
C6: The Correct Answer

[The Day before the exam]

Capt. Arita's Office:

"Captain Arita, is it going according to plan?"

- Anonymous

"Well, the first step has been set and as we expect they took the bait." - Captain Arita

"Good!" - Anonymous

"Lets find out for tomorrow's test if they will pass the Written exam." - Capt. Arita

"Yes.. We need Room-A to fail this test so that everything is going in our favor. HAHAHA". - Anonymous(evil laugh)

~Capt. Arita nodded her head signify as agreeing with the plan~


[The Day of the Exam]

"So lets start the written examination!"..

- Capt. Arita

~She distribute the examination papers~

Sky's Mind: Wait ... WHATTT??.. This is.....

(Shocked of what he saw in the test paper)

~Shraud raise his hand~

"Yes shraud? do you have a question?"

-Capt. Arita

"Maam, the written exam questions are not on the guidelines you gave before." - Shraud

"Well, you're not reading the guidelines properly. That's a bit disappointing Shraud."

- Capt. Arita(Evil looks)

~Shraud was confused~

Sky's mind: Somethings not right!.. we follow all the guidelines yesterday and this questions are different. This is too difficult, this questions we dont know anything about..!

(Sky feel confuse and nervous)

~Everyone feels nervous, they dont know what to do... This is not they expect to happen~

~ 15mins had passed~

~Clinton look to sky very disappointed, and sky notice clinton's gestures that if he did not listen to him and go with the leakage this wouldn't happen~

sky's mind: wait... the leakage!....

(sky realize something)


[When I ask clinton yesterday of where did he find the leakage he said a Class-B soldier at the central market give it to him]

[When we walk yesterday at Central market I found out one of the soldier patroling are under Capt. Arita's Platoon and according to the duty areas, every platoon has a designated areas where they assigned. So it means all of the soldier patroling yesterday at Central Market are under Capt. Arita's Platoon?]

[And Shraud said yesterday this is his first experience having leakage in the Central. So since Central is very strict in rules... this leakage... is a part of the exam?]

[But how come? .. if the leakage is part of the exam then why they gave it so easily?]

[Or... she want us to test if we will take the leakage or not?]

[Thats it!!!.... the leakage is a test!... if we take the leakage and can answer all this difficult questions it means we will fail the test!]

[But wait.... thats unrealistic!.. If we can have a high score because of the leakage then we will fail! and because this questions are out of the guidelines then we can't answer this questions ... is that mean this exam is a bluff?]


~sky read the instructions in the test paper~

~it says, "Encircle the letter of the correct answer"~

[I KNEW IT!!!!!....The leakage is not the answer but the opposite!]

[The questionnaire are very difficult, we dont know the correct answer here, so if we took the leakage we can answer this questions without realizing it was a bait!]

[Ms. Arita knew from the very start that we couldn't answer this questions and give us leakage which is also a wrong answer, instead of encircle the letter of the correct answer... then....]


[Ms. Arita said: This Final exam is not the exam you experience before.]

~Sky face down smiling~

(sky's mind: You know that from the beginning our exam is always... multiple choice!

saying that this exam is different from before is obviously a clue!)

~Sky smash his pen at the table everyone catch its attention~

~sky stand up and he handed the paper to Capt. Arita~

~Capt. Arita look at his paper, she notice there is no answer on it~

"What's this sky?.. are you passing your paper without answers?" - Capt. Arita

"Yes, and that is my answer!" - Sky(feeling confident)(he look Capt. Arita in the eye without hesitation)

~Capt. Arita smiled very evil~

~everyone heared their conversation and they realize everything.. they are a bit confuse but somehow they believe sky.. but because they don't know how to answer the questionnaire they had no choice but to follow sky and pass their paper without answer~

~Capt. Arita scan their answer sheets~

~everyone has no answer on their paper~


"You're always clever sky. you never cease to amaze me... You see everything throughout the test" - Capt. Arita

"Yes Ms. Arita.. I somehow knew that the leakage is also part of the test." - Sky

~Everyone was shocked, confused of what they heared~

"but how? thats impossible.. I thought that leakage was real!" - Clinton

"I knew it... I knew something was odd.. but I never realize that leakage is also part of the test." - Shraud

"Yes, the leakage is part of the test.. but somehow you did not took the bait and ended up having no answers... but how did you came up with this idea?" - Capt. Arita

"Because the instruction is encircle the correct answer and it because the questions are too difficult the only choice we have is the leakage to find the answer, and I realize the leakage is also a bait thats why I came up with no answers. The instruction said encircle the correct answer but the answer is not on the choices." -Sky

"How did you know that the answer is not on the choices?" - Capt. Arita

"Because you said it yourself..... That this exam is different from before. We did this Multiple choice many times in the exam and to make a difference is having no answer is the correct answer!" - Sky

~Everyone was amaze of what they heared from sky, They find hope to pass this exam~

"Hmmmm... As I expect from a genius like you sky" - Capt. Arita(Very confident)

"But however....... all of you......

Still FAILED the exam!!!!" - Capt. Arita(Evil smile)

"NO WAY!!!!"... - shraud

~Everyone was very shocked!~

"HOW......how is that........ possible!"

- sky(Sad face, Very disappointed)

~Everyone starting to cry~

"NO!!!!!!.... I cant accept this!! I cant accept Im still a TRAINEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

- Denvir(Crying out loud)

[To be continued.....]