
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

Rakshasa God

A giant Ape was minding its business when sickly-looking green and yellow vines erupted from the ground and coiled around the massive beast's legs and rapidly coiled up towards its torso.

The Great Beast roared in pain as it started to struggle to get out from its binds.

Though it was quite useless as the more it struggled the more it was poisoned from the vines as one could see how the vine had sharp points which had poison in them.

Just a few minutes into its struggle the ape collapses on its ground and the process to consume the Great Beast has begun.

Unlike other beasts, this one took a considerable amount of time. 

But, Tang San was done in less than a few hours. 

"So this is the power… of the Great Beast… such power! No wonder I need two! After consuming a second I will be unstoppable!" The deranged teen said with a feral grin.

"ER MING!!! NO!!!" A huge hammer descended on Tang San from the sky

"Hmm? Clear Sky Hammer?" The Dark Spirit Master mumbled to himself as he didn't even bother to dodge as the hammer smashed into him.


The attack was a direct hit which caused the creation of a massive crater in its place.

Xiao Wu pulled her weapon away as she looked at the crater. She just saw one of her friends getting consumed by some sort of creature. 

Next to her was Ah Yin who looked at this with a frown as well. Who was this thing? Some sort of Plant-based Great Beast who can eat other Spirit Beasts?

It needs to be put down immediately!

As the dust settled down the pair could see the creature was unharmed all it did was raise its hand to block the attack.

"Attack me from behind like this… Hmm? Xiao Wu? Where did you get the Clear Sky Hammer from?" The creature said with a frown as he looked at the bunny girl dressed in a maid uniform she had a huge hammer on her shoulder.

"How do you know my name!? I have never met a Spirit Beast like you before!" Xiao Wu said with a grossed-out look. There was fury in her eyes. She is itching to show the true power she has!

"...Xiao Wu? What are you talking about? It is me! Tang San!" The creature identified itself as Tang San which made Xiao Wu, especially Ah Yin look at it with utter disbelief.

"N-NO! My third brother would never become a Dark Spirit Master! He would never kill my friend like this!" The bunny girl was in complete denial when she finally noticed…some similarities between Tang San and this thing.

Seeing how in denial she was Tang San frowned anger started to rise in his gut. 

"Did that Prince brainwash you? How did you get that Hammer!!! ANSWER ME!" The Dark Spirit Master's eyes glowed red as black miasma started to rise from him.

"I do think it's enough… did you have enough evidence needed to see what happened to your son?" That moment a voice said from above as it got everyone's attention.

All three looked up as they saw Xue Long slowly float down.

"XUE LONG!" Tang San roared with fury as vines erupted from the ground and rushed towards the Crown Prince.


One moment the vines tried to hit him the next moment Xue Long was gone from the vine's path.

Then the prince just appeared in front of Tang San and delivered a spin kick which sent the Dark Spirit Master flying away.

"Well, is it enough for you two?" Once again he asked the pair.

"...This…well… I can't believe this has happened to the Third Brother! What happened to him!?"

Xiao Wu, the first one to react, was extremely shocked. She rushed to the Prince and asked, almost pleading with him to explain to her!

"Power, he wanted power, and gaining this much this quickly with such a plain method was the only choice he had." As Xue Long explained, an inhuman roar spread through the area pitch black miasma ruptured from the area where Tang San was. More vines rushed at them, this time these wines were pitch black.

'It appears he is using Rakshasa powers to empower his Martial Spirit.'

"You two get away from him. He will drain you two faster than you can blink." Xue Long used his space and time attributes to put both of them at a distance before disappearing himself.

He summoned his Martial Spirit, the Martial Dragon God which did a praying motion and diamond golden radiance erupted from it. 

Erasing all the darkness away. This course Tang San stops whatever he is doing. All the vines disappeared.

'Hmm? Where did he disappear to?'  

The Prince looked around… he gazed at the past, then at the future.

A frown appeared on his face. There is black miasma covering his vision…

'Is that bitch helping him? So she got insulted that I got Dong'er out of her hands.'

Xue Long realised that he can't track that…thing because he can't see the time attribute. 

'Fine then… I will simply wait…'

The prince floated around. His gaze went from one side to another, eventually ending up looking at the lake some distance away.

He flew over there and looked at the water, his senses bombarded the lake. 

His eyes for a second widened as he didn't need to sense it as he saw green and yellow rising from the water.

'That idiot is draining the snake buddy of Xiao Wu as well? Damn… talking about a reversal.'

The Crown Prince raised his hand and pointed at the lake. Slowly the water started to slit up to show what was happening in the water. 

"Hahaha! You are too late! With this! I am powerful enough to ascend and become a God! What can you possibly do to stop me now!?" Tang San said while looking at the sky. He was standing on the drained corpse of a massive python.

"One… you are too delusional. Two, I will kill you regardless. Three, no matter what you do, you will always be a weakling."

Xue Long finally got tired of this nonsense. For no apparent reason, he killed two Great Beasts…no more than consumed them completely!

"Hehehe… as if! I am destined for greatness! Unlike you foolish Prince I had a second chance at life! I was sent to this world to save it from evil people like you!"

The moment the Prince heard that he started to launch uncontrollably.

"Pffff hahaha, did that crazy woman in your head have been saying this nonsense? Get a grip, you were just another experiment for a god to pass his title to you." 

The conversation ended as Xue Long arm thrusted and released a large Yin and Yang symbol at the idiot standing at the bottom of the lake.

Tang San roared with fury as a sickle appeared in his hands. With some effort, he sliced the symbol. This made the Crown Prince frown for a bit because he sensed the energy Tang San used.

'He has fully inherited that bitch's power. Though he still needs to break through to rank 100… well then…' 

"Let's finish this game. Let's see how you deal with this!" The Crown Prince did a specific motion before releasing another Yin and Yang symbol. This time, this symbol could warp space itself as it rammed into the Evil God-to-be.


That moment Tang San screamed from the huge amount of pain as the darkness started to leave him. The teen collapsed on the ground as his cultivation rapidly started to leave him!

"W-What did you do to me!?"

"I just separated the cultivation you stole from all those beasts. Soon you will be at the same level as when we met last time." Xue Long smiled at him as he made the water rise. And condense into crushing force.

Tang San's eyes widened as he saw the water about to descend on him from the sky itself.

With such a small amount of cultivation he got left and the weakness he was feeling at this moment…

If that water will crash at him he will die!

"Impossible! I was the one who was supposed to save this world from you! This is not how it is supposed to end!"

That moment the teen finally lost any sort of coherent reason he got left.

Xue Long just rolled his eyes and motioned for the water to crash down and crush the brat which was at the bottom of the lake.

The force instantly turned his bones into dust.

"What a nuisance. Why would Asura God pick this fool for his replacement? Is he that desperate?" The Prince said to himself as he moved back and appeared in front of the pair of ladies who were spacing out.

Mostly it was Xiao Wu who just could not believe what she saw. While Ah Yin… she was in a similar situation but much more controlled. The Blue Silver Empress didn't have much time to properly attach herself to him. But regardless it was hard for her.

"The situation is under control. That idiot was still able to drain a huge python from the lake close to here."

The moment Xue Long mentioned the python Xiao Wu started to cry.

"He-He killed Da Ming as well!? For power!? What did that help!? He was defeated regardless! What a fool! What pointless death! I hate him!" The bunny girl said with fury! She clenched her hammer harder. While Ah Yin had a look of pure loss.

It appears Tang Hao is useless… completely useless. She should have never met that guy! Now, this has happened!

"Relax, he is done for. He is at the bottom of the lake. Let's return." Xue Long slightly made the bunny maid relax. As he patted her head. What he gets in return is the girl hugging him as if it's the last thing she will do in the world.

All he could do was just sigh and let her get it out of her system.


While Xue Long had to deal with two devastated ladies Tang San's body at the bottom of the lake slightly twitched, showing that it was very much alive.

That moment this body was possessed by a certain someone.

[Woman… your power, give it to me… I need to rescue my daughter from that vile creature who turned her into a pet!] A male voice strikingly similar to Tang San spoke to the Evil Goddess who was thinking to pull out! She can't believe the very last moment before he became a proper god he got destroyed like this! She was about to return to the drawing board to look for another successor to her power!

[You… You broke THE rules! How crazy are you!?] The Evil Goddess said with pure and utter shock! She can understand the little plots she does which only amuse the enforcer of the God Realm!

But this guy! He broke ALL the laws! Breaking the boundaries and coming from a completely different timeline! Is he utterly mad!?

[Woman! There is no time! My Godhood is not stable here! There is another God of Sea in this place, you must give me your position to stabilise my power!

Don't you wish for someone to Inherit your Strength? With my remaining strength and yours, we should be a match for that vile Creature!]


[Fine… though this is your final chance at Tang San. If you fail then he will utterly destroy us next time.] The Rakshasa Goddess said with a frown. This body survived because of the spirit of a God possessing it. Though how much such a body is worth anyway?

[Doesn't matter, I won't lose, I am a God, and he is just a Demi-God.] The Godling said with an arrogant tone.

[We shall see…] She slightly mocked him, such arrogance… it coated the death of the previous Tang San… Now a God version of him trying again? They just can't get enough, do they?


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