
Spirit Of Evil

Born in a modest village, Dagian possesses an innate desire to push beyond his limits and achieve greatness. Follow Dagian in the adventure filled with action, romance and twist

Anandhu_goku · Fantasy
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6 Chs


While walking towards home, Dagian thought about things that happened after his awakening ceremony. He was mocked by his peers ,' I was looked down on by everyone, but thanks to the spirits I was able to become powerful enough to defeat my peers and those mocked gaze turned into amazement , but my mother died and that time I truly felt alone, but without

my master, Balthazar and my spirits I would not have come out of that loneliness'.

After he reached home and ate his food, He was touching the chain in his neck while being laid back, the chain was given to him by his mother before she died, She said that it will help him when he is in a big trouble with that she also said never reveal I can see hear and understand the spirits, I have this ability ever since I can remember, She must be afraid I will be experimented upon.

But thanks to this power I understand the purpose and use of magical energy or mana by sharing the sense

of spirit with myself with that I have the potential to become very powerful, with his thoughts arranged he went to sleep

"Hey hey hey wake up Dagian, wake up, wake up, wake up" , Dagian woke up while someone was knocking on his door loudly, He walked to front door and realised it was his friend Balthazar , "Hey Dagian why the fuck are you still sleeping"." The entrance test only starts after noon why are you this excited and what happened to your face"Dagian replied,"It is a bit of a face powder given to me by a sage and ladies are waiting in the arena for this handsome Balthazar for his performance and beauty

so I have to meet their expectations, Dagian pulled a mirror and showed to his friend's face, ""AAAAAAAHHH" who the fuck is this, "NOOO" my beautiful face"."Haah" Dagian sighed and said to his whitened friend "Come in and wash your face" A listless Balthazar came into the house and started to wash his face.

After the morning debacle Dagian bathed himself and was ready to go to the arena for his academy entrance exam, and Balthazar is talking about killing the sage for scamming him, luckily the white powder has already been removed from his face. "Ok Balthazar let's go to the arena and we have to win the entrance exam"" and get some ladies" Balthazar added. "What a Lecherous pervert don't be like him" Xyn arrived at the time and sit in Dagian's shoulder. "He may look like a pervert but he is a good man and he is very strong".Dagian said, " Stronger than you" , "I don't know I haven't fought him seriously".Dagian replied." Hey Dagian you are spacing out again" Balthazar said, Hey what did you say Dagian asked, " You are spacing out " ""God" I think you should see a doctor for that" Balthazar replied sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny, let's go " Dagian replied and they left for the arena