
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs

Chapter 22 part 2: Battle against a God(2)

'Upper High rank?'

Viria's eyes opened wide.

As someone who studied magic all her life, she knew how powerful those spells could be. Upper High rank magic is extremely difficult to cast. It can drain an entire mage unit's mana right out of their cores. There have been several upper high spells that have been recorded but none of them had successfully been cast before.

Even if the spell manifested, it was still unusable since it demands too much mana. The people attempting to cast it would be deprived of their mana right away.

'Now that I think about it, I've never seen Eredhel's mana pool record before.'

Eredhel looked confident as she held out her hand to Viria.

"...Can we really do that?"

Even if she was given the title of Head Mage by the Mage Association, she wasn't sure her abilities would allow her to be able to cast Upper High rank spells.

"It's worth a try, right? Aren't the two of us the best mages on the continent? Surely, there's a chance."

Viria nodded.

There wasn't any need to hesitate. The meteors were still on their way down.

While the two of them were synchronizing their mana, Zero was still fighting with Iris and Clark. The two seemed to be overwhelmed by their opponent.

Even though two people was attacking him, Zero wasn't hit once. The two black swords he wielded blocked all of Iris and Clark's strikes.

'Hmm… It will take a while to recover my energy. I might not be able to come to this world until then.'

Star energy was a precious power for his race. The heads of the clan are the ones who provide all their members with star energy. Their current source was rapidly running out after using it for hundreds of years.

If they can find the star core then their entire race can become true immortals like the one who fought the Dragon God. Zero's father, Azal Lokes had a vision that told him that the star core exists.

 This was why Zero and his subordinates were monitoring each nation. If the person who has the star core releases a tiny bit of star energy then they'd know immediately.

Unfortunately, even after monitoring for twenty years they still couldn't find anything.


Clark blocked a strike from Zero's sword and was sent flying from the power behind it alone.


Iris attempted to hit him while his back was turned but failed. He was faster.

'This monster.'

Even though it was six on one, their chances of winning was looking grim. It just showed that someone who can cast God rank magic shouldn't be underestimated. He had been by far their biggest threat.


Jasfer was surrounded in a red aura as he attempted to hit Zero. But the next moment he felt like he was hit a thousand times.

Zero's hands which hit him was so fast that he couldn't even react in time.

His eyes peeled back as he fell unconscious for a moment.

"You keep jumping me yet you never succeed."

Zero parried Iris' sword again. Her face was covered with restlessness.

'How the hell is he so strong?'

Why hadn't these immortals invaded their world if they were so strong?

If that were to happen then Iris was sure that the White Order wouldn't be able to stop them alone. Even one member of the immortal race was giving them that much trouble.

His agility and strength far surpassed them all. Luckily, since they were all attacking him at once he had no chance to kill any of them.

'Is it my imagination or is he getting weaker?'

His response to her slashes was getting slower and the power behind his kicks were getting weaker.

Since Laura and Jasfer joined the fight, his movements were also getting sloppier.

'So his power-up was only for a certain duration.'

Iris' body gave off a chilling aura as she activated her full power.

'How are the two of them doing?'

Viria and Eredhel's mana combined and began drawing a large magic circle.

With a deep sigh, Viria opened up the magic book that was written by the Great Sage. It was something given to her after she received the title of Head Mage. All the spells of her era was recorded inside of it.

Viria and Eredhel chanted the words after finding the spell they wanted to cast.

Magic Missile. It was a spell that releases bolts of pure energy from the multiple created magic circles. The spell was created to target multiple targets at once, with multiple missiles released as more mana gets sent into the circles.

Their targets were a hundred meteors.

As it was an ancient magic spell, they chanted the words in the language of the old.


Clusters of mana formed above each of the magic circles that they summoned.


The clusters of mana violently spun as runes were drawn inside the magic circles.

The torrents of mana formed cylinder shaped energy that automatically locked onto the meteors.

The easy part was done which was casting the spell. But the hard part was to keep the spell under control.

Both Eredhel and Viria felt their mana cores being slowly drained out by the spell. But the two didn't stop chanting even as their noses began bleeding.

Iris managed to injure Zero by cutting his arm. She was right. He was slowly losing his power-up.

His entire body was covered in sweat as his breathing was getting hoarse. They felt like they could win.

Since Zero was getting slower, Jasfer was finally able to hit him.

As someone from the demihuman tribe of wolves he was blessed with physical power that exceeded nearly everyone on the continent. Only his fellow members of the Order could compare to him.

Zero was hit with such force that he felt his bones break.


"Where's your cockiness now!? Ora!"

Another fist hit his face as he was flung away.

Viria and Eredhel managed to sustain the spell.

"Ugh… after this I'm taking a break for an entire month."

Eredhel squeezed out those words.

The spell was successful. It was the first time anyone has ever succeeded in casting an Upper High rank spell.

The two of them pointed their hands upwards.

""Upper High rank magic-[Magic Missile]!""

The conjured missiles they summoned all shot towards the meteors.



A series of explosions rang out as the missiles hit the meteors. Since each missile packed tremendous power, they didn't have to worry about debris falling onto the kingdom. The debris was disintegrated along with the meteor.

'This doesn't look good.'

Zero was slowly losing the little star energy he had left. It was only for a brief moment that he was able to overwhelm his opponents.

Now the tables have turned.   

Another blow came from Jasfer. He was slowly losing consciousness as he was beaten to a pulp.

The meteors he summoned to keep the mage busy was quickly being destroyed.

His plan was slowly falling apart.


Before they could strike Zero again, a tall dark figure appeared behind Zero. He was surrounded by a type of miasma that covered his entire body. They couldn't see his face. Only his eyes.

Zero's subordinate, Sync.

"…I thought I told you to remain at your assigned locations."

"I apologize, Lord Zero. I sensed your life force becoming weaker so I suspected something was wrong."

All the six members of the Order looked at the man. The explosions slowly settled down as the meteors were destroyed and the sky cleared up.

"It seems Lord Zero needs my help."

Sync's figure became dim as he disappeared.


A strong impact hit Jasfer's stomach. It was one hit but it was enough to make him faint.

Rods shot out of Sync's hands and impaled themselves in Clark's body.


Along with the rods sinking into his flesh, a strong current of electricity shot into his body. His eyes peeled back as he fell down from the sky.


Laura was about to go and catch him but was also hit by a strong impact.

Eredhel and Iris were next. Both of them were too slow to even act as the dark figure quickly incapacitated them.

Sync hit the back Viria's neck causing her to lose consciousness.

In under a minute all of the members of the White Order was defeated.

Sync flew towards Zero. His entire body was covered in scars and blood.

"Should I finish them?"

His body was covered by the same purple energy as Zero.

His lord shook his head.

"We don't have much time for that. Leave them be for now."


Sync put Zero's arm around his shoulder and opened up a portal gate.

The two disappeared after the gate vanished.