
Training the Rest of the Maids

Qian Renxue looked with a frown at the girl who used to be their family lion. Wang Qiu'er becoming human was something that didn't cross her mind at all!

Why would she become one in the first place? Isn't the Great Beast way better? At least in her eyes, it's better! 

But the Lioness just decided to go full human the moment she could! Not only that but the lion's attention was immediately on her Fiance!

This made her frown quite a bit!

"Can I know the reason why you decided to take the human path?" The blonde angel girl said with hidden annoyance.

Maids are one thing but someone declaring that they will be a pet is another thing!

"Because I am too big to cuddle with Long! He could still do it but I could not! Besides this way, it's much better!" The pink-blue-haired girl said that she was using Xue Long's lap as a pillow. She didn't leave him at all! Like she is following him everywhere now!

Dressed in his shirt and with simple slim shorts and long stockings she looked like a lazy girl.

"...You… you know that it doesn't work like this! Now that you are human—" Qian Renxue didn't know what to say! It doesn't work like this!

"It does work like this, you are his wife, you can continue being it…I don't mind, I prefer being his pet, and just cuddle like this for the rest of eternity." The girl said that as she just snuggled even more into him. Xue Long answered back to her to cuddle by stroking her hair.

"Ugh… fine… whatever… just don't forget who is—"

"Yes, yes, you can deal with all the boring things humans do, take care of that Empress imagine, I will take care of all the cuddling." Wang Qiu'er said with a smile as she continued her cuddling into Xue Long's stomach.

This sounded close to what a mistress would do!

After hearing that something has snapped inside the blonde angel girl she rushed forward and not close to Xue Long as well she started to cuddle as well.

"That's not important! As his Fiance and future wife, I must cuddle with my future husband!" Qian Renxue appeared next to her fiance's empty side and started hugging his arm while cuddling with him!

This lioness is dangerous! 

The blue-pink-haired girl ignored her and just continued with her things.

While Xue Long? He simply sighed and returned to stroking the hair of the girl on his lap with his remaining hand.


Once again all of his maids have gathered in front of him. By this point, it's a small army of beautiful girls. Even the trainee maids were here. Even the maid trainer herself Tang Yuehua was there, who was slightly out of place… she was wondering what was the meaning of all of this…

"Good, you all are here, soon I will be transporting you into my Cultivation Reality where we will be training to reach Titled Douluo. By that I mean all of you will be trained for that.

This is why I got Tang Yuehua with me who will continue to train you in maid arts." Xue Long said that as he looked at the Tang lady.

"My prince, how does that work? It takes time to train…"

"Yes, but my domain has evolved and time has become inconsequential." 


His words have confused the whole of them. But then he decided to show an example.

"Shui sisters step forward, you two will be taking on Ming'er Team." 

Hearing the request the maids moved forward. It was the same team which took on Gu Yue several years ago. By now the seven girls were in either Spirit Sage or Spirit Douluo. However, cultivation in maid circles should be taken as a  broad subject.

As Martial Arts play an enormous role. This by all means should be a victory for the team of seven maids.

Moments later there was a face-off between 2 vs 7. The first one to move was Shui Yue'er who rushed forward with impressive speed. The girl's legs glowed as she released a torrent of water with a spin kick.

The attack was large enough to force the formation to scatter.  Before they can regroup and attack, Shui Bing'er releases a chilly aura and releases a burst of energy from her body.

It consumed the whole area, turning into a freezing winter.

'Domain! She achieved a domain!' The maids were shocked to see this. As Shui Bing'er froze instantly three maids, two of them being main support. 

Making them unavailable to support the main fighting force.

Seeing that the pair had an enormous advantage in sheer force of power the twin dagger maid and the polearm maid activated their Spirit Rings and Martial Avatars. They didn't expect the increase in strength would be this large for these two maids.

Though it was quite pointless as the temperature drop was enormous when Shui Bing'er summoned her Martial Spirit. 

Her Eight ring was a pure elemental one, which made all the people look at her with wide eyes. So far they only saw these used by Xue Long! Aren't they based on million-year-old Blood Rings created by Golden Dragon King Core? Now the maids can have those rings!?

"Eight Ring, Sub-Zero!" That moment the remaining maids froze which were inside the Winter Domain.

Once Shui Bing'er was done she landed on the ground and walked over to the prince's side, followed by Shui Yue'er, who was quite smug about the situation. Their power was off the charts!

"As you can see, my training in the cultivation of reality made two of these into powerhouses. In Shui Yue'er case her Martial Spirit Evolved twice which shows how potent the Heaven and Earth Energies were in the Cultivation of Reality." 

As the Prince explained that he unfroze the girls, more like rewind the time and made sure they were all fresh.

The group of seven for a few seconds were confused before they realised that their prince did something.  They didn't bother to question him. Since they knew he would explain things to them either way.

While Xue Long was explaining Qian Renxue realised that the pair out of nowhere became this strong.

'All these girls become so strong so suddenly!' The blonde was slightly weary of all these developments!

"Now let's proceed with the training session." As the Crown Prince said he activated the Yin and Yang symbol which transported everyone into the familiar yet unfamiliar place.

"Split up and proceed with your regular exercises, I will check each one of you." 

Moments later the girls were baffled to see so many princes appeared! How is he able to do that!?


Dugu Yan always loved to train inside the cultivation domain, well now it was Cultivation Reality, which is not a small upgrade, to say the least!

The reason for her liking it is the same as any other maid, the progress inside of this place was pretty much physically visible!

Yet, her Prince didn't stop to impress her! As he activated the other two domains as well! So, they were getting stronger every second instead of every minute!

Because of Enlightenment Domain, she could learn about her poison just by observing it! Mix and match with her other poisons, since she has several snake pets.

It didn't stop that a…time travelling version of her Prince was assisting her! That is just mad! He was Instructing her without questions which made her train like mad.

"Your Grandfather told you how to make your Martial Spirit Evolve?" Xue Long asked her.

"Yes, I need to make a nucleus of poison." The teal-haired maid explained to him.

"Good, then we will just do that. After that, we will add elemental rings to you to reach Titled Douluo."

Her eyes gleamed when she heard that!

"As you wish! Just tell me what I need to do!"

The Crown Prince nodded and started to tell her how to proceed with the creation of the nucleus. It wasn't that much different from Core creation. The difference was that it was the Martial Spirit which is creating the core-like object and not the Spirit Master.


"Has your Martial Spirit progressed much towards evolution?" Xue Long asked Ye Lingling, the girl is silent so borderline invisible that it's hard to notice her sometimes.

Her training was slightly more basic from other maids. Sure she knows how to fight and break some people's bones, but her Martial Spirit is purely healing. So lots of things fall off the training schedule which leads her to cultivate much more than other maids.

This leads to more specialised training which some maids are jealous of as Xue Long gives such special treatment to this girl.

"...I think it will evolve in this place, I could feel how good it feels to be in this place." 

The girl said with a small smile.

"Good to hear, continue to try, I am sure it will be a grand spectacle when Martial Spirit of Immortal Herb evolves."

"Yes. Thank you for believing in me."

"*Snort* it does not believe, it's the general truth, Lingling I KNOW it will evolve because there doesn't exist a martial spirit which can take this much energy and not evolve."

She slowly nodded when she heard it.

"Even yours?"

"Even mine."

"Can't wait to see it evolve, it will truly be spectacular."

Xue Long could only smile at her, his maids are his greatest cheerleaders… he has close to a thousand of them by this point.

"Yes, now return to your cultivation, I will continue to watch over you."


Another Xue Long walked over to his recent and newest addition to his maid initiative.

Zhu Zhuqing was training extremely hard since she joined and her power and cultivation were rapidly advancing.

By gaining Dai Weisi Evil Eyed Tiger her talent leapt forward. Surpassing Zhu Zhuyun by a large degree.

"How is the adjustment to the new Martial Spirit?"

The cat girl smiled at him with a bright smile.

"It's invigorating! The amount of power flowing through me, it took me several days to get over that extra energy! Even now it's hard to calm down and just don't do anything!" 

Hearing her explanation, Xue Long had a thoughtful look for a while. Being hyperactive is fine but… she needs to calm down. Hyperactivity could lead to blindness towards certain things.

The Crown Prince pointed his finger at the cat girl and a golden lotus flower bloomed above her and golden particles descended into her.

This made her stop in her tracks and think for a bit.

"...I see… my thanks, my Prince." 

All Xue Long did after was rub her hair, especially around her cat ears as he liked those very much. This made Zhu Zhuqing slightly purr like an actual cat.

"It's alright, as I said before, I always wanted to have cat girls." 

After enjoying the session of ear rubbing the prince proceeded with Zhu Zhuyun who got over her episode of feeling down and now was working hard to catch up with her lost training.

Her goal is to get another Feline Spirit so that she won't fall behind so much from Zhu Zhuqing.

Though it wasn't as easy as she thought.

"Relax, don't follow her path, her path is different because of her twin Martial Spirit, you should make a path for yourself." 

His words have snapped the black-haired older sister of Zhu Zhuqing.

"Understood my Prince, I won't fail you." 

Once again she proceeded with her Katas, her style is a sub-version of the tiger style, since she is all speed, legs do the most work.

Seeing how hard she was working he helped her with a lotus flower which manifested above her and then bloomed.

This was happening through the whole martial field where everyone was training.

It was a beautiful thing for Xue Long to watch from a distance…

'I wonder how Sea God island feels when hundreds of Titled Douluos march towards them?'


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel