
Spirit Hunter

The earth and all living things have been mutated by magic after inferno war thousands of years ago. Jackson a teenage boy and one of the very few humans left is set to prevent a second inferno war from happening.

Zimpoulakis_Makris · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Inferno War

3 years ago

Jackson was out at his dad shop working with him when he spotted his mom out the window going in the forest. Curious enough he followed her wondering why did she went in the forest, his mom was the last person he expected to go in the woods.

He followed her for a long time deep in the forest when she finally stopped walking, there was a small cabin right in front of her while he was hiding behind a tree.

Jackson: What is she doing here ?

"You can come out" she said with a cold tone in her voice.

Surprised, he approached her. She turned her back at him and when she came back around and faced him it wasn't his mom, it was a girl, her eyes where sparkling red her skin pale almost gray.

All he could think was how pretty she was.

Jackson: What are you?

He started moving backwards slowly

Tatiana: You shouldn't have follow me!

Said while she was approaching him, placing her hand on his shoulder gently touching him.

Suddenly she grabbed him by his throat and lift him up the ground!

Jackson: Wait stop!

He could barely breath, struggling to get out of her hand.

She gazed at his face looking very surprised and started touching him with the back of her palm.

Tatiana : You..... .

She gasp and let go of him. Jackson stood up and tried to run away but he outrun him pushing him down.

She reached her hand to him and took him by his hand. As soon as he turn his palm a sign has appeared.

Tatiana: It is you!

She looked so happy.

Jackson: What are you talking about, my hand, it burns what did you do?

He looked at his palm and panicked.

Jackson: What is this?

Tatiana: Its a demonic mark.

A demonic mark is a demon's signature that is curved on someone's soul meaning that he belongs to the demon.

Jackson: Make it go away!

She lift his chin up looked him in eyes and told him "go home". The next morning he woke up very confused, he didn't recall how he got home, the mark on its hand is also gone.



Jackson's father opened the door.

It was Mario.

Mario: Good morning mr. Harrison is Jackson ready?

He got ready packed his things and left with Mario. Didn't talk the whole time on there way to school he kept thinking of what happened the other day.

Mario: Whats wrong?

Jackson : Nothing i'm just tired.

He was too afraid to talk about it.

Days have passed and everything seemed to be back to normal he couldn't stop to think that maybe it was all a dream.

Another casual morning wth Jackson and Mario going to school

They got in class and the lesson has started.

History lesson, Jackson's favourite subject. The teacher started talking about the most terrifying occurrence that has ever happened on earth, inferno war.

More than ten thousands years ago in Washigton, now called sinner's ruins, was where inferno war started. There is nothing left of that city and its consider a portal in which demons can arrive on earth making it the most dangerous place in the world. No living creature has ever made it out of there alive.

In 2055 America declared war with Asia starting world war 3 or other wise called the "nuclear war". Three years later the emergence of the war the most destructive nuclear bomb ever known to human was constructed in Russia and used on America, in 2058 Russia released the nuclear bomb on Washington, the explosion was nothing like anyone has ever seen, the bomb left nothing intact, million of people lost their life and almost half billion died from the diseases the radiation has caused.

After the nuclear explosion the city started to collide and started falling apart, a big hole was formed on America so big astronauts could see it from space. That's were the real terror began.

Out of the crust of the earth and the wreck of the city a necromancer named Seth unknown origin, the most evil being has risen after the huge explosion of the nuclear bomb awakened him from his slumber and the humanity feeding him through their sins. His whole purpose was to kill all living things. A miasma of death had spread anywhere he walked to killing anything that came across his way.


1)Necromanserie(soul magic)

2)Spells (curses,healing spells)

3)Can summon demons and monsters

4)Mind control(illusions,telekinesis)




Magic attacks:10 /10

Magic defence:9/10


Humans didn't give up, they resist, all continents joined forces to end this. Seth summoned demons and awaken the undead to fight by his side.

A combat between human and demon, an inferno war. The war continued for almost 2 more decades.

In addition to exterminate all life once and for all Seth needed the seven spirit crystals, inside of each crystal there was a soul of each of the seven deadly sin devils that were scattered around earth and kept secret and protected by the ancient people.

Crystals location

Wrath spirit crystal: Pyramids of Egypt

Pride spirit crystal: Eastern island

Sloth spirit crystal: Stonehenge

Lust spirit crystal: Atlantis ruins

Glutony spirit crystal: Maya temple in Tikal.

Greed spirit crystal: Bermuda triangle

Envy spirit crystal: Inca pyramids in Peru

People noticed that by drinking the blood of the demons they were fighting with it made them strong and immortal.


Groups of corrupted people have gathered and fought in the battle against Seth and tried to prevent him from gathering the spirit crystals, formed by an American military soldier named Mark.

Mario looked on his history book and saw a picture and notice that the person in the photograph who was Mark the soldier looked exactly like Jackson

Mario : Jackson look! He looks exactly like you but older.

Whispered to Jackson.

Before the teacher finished the lesson Jacksons hand started to irritate, its glowing, he tried to cover it but it wouldnt stop, it started burning so much the pain was excruciating.

He stood up frighten, knocking his desk down interrupting the teacher while holding his hand very tight. The sign appeared on its hand again.

Teacher: Is there something wrong Jackson

Mario: Are you okay?

The whole class is looking at him.

He left from class and started running towards the forest so no one could see him.

Tatiana appeared flying above him.

Tatiana: Oh you finally came.

Filled with excitement.

Jackson: You? What do you want, are you the one doing this to me, make it stop!

The pain finally stopped.

Tatiana: I need you to bring me something to eat.

Jackson: What! you made me go through all this pain so i can bring you food?

Obviously Jackson was extremely angry but still Tatiana couldn't stop looking at him with a smile on her face, she didn't need food obviously she just wanted to see him again.

Tatiana: Do as i say.

The demon called the human quite a lot and started to bond with each other, she constantly followed him around the village shape shifting into a cat or dog watching and protecting him.

Everything seemed so weird, the way he treated him and talked to him she acts like she knew him her whole life.

Third chapter will be ready next week.

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