked at the stats of his stick



Rank: S+


Attack 151

Durability 151

Fear 200

Charm 100

Awe 100

Effects: ordinary stick


At This point the sky was already dark And so it was time to sleep. Lin mu's rest was dreamless and tranquil that was until.

Unknown man: is this a disciple of the vital wind sect?

Unknown man: why is he undressed! And that sword he must be one of the young masters of the sect!

Unknown man: was he robed?

Unknown man: now is not the time for such thought's I must take him to the sect.

The man seemed resolute and so Lin mu was taken from his serene resting spot.