
Spirit Immortal

Over a million years ago, the first human contracted with the first Spirit. Ever since then, Spirit use has become commonplace. Humans used Spirits to carry items and start fires. Eventually, even start wars. Thousands upon thousands of years past and one day, one human did the impossible. He transcended his mortality and ascended to the realm above. In the present day, the Frie Clan was once a great clan of the Himmel empire. However, a devastating battle ten years ago crippled the clan and their numbers dwindled. To make up for their loss, the upper echelons decided to adopt young orphans and nurture them to become a future pillar of the weakened clan. Shin was one of those orphans. Although picked up by the Frie Clan, not all is smooth sailing for Shin and the other orphans... ------------------------------------------------ Tags: Action, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Male Lead, Tragedy. For some reason, QI doesn't allow you guys to see my tags so here they are. Also, there is no Harem in this novel for those of you who are curious. Chapters are released daily at UTC+8 0100 unless stated otherwise Support me at: https://www.patreon.com/Linodo For additional content, visit me at: https://linodofictions.com/

Linodo · Eastern
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702 Chs

The Rabbit In the Moon

Once upon a time, in a lush garden untouched by civilisation itself… Four animals lived in complete harmony. Each one of the animals were unique and without comparison. However, even though they were as different as can be, the four animals were codependent on one another for their existence.

The eldest member of the four was the charismatic Grey Otter. The Grey Otter was the first being to appear within the garden. Greasy and muscular, the Grey Otter was the most massive of the four. Whenever intruders dared to invade the sacred garden, the Grey Otter was the first one to stand up against them. Chivalrous and proud, the Grey Otter was the ideal eldest sibling one could pray for.

The second oldest of the four was a gorgeous Golden Fox. Its hair was as luscious as the world's top courtesan and an air of royalty wreathed around its golden coat of fur. Within the garden, the Golden Fox was by far the most beautiful of the four. Even if she were to leave the garden, one would doubt that they would find a more beautiful creature. Due to her beauty, the three animals all treated her as if she were their treasure, the pearl that couldn't be tainted no matter what the cost. And that had made the Golden Fox quite the haughty figure.

The third one in the hierarchy was the enigmatic Silver Monkey. Just like its elder siblings, the Silver Monkey had its own unique trait. It knew every single nook and cranny of the garden and was responsible for building anything that its siblings required. However, even though its intelligence and mechanical skills far surpassed that of its siblings, it was rather shy and reserved.

The fourth and final one of the animals was also the most low-key of them all. The Pink Rabbit. Unlike her elder siblings, the Pink Rabbit didn't really have a purpose in the garden. She grazed on grass and lived happily as a cheerleader of some sorts. Even though the Pink Rabbit had no true motivation and purpose in the garden, none of her siblings picked on her all. In fact, they loved her as the youngest of them all, always happy that their mascot was feeding well.

The four animals lived in harmony, never stirring up any trouble within the beautiful gardens. Often times, they would take a dip in the hot springs that they loved so much all while talking sweet nothings into each other's ears. They would hop around merrily, playing games to pass the time and sleep under the blanket of stars enjoying each other's company.

That was until…

"Nenene! Someone is entering the garden!" The Pink Rabbit perked up her ears and exclaimed with complete terror in her voice.

The Grey Otter, being the most mighty of them all, leapt up on his two feet and bared his fangs. "Where did you see him?!"

"He's coming from the northwest!" The Pink Rabbit added while twitching her nose.

The four harmonious animals all rushed to the scene, all showcasing their Tier 8 cultivations to the maximum. The four animals were always united when it came to the threat of outsiders. After all, they were codependent on one another to stay alive in this little garden of theirs. Anything that came to disturb that balance was meant to be cut with a vengeance.

It didn't take long for the four animals to see their target. A middle-aged man donned in some of the most exquisite black robes the animals had ever seen in their lifetimes, sauntered casually into the garden his face as relaxed as can be. Waving the crow-feathered fan in his hands, the man watched jubilantly as the four animals came rushing to welcome him.

"Are you the residents of this beautiful garden?" The man asked.

"Yes, who the hell are you?! Why have you come to disrupt our peace?!" The Grey Otter screamed back while cognizant to his younger siblings locations. The man that intruded the sacred garden was unlike any being that came before him and the Grey Otter was acutely aware of that. If they were to start a fight, the combined might of the four animals might fall short, and there was no way that the Grey Otter was going to risk it.

"I've heard legends of the Moon Valley, the garden that housed four holy Spirit Beasts. Naturally, I'm curious about how holy you guys really are!" The man shouted back.

"Hmph! People like you are not welcomed here! Leave at once or suffer the consequence!" The Golden Fox snorted, unaware of the dangers the man may bring.

"Now, now… Just hear me out..." The man smiled, not at all offended by the Golden Fox's provocation. "I've come here searching for the key to the Immortal Realm. If you guys have any information about that, I would love to hear it."

"The Immortal Realm? What the hell is that?!" The Golden Fox continued to fold her arms in scorn.

"Wait, you don't know what the Immortal Realm is?" The man was genuinely shocked. Spirit Beasts were intelligent beings, and just like humans, they should have an innate desire to chase the Key to Immortality. Yet, the four animals seemed utterly unaware of such a term, let alone hold the key that the man so desperately wanted.

"What's that?" Intrigued, the Silver Monkey asked.

Seeing the ignorant animals made the man second-guess his intelligence. However, even after knowing that it may be fruitless, the man still sighed and gave his answer: "All mortals, be it you or me, will die one day. The only way to avoid that is to reach Immortality by opening the Gate to the Immortal Realm."

"Nenene, what's die?" The Pink Rabbit hopped over, unconcerned about the dangers that the man now posed.

"Hmmm… Dying is when your soul leaves your body forever. You will no longer be aware of your surroundings, never be able to feel the touch of your loved ones and will never be able to enjoy the pleasures of life."

"NEVER?!" The Pink Rabbit gasped, as did her fellow siblings. They had lived happily under the umbrella of the sacred garden and never had to experience the scary fact that was death. They only knew life and could never fathom the horrors of death.

"That's right, death is a scary thing. So, I'm here to seek answers. But from the looks of it..." The man looked around and saw nothing of note in the garden. No fountain of youth, no colossal gate… Not even a single Spiritual Armament. It was doubtful that the answer he sought laid here.

However… There was something that interested him in the holy garden.

"Though the Key to Immortality isn't here, you guys are quite the odd specimens..." The man chuckled, drawing quick breaths from the four animals. "Three animals staying under the protection of a mere bunny. Quite a queer scene."

"Wait, what do you mean under the protection of a bunny? I'm the one who is protecting the garden!" The Grey Otter shouted back.

"That's right! Our eldest brother is the one who shields us from all dangers! What are you talking about?" The Golden Fox retorted as well.

"What, you didn't know?" The man frowned. "Did you really think that your Moon Valley would exist without the power of the Moon Rabbit?"

"Moon Rabbit?" The three elder siblings looked right at their youngest, their faces were plastered with shock.

"Hahaha, you were well-sheltered from the outside world! To think that you all don't know your own species!" Watching those funny expressions, the man laughed. "However, your little sibling here won't be able to protect the three of you anymore. I've breached this barrier once, and more and more powerful Spirit Beasts will notice this Eden."

"YOU WHAT?!" The Golden Fox yelped.

"I'm sorry, I was just dead-set on finding the Key to Immortality. How about this? Won't the four of you join me under my banner? Fight for me as we chase the Key to Immortality together? I promise, I won't let any of you come to any harm, and I will even bring you up into the Immortal Realm!"

"That's absurd!" The Grey Otter cried. "You came in and took away our peace! Now you want us to fight for you? Don't be ridiculous!"

"That's right! Leave here immediately, or else we'll get violent!" The Golden Fox supplemented her elder brother's words with a snare of her own.

"Hah… Suit yourself," the man shrugged his shoulders and pivoted his sole around. Since the thing that he was searching for wasn't here, there was no point in sticking around. However, before he could even leave, a gentle tug could be felt on his pants.

"Hmmm?" The man looked down, only to see the Pink Rabbit looking up at him with upturned eyes. "What is it?"

"Nenene… Will I die? Will my siblings die?" The Pink Rabbit asked. Her body was shaking and her ears twitching ever so wildly.

"Yes… Unfortunately..." The man sadly replied. "That's the circle of life. Where there is life, there will be death. Particularly for Spirit Beasts like yourselves. There hasn't been a recorded instance of a Spirit Beast gaining eternal life on their own."

"Nenene, what about you? Do you know anyone who has gained eternal life?" The Pink Rabbit continued to ask, taking aback all those who listened in.

The man stood silent for a solid three seconds before returning a smile: "Yes… I know someone who has entered the Immortal Realm. She's the reason I want to go there in the first place."

"I see..." The Pink Rabbit shivered before looking at the man with everything that she had. "Nenene… Can you help us gain eternal life?"

"Hey, you!!!" The Golden Fox screamed at the Pink Rabbit, angered by her youngest sibling's suggestion. Alas, it all fell on deaf's ear. The Pink Rabbit's mind was in the clouds and was wholly focused on the matter of life and death.

"Yes… Yes, I can."

"Nenene~ Are you sure~"

"Yes. Yes, I'm sure..."

"Then it's good enough..."

The Pink Rabbit finally let go of her shaking fear before beaming the brightest smile she ever made. And at that very moment…


The 'garden' shattered into a million pieces. Everything that the four animals loved… The hot springs, the flowing rivers, the fragrant flowers… They all wholly disappeared from existence. Even the sunny skies above had been altered drastically. Afraid, the three eldest siblings huddled up together, watching in fear as the sky came crashing down. However, there was no damage to the three animals. It was as if… Nothing in the 'garden' was meant to harm them, even in destruction.

The Pink Rabbit leapt up towards the celestial heavens, a congregation of nebulas clustering around the real luminous full moon that graced the planet. Looking up, the three animals dropped their jaws in absolute awe.

The sky… It was gone…

And in its place…

Was the image of the Rabbit in the Moon.

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