
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 24: The Kingdom of Habsburg

The old man dropped us off at the guard post to tell them that we were foreigners. We were asked a bunch of questions. We were only let out after the questioning which felt more like interrogation.


We passed by many adventurers that also gave us pointers and advice of areas we shouldn't go to.

—Habsburg Kingdom—

A kingdom with eight generations of kings and queens throughout their history. The kingdom was still far too small to be called big since the previous monarchs never invested in the kingdom's walls and economy. They we so paranoid that they only invested in the military. I heard that the kingdom of Habsburg was always invaded back when the second king ruled the kingdom. He was the one that started all of this.

Even if the size of the kingdom is small, their military power shouldn't be underestimated. Possessing both aerial and land armies, their only weakness are sea attacks since they don't have a navy. That said, the sea is mostly frozen throughout the year so they wouldn't need to worry about sea attacks anytime soon.

Another thing the old man told me was that the kingdom was one of the best trader and manufacturer when it comes to magic items and artifacts. They are far inferior to the Magic Empire but still sell many amazing items and artifacts. The mage tower produces all the items and sells it to the kingdom or auctions for higher prices than the standard price.

Speaking of mages, they are pretty rare in this kingdom. The people in the kingdom believe that the only people they need are knights and archers. Mages are just cowards who read books and shut themselves in their rooms.

I took a cursory glance at my staff. Since it's a limited edition from the Hermit Sage collection, it would be stupid to openly walk with it. I covered the top of the staff with a piece of cloth I ripped off from a blanket.

I thought it would be a good idea to buy a gemstone here for my staff. The one I had at the moment was on the verge of breaking apart. I still didn't have good control on my magic power consumption. It was like my body was telling me there was no need for that since my mana pool was already large.

I looked at all our equipment. Arielle thankfully had a sword the day we left to go see the mermaids. The only one I was worried about was Charlotte. She wore the same dress she wore on the day of that phenomenon. The old man had some dresses which belonged to his niece but she didn't look satisfied with that.

From where I walked she looked extremely peeved and unhappy.

'I'll have to work hard for our provisions. My magic will go to waste if I don't put it to good use.'

We arrived at the east gate of the kingdom and stood in line.

Many people wearing different kind of clothes stood in front of the gate awaiting entry. I saw many kinds of races too. It was a spectacle seeing humanoids with facial features resembling animals. They were unlike demihumans who only have the ears and tails of their counterparts.

Despite the cold weather and endless snow that was streaming down, many people who were owners of shops were advertising outside.

The infrastructure of the kingdom couldn't be compared to ours since the buildings look like buildings out of the dark ages from earth depicted in paintings.

We found it hard to walk in the streets that were covered in snow. I had to melt the snow to make it easier for us to walk.

"I guess this is good enough."

Arielle said as we stood in front of our chosen Inn. Since our budget was limited at the moment, we had to settle with a cheap inn that was located near the slums.

Nothing much stood out from the building's architecture aside from the many damaged areas that needed fixing.

"Let's go inside. This time of the day shouldn't be too busy."

We then entered the inn and instantly felt warm air which was better than the outside. The warmness might be coming from mana heaters. They sell for cheap anyway so anyone could buy one.

The inn wasn't big to say the least nor was it luxurious by any means. Just ordinary. As Charlotte said, they really didn't have customers. Only one guy was dining on one of the seats.


I rang the bell on the counter.

"Oh, customers! Welcome!"

"Hello. Two rooms. Exclude meals please." Charlotte spoke for all of us.

He gave us two keys. The three of us went up the stairs and felt the floor creak.

"We'll need to find someone that can help us. We'll visit the Mage Tower since I heard from the old man that they grant access to all individuals."

Charlotte then took her bag and opened the door to the room on the other side of the hallway.

"We'll have to prepare for the worst if we can't return home."

She then went inside and began unpacking her things.

"I'll go look around the city. Can you take care of her, Arielle?"

"Okay. Where are you going first?"

"The adventurer guild or the information guild if they have one."

An information guild is similar to news studios from my previous world. They broadcast important news to the continent using magic holograms. I couldn't expect something like that in a small kingdom like this, though.

I was worried about Charlotte that's why I asked Arielle to take care of her. No matter how smart or mature she was, she was still a child at her age.

"I'll be off then."

"Don't wander around!" Arielle shouted before I shut the door.


"Thank you."

I bought a map from the uncle who dressed as a peddler. The map highlights all the important buildings and areas of the kingdom.

I checked the map several times to make sure I go the right way.

"Are there any information guilds around?"

I asked the peddler as he was about to pack up.

In response to my question he pointed east.

"You'll have to go to the duchy east from this kingdom to find one."

I didn't want to leave the two of them at the Inn while I go to that duchy just from hearsay. It's possible they won't even sell real news to me and I might just end up wasting a lot of money.

That's what we were sort on right now so I couldn't just spend it carelessly. While Arielle and Charlotte sought information, I'd be the one securing our funds.

What better way than to go the adventurer's guild?


The bell above the door rang signalling all the people inside to look towards me.

Despite it being so cold outside, everyone was drinking beer as if they were drinking coffee.

A silence loomed.

I heard multiple people laugh as I took off my hoodie.

"Oi, kid. This isn't a playground for you!"

"Damn kids think they can become professionals like us just because they have a little power."

"I bet he can't even cast basic elementary magic. I can't even sense mana coming from him."

The ridicule continued as I made my way to the counter. I ignored them all even as they threw things at me. Things wouldn't end well if I retaliate. For them, that is.

"Welcome. How may I help you?"

Unlike the ridicule from the crowd, the uncle behind the counter spoke with a smile. His smile looked like a smirk though since his face was filled with scars.

"Hello, can I register using this?"

I took out my current adventurer id. It was the one I made back home.

"Hoh? You're a foreigner."

He examined the material.

"You can tell by that alone?"

"I used to travel a lot during my prime as an adventurer. I'm already 58. As a result I have three different Adventurer ID's. Yours is something I haven't seen around here though. I won't pry. It's your business where you came from."

He's retired, huh? And how the hell is he 58 years old? Those muscles made me think he was twenty years younger.

"I'll be marking this by punching a hole through this. That will let everyone know that you are a foreigner. And don't pay attention to those idiots. From what I can tell. You look like an experienced mage at your age."

I was starting to like this uncle more and more. He didn't treat me like a kid at all. He then took out a cylinder object and warmed it up after burning a fire scroll. The hot rod went right through the badge. He then soaked it in the water making steam rise from the intense heat.

"The one who made you this ought to have explained how everything works."

I nodded.

"Good. I'd like to remind you that if there's a large scale emergency request then rookies like you can also participate in hopes of improving your reputation. Another thing, the achievements you gathered at the previous guild mean nothing here. That means you'll have to begin as F rank once again."

A magic laser printed the letter 'F' on the ID card. He held it out to me.

"We're looking for baggage carriers for our party! We'll be entering an orc nest today! The rookies that want to watch our party fight, step forward!"

A roar came from the entrance. I looked over and saw a blue haired beauty wearing an armour skirt. She had a saber on her waist.

"Who's that?"

"That's Helen Redfield. She's one of the most skilled adventurers around these parts. You're in luck, kid. She's the leader of the party so head over to their table."

The uncle gently pushed my back with his large hands.

"Hm? Are you interested?"

A male archer. with green hair spoke towards me. All four party members looked at me at once.

"Yes. I just registered. It would be an honour to join the party."

"I see. Well, I didn't set any requirements so it's not like I can refuse the kid." The leader stood up with a smile. She extended her hand, "My name is Helen. This is Billy."

She gestured to a man in leather armour holding a spear.

"I'm Paula."

The girl wearing light clothing with a breastplate said. Judging by her attire, she seemed to be a martial artist. So she fights with her fists.


The archer from earlier smiled as he greeted.

"And this is Lucy."

Helen pointed to the curvy young woman wearing priest clothes. She had a gentle smile on her face as she looked me up and down.

"You don't have a magician?"

"Sheila cancelled on us to go on a date with her fiancé. We don't have the time to look for someone competent right now. Raymond bought magic scrolls in case we need a spell in a battle."

"I see."

I was expecting to be accepted as a mage but it seemed like they thought my staff was for decoration.

"Are you ready to head out right now? We have to leave by noon, after all. Dungeons sometimes have a lot of other people inside. We have to hurry lest we lose the treasures to other adventurers."

I checked the clock on the wall of the guild. 10:45.

'I should tell Charlotte and Arielle where I'm going first.'

"Can I be excused for ten minutes? I have to inform my comrades where I'm headed."

"That's fine. I need a drink anyway so take your time."

Helen and the others sat down.

I quickly ran back to the Inn. Thankfully the guild wasn't so far from the Inn so I made it there in couple of minutes.

I caught them just in time before they got ready to leave. Arielle told me to be careful and Charlotte said:

"Clyde, be back before 6. Lights out are at 7 at the Inn and I want to discuss our plans for the future with the three of us together. Checking the map will be impossible in the dark, after all."

Since we didn't have the luxury to afford lamp oil, we had to resort to the Inn's lamps which are taken each night at 7. I didn't have any magic related to light attributes so we had no choice. Fire is a no-no.


"Are you a foreigner?"

A sweet voice came from the front as I walked with everyone's bags. It was the healer, Lucy.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Your hair is different. I've never seen anyone around here with light brown hair. Dark brown perhaps but not light."

So you're identified as a foreigner if the pigmentation of your hair is lighter?

"Yes… I got lost along with my companions."

"Poor boy."

She stroked my head and hugged me.

"Keep your claws off the kid, Lucy." A cold voice came from the very front of the formation. Helen looked at Lucy with a glare.


Lucy walked faster back to her position.

"She snatches all kinds of men every night. If you know what I mean. I suggest you stay a bit away from her, kid. Raymond and Billy have also landed in her bed. Nothing stops her from preying on innocent little boys. She must feel proud of herself tarnishing the innocence of pure boys like you."

The martial arts girl said when she turned to me.

'I-Is that so? I'm not a pure boy though. I had sex before. Well, not in this world.'

"We'll be meeting up with Jered's party tomorrow for a joint raid. If you want to be our porter then as well, you should come to the guild at noon. Put your game face on, we're about to hunt an Orc colony."

Helen ran ahead to scout for enemies.

She raised her hand and gave a signal to move quietly.

I also duck a little as I heard gurgling noises and loud grunts.

'An orc nest huh.'