
Spirit DxD

Dying in his previous life this former TItle Douluo is reborn in the world of DxD. Now in this new world can one more person in his way to Divinity change anything or not. Let us find out (Later OP, elements of Soul Land and other wuxias, ideas are appreciated, harem as it is one of my fics)

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

"You have gone too far, you might be one of the few Title Douluo in the continent but what you did went too far." An angry shout could be heard in a clearing as two men faced each other.

The two were at around their forties with the one in the left carrying an indifferent expression on his face, an aloofness and indifference as if the world was beneath him and that he disdained even stepping foot on the earth. The other, meanwhile, was a tall man with broad shoulders, his figure imposing and his presence striking and heavy as if he could make the world bend with his might alone.

One tanned the other pale, one with short hair and the other with long hair, one with black hair and black eyes and the other with white hair and striking blue eyes.

The one with the imposing figure was the one yelling in anger at the other, the one with the expression of indifference in his face.

"... You are still as incapable of acting properly as ever I see. It was the fault of you and your spirit hall that they could not stop me when I decided to take a stroll through your clan and take a souvenir out of it." He spoke indifferently and the man snarled.

"You have gone too far this time. If you had just joined us we could have perhaps given that item to you but you basically spat at our invitation instead." The man then activated his spirit, nine rings circulating around him as scales surged around his body and a tail could be seen on his back. "You not only took our precious Heaven Smithing Devil Slayer Sword but you also did so after killing one of our elders, your crimes are without question and cannot be forgiven."

The man did not even bother speaking anything, he just activated his own spirit as a pair of wings came out of his back, both crystal-like and extremely beautiful to the point that most could not even hope to describe, on his fingers talons made of ice could be seen and how the body looked like it was covered in a royal mantle made of ice. The temperature around him started to fall as he did so since he took out, not the sword that was spoken off, but a small dagger.

"I will be honest and admit I wasn't interested in the slightest with that sword of yours. I only took it due to being convenient at the time, my real target was this gem here." He said as he pointed at a gem positioned at the center of the dagger he had in his hands. "This is the Ice Goddess Tear, a gem needed for me to continue on my way for divinity. But, it seems like I made you all of Spirit Hall a bit nervous, you even forgot of this and the other gem that I believe belonged to the Lightning God Trial that you stole from there, all in benefit of one weapon alone, it must truly be something special. Shame I don't have the time to analize it right now, but, very well, let us fight and see who will continue breathing moving forward."

As the man said that his ice wings moved and he did so as well. Him and his enemy starting a fierce combat. The fight between the Title Douluo Golden King Crocodile and the Title Douluo Ice Phoenix.


At another place, at another time, a kid opened his eyes. His name is Yuki Himejima, a descendant of the Himejima clan.

He was born different from the others due to being albino with white hair and crimson eyes, his hair like snow and his eyes like blood. In the clan that was considered an ill-omen and most tried their best to avoid him entirely if at all possible.

He looked to the side to someone pretty much curled up around him as some droll could be seen on his shirt, sighing Yuki tried to pull away from the girl who he sometimes thought must have been a Koala in her past life. Something that Yuki internally thought was funny considering that he was pretty sure of what his own past life must have been like and, if he was right, he had lived a more 'interesting' life by comparison.

"Hey, Akeno, it is time to wake up." Yuki said to his friend who began to mutter to herself and clutched at him all the tighter.

Seeing this he sighed and stood up even as she continued glued to his side. Seeing that there was no point in trying to get her out when she was like that, especially if the day started as uncomfortably hot as it was today (his body's temperature was naturally lower than most) Yuki just went out of his room, confirming that the room was still very much locked and that Akeno likely climbed through the window to get to him.

One must understand, due to being born albino Yuki was scorned and many proposed killing him outright for he was an 'ill-omen' in their eyes. Instead of that though he was given to Shuri Himejima, his aunt, as she was basically banished by the clan already, kept separated from all others so as to not let her 'infect' others with her 'evil thoughts'.

She graciously accepted it, she had just given birth as well and she had plenty of milk due to having enough space for it. As such Akeno and Yuki grew up together since they were babies with the two being together since that time. They were glued together since that time and one was the best friend of the other, the two even shared the bed and blankets more times than not but about two weeks ago they were put into different rooms.

Yuki took it in stride and without much show of emotion in his face but Akeno was decidedly different. She cried the first time this happened and sneaked into his bed every other night since. Shuri and Baraquiel, to try and stop this, took to locking up both their rooms at night to make sure Akeno wouldn't be able to get in.

And that clearly did not work since she still could climb inside just the same as before through the window or, sometimes, from the ceiling.

After confirming the fact he was locked inside his room Yuki sat down cross-legged and started to meditate.

He might not yet know much but if his dreams are anything to go by he would be better served to start to train as young as possible, which he already did since he was three years old. He already started his physical conditioning following the information of his dreams, lifting heavy rocks and running to help his body develop to it's the best state possible.

He also understood that training in spirit power, for now, was still a tad impossible with him needing to wait for a while before he could awaken his spirit power since he had just reached six years old today and he would need to stimulate his spirit by himself which should take some time and be in a quiet place by himself, but meanwhile he could train something else that was of extreme importance.

His soul power.

Soul power was different than spirit power, soul power correlates to his ability to control his own skills, to think, to train, to multi-task, and more. As someone who, in his previous life, roamed around and never stood at any one place for too long he had entered in contact with many clans and stole some training manuals for many of them. Using them as a reference he practiced to increase his soul power as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.

The reason? Simple really, he was not blind.

This was a different world, he was still too weak to roam by himself and the powers he had were too weak for him to be able to deal with anything really right now.

There was an audible click on the door and opening it was Baraquiel, the father of Akeno and a cadre of the Grigory. He was all smiles when he entered to see the boy he thought as almost a son only for his smile to freeze and slowly turn into a scowl as he saw Yuki crosslegged with Akeno having changed positions to hugging him while sitting on his lap.

He was about to blow up and yell many choice words when Shuri appeared behind him, without hesitation she gave him a quick kidney puck which made him groan and spoke up.

"Let me guess, she sneaked through the window?" She said and Yuki only glanced at her and gave a minute affirmative nod before moving back to cultivate even a moment more. Seeing this Shuri sighed and could see her husband returning, still very much red-faced and about to speak up when Shuri passed him by, taking his ear with one hand and pulling him along, showing clearly who was the one wearing pants in this relationship.

Yuki's lips twitched for a moment before returning to calmness and he continued to cultivate, his face calm as an ocean as he did so.


In the evening one could see Yuki training diligently, never slacking off while training and his face in an impassive and cold demeanor as he moved.

On the backyard was Akeno having her hair being brushed by her mother as they talked happily. Akeno then took the comb from her hand and spoke.

"Mama, your comb is so pretty." Akeno said as she looked at the comb, it was a simple one made of wood but it had clear floral patterns on it and was quite pretty in Akeno's eyes. Shuri giggled a bit seeing this and spoke.

"Then I will give it to you as a gift. When you grow up and find a man that loves you and that you love back, someone you decided you want to spend the rest of your life with, then you can use that comb and ask him to brush your hair." She spoke lovingly at her daughter. Akeno tilted her head in confusion and spoke.

"But mama, why should he brushing my hair be so important?" She asked and Shuri answered.

"Because a woman's treasure is her hair, it is extremely important for her and means a lot."

"Okay, but why should I let someone else brush my hair then? If my hair is so precious why should I let anyone else brush it for me, and especially a boy? Boy's don't know how to take care of their hair." Akeno said with a pout, not understanding what her mother was speaking about. Shuri just giggled and spoke.

"Because, my dear daughter, when the man you love use this comb my own love would transfer over to him. He would be the one that will forever love you and protect you forever and ever. He will make you happy." Shuri said and Akeno smiled beamingly as she then thought for a while before asking.

"But mama, I have never seen daddy brush your hair. Does this mean he doesn't love you?"

Shuri giggled in a perverted way and Baraquiel, who was close by, felt a shiver run down his spine as Shuri answered her daughter.

"Well, he does brush some special hair of mine at night when I let him."

"Oh," Akeno nodded her head, not understanding what this 'special hair' was or where it was located, or even why Shuri was now rubbing her thighs together a bit now. "Then does daddy enjoys it? Brushing your hair?"

Shuri then turned to Baraquiel who was now sweating bullets and spoke.

"I don't know, do you enjoy it?" She spoke in a sultry tone and Baraquiel quickly stood up and said.

"... I will go and see how Yuki's training is going."

As the powerful fallen angel basically fleed from the place Shuri giggled.


It was late at night and the family was preparing the birthday party, Shuri was making a cake while Akeno was trying to help, but as a six years old girl her 'help' was more making a mess than anything else, but she was trying and Shuri was very patient. Meanwhile, Baraqiel was on a corner close by, being sent to not even touch anything in the kitchen since he was a walking disaster on the kitchen to the point he might make boiled water catch fire for some reason.

With Yuki in his room to wait for his birthday party to start it left Baraquiel thinking on the new assignment that his boss wanted to send him.

Azazel, as always, was searching for curiosities to study and learn from, especially sacred gears. As such he needed many types of materials and items for his research and while most of it he could let the grunts to take care off some of it was of high value as well as 'complex' in origin and, as such, needed people of trust to obtain them.

Thus Baraquiel's main job.

He was thinking of his latest job, he was thinking that when it happened.

A wave of a mysterious power could suddenly be sensed from inside the house. It was a power unlike any he has ever felt before in his thousands of years and promptly left him on edge. He quickly saw that both his girls were okay but Yuki was back in his room, he had spoken of how he was not hungry and went straight to bed after training the entire day to his limit.

Without even a second Baraquiel was up and moved towards the source of the power, he needed to look and see if this weird power was any threat and, if so, eliminate it with extreme prejudice.

Moving quickly he arrived at his son's room. Barging in he was shocked at what he could see as the boy was different now. So very different as, now, an aura of absolute freezing could be felt around him. Just entering this room was enough to give him pause as he could sense the chill from it clearly and he could see white crystal-like wings on his back. Those wings were beautiful to the point he could barely even believe with many symbols and runes engraved in every feather forming almost a drawing.

As he was lost for words something changed. The expression of Yuki changed a bit to one of interest and the wings retracted from his back. Baraquiel thought this might be the end but another form of energy suddenly came from him. It was a completely different element this time, one he was very familiar with.


Wolf-like ears sprouted from his head and a cloud could be seen around him, his hair thurned a bit bluish and on his back a wolf-like tail could be seen, in all honesty he reminded Baraquiel of a Yokai more than anything else right now but that was not what surprised Baraquiel the most. No, that 'honor' belongs to the fact that the moment the element changed he could sense his own energy being suppressed, like if he found a superior version of his own lightning, like if his power instinctively bowed to this one in reverence.

It was terrifying for Baraquiel.

He knew perfectly well that he was much stronger than Yuki by many times over, he had no doubt on that, but for him to be supressed like this that could only mean that there must be something extremely special about that power in Yuki's hands.

As the lightning aura expanded he could sense it almost suffocating him, such was the intensity of what he was feeling.

However, the worse was still to come when he again changed his power. No longer there was lightning around him and instead, a sword appeared on his hand, but to be honest calling that monstrosity a sword was putting it mildly.

The entire sword was completely crimson red in color as if bathed in blood. The blade was filled with rows of messy deep-red inscriptions, and an extremely light layer of an obscure red glow was enveloping it as well. The length of the blade was more than three meters long. The sword of the hilt was straight and bulky, and above the hilt, the base of the blade was shockingly more than sixty centimeters in width. Moving up the blade, the width of the blade irregularly shrank, and at the end of the blade, it had already shrunk into an incomparably sharp tip, radiating with a cold, crimson red light and close to the hilt was a black gem in it as well. On one side of the blade there were the words Heaven Smithing and on the other was the words Devil Slayer.

What scared Baraquiel was not simply the sword so much as the aura of it.

He could sense it, clear as day, that this was a sword suitable for two things. One is slaying devils and the other is smithing heaven, the destruction of angels and devils, a blade that is made to slay them all.

After seeing that sword and feeling its existence as well as reminding himself of the others Baraquiel realized a few things. First, Yuki was destined to a life of greatness, there were no two ways about it. The second, he and probably his entire race was lucky Yuki was left with him and not back on the Himekima clan as the heir as he should have been (if someone with these powers appeared on a clan that hated the Fallen Angels he could not imagine how bad things could have become). And finally, he had to take Yuki to the Grigory as fast as possible.

Baraquiel could sense this energy now quite easily because he was close by but this was still the territory of the Himejima clan and there might be other powers not too far away that could sense those energies. The longer it took for him to take him the worse things would become.

When Yuki finally noticed Baraquiel the fallen just looked at him intensely and spoke.

"Gather your things, we are leaving."

Saying that he went back to the room where his wife and daughter were and told them just the same. They had little time to prepare and in a matter of minutes they were all teleporting away to the Grigory. Baraquiel didn't know if he should have taken his wife and daughter there, but there was little time to think about and the chance of something bad happening if they stood there while he took Yuki to the Grigory was too high.

Thus they all went to the Grigory.

In case anyone is wondering he has two Ultimate Elements, one is Ice in the form of the Ice Phoenix and the other is Thunder in the form of the Heavenly Raijuu. His sword is the same as the one used by Yun Che in Against the Gods, if it will have a human form I can let you all decide

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