
Lecturing and Giving Advises

"Martial arts, foremost is an art. Just like painting a painting is an art, just like playing a musical instrument, just like making food, just like sculpturing a statue. Those things are all art.

Today we all have gathered here to learn about Martial Arts. Martial arts are a form of combat using one's body to imitate an animal or ideology one is following." 

Xue Long said that as he was instructing the gathered crowd of 40 people. There are around 20 students who are part of the academy, the rest are people who wanted to hear him make such an open lecture and greedily are taking in what he is saying.

"At first we going to go through the foundation. The very basics of which martial arts originated and from there on one can develop his unique style.

For those who have Beast Martial Spirit, I recommend basing future style on the beast which is your martial spirit." 

After he said that one of the kids raised his hand.


"...What if the Martial Spirit is not an offensive beast?" He said that with a nervous look as everyone was looking at the kid as if he did a huge offence by interrupting the prince.

"For example?"

"My Martial Spirit is a turtle." 

"You saying that a turtle is not offensive?" Xue Long asked for a confirmation.

"Yes… it's hugely accepted that a turtle of any kind means that that Spirit Master will be of a Defensive system." The kid said with a sure tone as it was common sense by this point.

"True…" The boy nodded when he heard that the Prince has accepted what he said" Turtle naturally has extraordinary defence. This means one can focus on building up its range attack arsenal."

"Umm? What?" The boy was blown away when he heard that! Ranged attacks!? What!?

"Observe. Black Tortoise Arts." 

Xue Long turned towards a training mannequin. 

He took a stance which is quite familiar to some people.

The Prince stomped with his left foot forward and thrusted his right-hand palm and a yin and yang discs slammed into the mannequin.


The entire right side of the training mannequin was destroyed.

"Your Martial Spirit naturally has absurd defence which you can turn into a fortification and assault from distance with your martial arts like the Black Tortoise arts which I have!

This not only that but Tortoise on its own is extremely heavy being who can deliver slow and devastating strikes!"


As the prince explain he took a martial arts stance which made the boy instantly see the similarity between a turtle and the way the prince was standing as he was imitating a turtle!

Each strike was slowly but the force behind the swing was so hard that they could hear the wind generated from each swing.

Now the kid realised that with his bigger frame than others he could easily utilise this style for maximum damage and potential!

"Any more questions if turtle is not an offensive Martial Beast?" 

The kid shook his head.

"I knew that those theories published by that Grandmaster is nonsense in the first place." The kid said with a frown. He should trust less someone who is eternally stuck at Grandmaster rank!

'Maybe this is why he is calling himself Grandmaster? Pitiful.' 

The kid frown hard realising that he made himself into an idiot by doubting the Prince! If the Prince made a turtle into an offensive beast then his ideas are far superior!

"Now back to the foundations building. First, we going to get down to understanding the basic uses of the four limbs and then proceed to build around these basics a style suited for each of you." As Xue Long said that he moved in front of another training mannequin. 

"First, make sure one's body is slightly to the side so that the body is a smaller target while moving the side back which is not your dominant hand. So it's either this way or this way." The fourth prince moved his left side to the back for one second and the next one he moved forward emphasising how to use their dominant hand side.

"Once that is done hands have to take a stance like this. Defending vital areas and ready to strike." 

"Legs have to be like this ready to spring into action at any time." 

After showing the stance he did some practice attacks on the mannequin.

"Next is what is called 'kata'. This term means the action sequence one is doing while moving their body. Basic ones are 3 to maximum known to me being 17." 

At that moment Dugu Bo who was at the back frowned for a bit he remembers when the kid used that five-strike thing on Great Beast it only was 5 sequences…  it was already terrifying what kind of 17 are?

Though this means that it doesn't do that much damage if one receives 17 strikes and is still fine.

So, this means balance.

'Balance in all things. Heh, the kid's mentality starting to affect me?' 

As he thought about that he looked at the Viper he still has in his hand. The little thing became docile when he arrived at this place. 

A smirk appeared on his face. So the little thing got addicted to the Spirit Energy in this place?

'Hmm, maybe I could get a fancy snake for Yanyan?' The Poison Douluo thought about that as he stroked his chin. Though he needs to make sure she achieved the second stage of Lotus Meditation and got the benefits of Jade Phosphor Poison then he can bring a good snake for his Granddaughter. 


"Do I need to learn the basics to develop the snake style? I am certain you know one already little monster." Dugu Bo said that as he approached the fourth Prince who finished instructing the students.

"Knowing one doesn't mean you are good at it. I can instruct because I am good at using Martial Arts in general. Basics of martial arts are something you need because you need to understand how to incorporate four limb movement and copy that of a beast who doesn't have those at all." He exclaimed with crossed arms as he looked at the leaving people.

Hearing that The Poison Douluo slowly nodded as he had thoughtful look. He remembered how the prince moved when copying the movement of Turtle and turtles only attack with their mouth similarly to how snakes do. 

Yet he utilised hands and legs for more force.

"True I suppose. I will do some meditation on this. If you need me just channel some of your energy in an unrestrained manner." After saying that Dugu Bo disappeared into one of the small forestry areas around the Academy.

Xue Long looked where Dugu Bo disappeared before pulling out the nucleus of the Tiger he killed recently.

Inspecting it for a bit before putting it away.

"Hmm… should do some training. Still needs to master those wings." After saying that he disappeared from the martial field towards a less populated area.

~~~~~~Later, Evening~~~~~~



Blonde angel girl stiffed hearing a knock on the doors. 

"I am coming in." 

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes hearing how her future husband acts like a blunt weapon and does whatever he pleases… 

Moments later the doors opened and Xue Long entered the blonde's room. 

He saw her coiled in a blanket and hugging her pillow. All the lights were out and she was on her bed.

"I was wondering what was happening to my lovely angel." He said that as he walked over and took a seat on her bed. 

She was still turned away from him so he couldn't see her face.

"I am a failure."

"Oh? Where did that come from?"

"I been stuck on second stage for years now. While you already in stage six according to you." She said that with a sniff. It appears she has been crying about this.

For a second Xue Long had uncomfortable look on his face. He is bad with this stuff. Honestly, he has no idea how to approach emotional stuff like that. There is a reason why his actions usually are doing it or not. Beat up or not. He tries to dodge that annoying middle ground which makes things complex…

"As I said many times before. It's mental cultivation. What is been clouding your mind?" He asked with a sigh coming out from his lips.

"... It's… my mother… she doesn't like me. She hates me." She said that with a slightly angry tone. 

'Of course… I have forgotten the whole edgy relationship those two have…' 

Thinking for a bit. He decided to approach this in a… rational way.

"I see… my advice would be to take a step back and observe. Answering anger with anger is not a solution. It leads to mutual destruction. I suggest to grown in strength not just in cultivation but emotionally as well. When you can face her without anger and with a clear mind then you should ask the questions you want to ask." 



"I see… yes… I could work…"

"I know it's hard to accept the fact that she dislikes you. You need to accept that and then when you are strong try to change it." 

For a second the girl laughed it was sort of a relieved laugh.

"This is the first time I ever talked about my parents and you don't even question… anything…" 

Internally Xue Long grimaced. He didn't ask because he already knows. And simply asking is like walking through a minefield. He waited for her to open up first.

"I believe you should tell me all you want yourself. Instead of me asking those questions." 

"Hmm… true…" 

As she said that she rolled over and looked at him for a bit before crawling out of the blanked 

Then the girl ended up laying on top of him. There was a smug look on her face when she saw how he reacted to her actions.

One could say that Qian Renxue just progressed to the next stage. Not in cultivation or meditation but in her proximity with her future husband.

"Now kiss me."


"Don't look like that. You killed tens of people when you were just an 8-year-old. You butchered beasts which usually could kill hundreds of spirit Masters and you have tamed a Great Beast.

Kissing your future wife is not hard is it not?

We should practise~ after all I will be the mother of your future princes and princesses~" 

She giggled when she said the last part, her finger slowly stroked his cheek.

"Now~~~ let's practise~" 

Xue Long rolled his eyes. He didn't expect for Qian Renxue to do this. He was almost betting on Hu Liena with her Martial Spirit being Fox and all.

Though… he can see that the girl wants that love and affection from someone…


'Why humans being this complex…' 

After thinking for a bit he kissed the girl who quickly answered back with her kiss. 

Before long she wrapped her hands around him…

The whole thing lasted for a few minutes with short breaks before she decided to use him as a pillow.

"You know… our Martial Spirits are powerful so… which one of our children will inherit? Will, it going to be yours or mine? Before this, it was always my Seraphim which prevailed for many years in my clan.

But then your appeared which is as strong as my Seraphim." 

Hearing that Xue Long only wanted to roll his eyes at her. Still though he is going to entertain her questions…

"Both are regarded as God Class Spirit Beasts. Though I can't see them working together in harmony thanks to my one being too arrogant. Though it would be fascinating to see one of them being born with Twin Martial Spirits."

"Hehehe. I would love to see my mother's face when she sees one of those…" She said that while rubbing her head in his cheek for a bit before deciding to sleep.

Like the way she is…


'Fine… let's sleep like this…' 


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.